Programming Question



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College of Computing and Informatics
Assignment 1
Deadline: Thursday 06/03/2024 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 8]
Student Details:
Name: ###
ID: ###
CRN: ###
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• Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Question One
Pg. 01
Define interaction
design process,
and describe
different type of
models, theories,
and frameworks
Question One
2 Marks
Choose a commonly used smartphone application, such as a messaging app, social media
platform, or navigation tool, and analyze its user interface design and interaction
a. Start by providing your initial impressions of the application’s design and
usability, highlighting both positive and negative aspects. (0.5 Marks)
b. Identify and discuss key user interactions within the application. Evaluate
whether these interactions are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for the user. (0.5
c. Propose potential enhancements to the application’s interface based on your
observations from parts a and b. Consider how these improvements could
enhance user experience and address any identified shortcomings. (1 Mark)
Question Two
Pg. 02
Define interaction
design process,
and describe
different type of
models, theories,
and frameworks
Question Two
2 Marks
Imagine you have been hired as an interaction designer for a new smart home device
called “EcoThermostat,” which claims to regulate home temperature while also being
environmentally friendly. Using the principles of a user-centered approach, address the
a. Identify at least three different potential user groups for the EcoThermostat.
(0.5 Marks)
b. Develop a hypothetical scenario in which a user interacts with the
EcoThermostat. Describe what aspects of the user’s reactions and performance
you would want to observe and record. (0.5 Marks)
c. Based on your above scenario, identify two potential problems users might
encounter when using the EcoThermostat. (0.5 Marks)
d. Describe how you would address these problems in the design. (0.5 Marks)
Question Three
Pg. 03
Explain cognitive,
social, and
emotional aspects
of different types
of user interfaces
Question Three
2 Marks
Compare and contrast the user experience of a manual typewriter with that of a modern
voice recognition software for writing documents, focusing on their design, usability,
and conceptual models.
a. Identify at least two elements in the voice recognition software’s conceptual
model that might be unfamiliar or challenging for users accustomed to using a
manual typewriter. Explain why these elements could present difficulties. (1
b. Analyze three advantages and three disadvantages of the design and usability
of each writing tool, highlighting how their conceptual models and interface
metaphors contribute to these aspects. (1 Mark)
Question Four
Pg. 04
Explain cognitive,
social, and
emotional aspects
of different types
of user interfaces
Question Four
2 Marks
Choose mobile apps or websites of your preference and suggest five design
recommendations to enhance their designs. Justify your recommendations in light of
cognitive processes in chapter 4. Add screenshots of the app’s screen where your
recommendations would be useful.
For example, one recommendation would be to use a blank space when grouping
objects. Justification: it helps users to perceive and locate items more easily and

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