Project Journal and discussion


Your project update journal is a place for you to reflect individually on your experience in both the class and in your group.In 2-3 paragraphs (total), address the following prompts:How is completing a project in the workplace helped or hindered when working as part of a team?Your team for this course is in the early stages of working together. How is your team coming together? Consider both your individual contributions as well as the direction of the group as a whole.DiscussionOn a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “no experience at all” and 10 being “proficient in two or more tools,” how would you rate your current comfort level with using Microsoft 365 tools (Teams, OneDrive, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word)? Why did you choose that rating?What are the challenges that come with learning new technology tools? What steps might you take to overcome those challenges in this class?

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