Programming Question


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INFO371 Problem set 1: Estimating causal effect with
BA and CS method
January 7, 2024
Your first real task is to estimate the impact of the Progresa program, a government social
assistance program in Mexico, using real data. This program, as well as the details of its
impact, are described in Schultz (2004) (available on Canvas). The data (progresa-sample.csv)
is available on canvas in files/data. The goal of this problem set is to estimate the causal
impact of progresa subsidies on the school attendance, and to learn the simple the crosssectional and before-after estimator.
Please submit a) your code (as rmd) and b) the compiled output (html). Always explain
and comment your results, do not expect the grader is able to pick the correct number
out of many with no further explanations. While some of the intermediate output may be
informative, please don’t include too much of it in your solutions!
Working together is fun and useful but you have to submit your own work. Discussing the
solutions and problems with your classmates is all right but do not copy-paste their solution!
Please list all your collaborators below:
2. . . .
About Progresa program
In 1990s, Mexican government decided to improve the school attendance of poor rural children
by introducing a cash subsidy to families. However, the families were only able to claim
the money if a) they were considered poor, and b) if their children attended school. Most
importantly in the current context, the subsidy was introduced in a randomized manner
where initially only certain villages were eligible for subsidies. In this problem set we analyze
this time period where the subsidies formed essentially a randomized control trial. Read
more in Schultz (2004).
The timeline of the program was:
• Baseline survey conducted in 1997
variable name
year in which data is collected (97/98)
male = 1
indigenous = 1
nearest distance to a secondary school
enrolled in school in year of survey (=1)
grade enrolled
family size
min distance to an urban center
min distance to the capital
poor = “pobre”, not poor = “no pobre”
treatment = “basal”, control = “0”
years of schooling of head of household
monthly wages of head of household
welfare index used to classify poor
gender of head of household (male=1)
age of head of household
years old
individual id
village id
enrolled in school in 1997 (=1)
Table 1: Variables in the data, collected for each child each year (1997, 1998).
• The intervention, subsidies for poor households in treatment villages begins in 1998,
wave 1 data collected in 1998
• wave 2 data collected in 1999
Note that:
• Progresa program was only available for poor families, so in the analysis below we only
consider poor households.
• The central variable here is sc, the dummy telling if the child did attend the school or
When you are ready, download the progresa-sample.csv data from Canvas. The data are
actual data collected to evaluate the impact of the Progresa program. In this file, each row
corresponds to an observation taken for a given child for a given year. There are two years
of data (1997 and 1998), and just under 40,000 children who are surveyed in both years.
Table 1 describes the variables in the dataset.
Graphical exploration (20 pt)
Before we get into regression, it is worthwhile to have visual image of the data.
1. (4pt) Load data. How many cases do we have? How many different villages? How
many cases of poor in progresa villages?
2. (2pt) Compute average schooling rate of poor household by villages (you can use village
id as the grouping variable) for 1997 and 1998.
Note: this asks you to compare the schooling rate by village, i.e. you need a single
number (avg schooling rate) for each village. Below, you should compare averages of
village averages.
3. (2pt) Compare the average schooling rate between progresa villages, and in nonprogresa villages in 1997 and 1998. Here just report the averages, you’ll do a graphical
comparison of distributions below.
Hint: non-progres 1998: 81.4%.
4. (4pt) Display the average schooling rate before the program (1997) separately for
progresa/non-progresa villages. Mark sample average rate (separately for progresa/nonprogresa villages) on the figure. Attempt to overlay these density estimates. You can
try to replicate this example.
Schooling rate 1997 in progresa/non−progresa villages
no progresa
Hint: ggplot’s geom_density makes such density plots, you can add transparency by
alpha. See more in Info 201 book or in R notes.
5. (4pt) Repeat for the program year (1998)
6. (4pt) Comment the results. Do the distributions look similar? Do you see the schooling
rate in progresa villages increasing over that of the control villages?
Measuring impact
Next, we measure the impact of Progresa. We do it in two ways: first using the cross-sectional
estimator, and thereafter by before-after estimator. Both estimators we implement in three
ways: a) just table of averages; b) simple regression where we only introduce control/treatment group (or time in case of before-after estimator); c) multiple regression.
Cross-sectional (CS) estimator (40pt)
CS estimator compares data for treated (poor in progresa villages) and non-treated controls
(poor in non-progresa villages) after the treatment (i.e. 1998). We start with a simple table.
1. (3pt) What is the identifying assumption behind this CS estimator? Do you think it
is satisfied here? Explain!
Hint: see lecture notes Ch 3.5 “Causal inference in linear regression framework” and
3.6 “A Few Popular Estimators” (3.6.1-3.6.2).
2. (3pt) Why do we look at only poor households, and only year 1998?
3. (4pt) compute average schooling rate (variable sc) for treated and non-treated controls
after the program. Compare these means. How big effect do you find?
You can compute it manually, but if you feel you need a bit more challenge, try to
compute the difference using lag() function on suitably grouped data. See Info 201
Hint: it should be 3.88 pct points.
4. (5pt) Based on this number, can you claim progresa was effective (i.e. it increased
schooling rate)? Interpret the number (in terms of percent points increase or decrease).
Reading the result from the table is an easy and intuitive approach but it does not
provide any standard errors and statistical significance estimates. It is also hard to include
other relevant characteristics that may influence the effect size. Linear regression helps here.
5. (5pt) Implement the CS estimator using linear regression: regress the outcome after
treatment on the treatment indicator. Do not include any other controls (except the
If you know how to do it then go ahead and do it in your own way. But if you need a
little help then you can follow these steps:
(a) Ensure you are only comparing the relevant groups: the control group that was
not treated, and the treatment group that was actually treated.
(b) Create a dummy variable T that tells if someone is in the treatment or control
(c) Regress the outcome on T .
6. (3pt) Compare the results. You should get exactly the same number as when just
comparing the group means.
7. (2pt) Is the effect statistically significant?
So far we ignored the other relevant covariates. If the experiment was conducted correctly,
those should not matter. But if randomization was imperfect, it may not be the case.
8. (5pt) Estimate the multiple regression model. Include all covariates, such as education,
family size and whatever else you consider relevant for the current case.
9. (5pt) Compare the results. Do other covariates substantially change the results?
Before-After Estimator (40pt)
(5pt each, except question 5)
Instead of comparing treatment and control villages in 1998, we can also compare just
treatment villages after (1998) and before (1997) the program was introduced. We follow
fairly similar steps as what you did above.
1. (3pt) What is the identifying assumption behind this estimator? Do you think it is
fullfilled? Explain!
2. (3pt) Why do we have to select only progresa villages and only poor for this task?
3. (4pt) compute average schooling rate (variable sc) for the poor for the treated villages
before and after the program. Compare these means. How big effect do you find?
Hint: it should be 2.38 pct points.
4. (5pt) Based on this number, can you claim progresa was effective (i.e. it increased
schooling rate)? Interpret the number (in terms of percent points increase or decrease).
Next, do the same with linear regression:
5. (5pt) Implement the BA estimator using linear regression: regress the outcome for
the treated group on the after-program indicator. Do not include any other controls
(except the intercept).
If you need a little help then you can follow these steps:
(a) Ensure you are only comparing the relevant groups: the control group is before
and treatment group is after the policy was implemented.
(b) Create a dummy variable After that tells if we are looking the period were the
policy is already there.
(c) Regress the outcome on After.
6. (2pt) Compare the results. You should get exactly the same number as when just
comparing the group means.
7. (3pt) Is the effect statistically significant?
So far we ignored other relevant covariates. If the identifying assumptions were correct,
those should not matter. But if not, this may not be the case.
8. (5pt) Estimate the multiple regression model. Include all covariates, such as education,
family size and whatever else you consider relevant for the current case.
9. (5pt) Compare the results. Do other covariates substantially change the results?
10. (5pt) Comment the identifying assumptions behind the CS and BA models. Which
one do you find more convincing?
. . . tell how much time (hours) did you spend on this PS. Feel free to add other feedback.
Schultz, T. P. (2004) School subsidies for the poor: evaluating the Mexican Progresa poverty
program, Journal of Development Economics, 74, 199 – 250, new Research on Education
in Developing Economies.

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