Programming project


The things i need based on the document i have attached: A web service implementing a subset of the Phase 2 spec. You can suggest the subset – I think package upload/list/delete and a few other endpoints makes a reasonable family.An ADA-compatible website with a user interface for that subset.Cybersecurity analysis + results from probing with RESTlerThe report describing your system

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Programming project
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Assignment Goal
This assignment provides an opportunity for you To work a still-small-but-more-challenging
software engineering project. It will introduce you to several new challenges, including:
planning for a bigger project; refactoring and extending an existing system; deploying and
monitoring on a modern Cloud platform (“DevOps skills”); and performance and cybersecurity
This project spec is designed to be far more work than I think you can do in the time
allowed. In your project plan, you must identify and justify a reduced scope.
a. Unless there are special circumstances (e.g. a team member drops the course),
all teams should complete the requirements marked “baseline”. This set of
requirements is relatively short; proposals to complete only this set will need to
be carefully justified, preferably well in advance, to persuade me that you are
not trying to inflate your contract.
In this phase you have slightly more constraints.
– You must use multiple components from the free tier of Amazon Web Services.
– You must start with an existing implementation of Project 1 – not your own. You will
maintain, refactor, and evolve this implementation.
– This is a longer project. One modest mid-project milestone (Delivery 1) has been defined
for you to ensure that your team has begun work. Although some elements in the midproject delivery have been defined, achieving those elements alone should not be too
challenging. Your plan should include the delivery of some other aspects of the design
by then as well.
Phase 2 has a longer timeline than Phase 1 (about twice as long). It will run until the end of the
Relevant Course Outcomes
A student who successfully completes this assignment will have demonstrated skill in all
learning outcomes of the course.
The following resources and links will help you understand and complete this assignment.

o Fielding’s 2000 dissertation: You can start at Chapter 5 (“REST”) but the whole
thing is eminently readable and edifiying.
Last modified: 29 September 2023.

o 20 years later, brief commentary on what Fielding meant vs. what REST means in
practice (and conjectures about why).
o Specifying REST APIs through OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger):
o Testing REST APIs:
Amazon Web Services
o Here’s the starting point:
o Here’s the starting point:
§ You will be added to a ThreatModeler instance soon
OWASP Top 10
o Some common ways that engineers introduce cybersecurity vulnerabilities into
the systems they develop:
Twelve-Factor Apps
o Some wisdom about building cloud-first applications:
The bad news: ACME Corporation rejected your company’s deliverable. They decided to
proceed with another company’s offering.
The worse news: Your company was gambling on a lucrative contract with ACME Corporation.
Your company is now out of business, and you are out of a job.
The good news: Your competitor, Beta Software Solutions (BSS), won the longer-term ACME
Corporation contract. They are awash in cash and hiring software engineers to work on the next
phase of the contract. Thanks to your domain expertise, you and your team have been hired for
this phase. You will need to extend BSS’s winning implementation to ACME Corporation’s new
requirements.1 As needed, your extension may [unusual case] (1) integrate wholly missing
components using your previous company’s implementation; or [typical case] (2) fix defects,
refactor, or overhaul existing components as necessary, but without copying code from your
previous company’s implementation.
ACME Corporation is continuing to expand its Node.js footprint. They are really benefiting from
(your erstwhile competitor’s, now employer’s) tool for identifying trustworthy npm modules.
However, they find themselves dissatisfied with aspects of the npm registry and their process
for interacting with it:
It is possible that their “winning” implementation did not win on technical grounds, but rather on business
considerations. Those factors might include pricing or trust in their company due to a long-term relationship. You
should review their implementation carefully before you proceed, and you may flag weaknesses and opportunities
for improvement (e.g. if their code crashes, it will negatively affect the service you build around it).
Last modified: 29 September 2023.

npm contains many untrustworthy or irrelevant modules, which pollute the search
ACME Corporation would like to put its own modules – which are trusted, of course –
into the same place that third-party modules are stored, but it does not want to share
those modules publicly. It seems reputationally hazardous to do so without careful
Some of ACME Corporation’s component re-use review processes involve a timeconsuming manual inspection, and ACME Corporation doesn’t have a good system in
place for tracking which modules have been vetted. Npm does not support a good way
to distinguish vetted from unvetted modules, except via some kind of honor system.
ACME Corporation’s engineers download many modules, and npm can take a while to
serve the desired content.
For these reasons, ACME Corporation would like your team at BSS to develop a custom registry
for their npm modules.2
Sarah is still your contact person at ACME Corporation. Here are ACME Corporation’s desired
requirements, in her words.
And yes, yes, as usual, Sarah could have done a better job of organizing her thoughts, but she’s
a busy person and so you’ll have to sort out the requirements for yourself. Read carefully and
get analyzing.
Sarah’s desired requirements
Functional requirements
Your system must support the following general behaviors. Some behaviors are detailed later
on, and others are introduced under an appropriate heading.

Upload, update, rate, and download packages represented as zipped files.
o Should work for individual packages.
o Should have support for doing so on package groups, e.g., so that multiple
related packages can be updated atomically. Support a three-stage transaction –
(a) initiate an empty request; (b) append upload commands to the request, one
at a time; and (c) execute the request.
It might be cheaper for your company to subcontract some of the work (e.g. buy an existing system and configure
it for your customer). In this vein, you looked for any companies that currently offer registry-as-a-server. As it turns
out, npm itself formerly sold this product (“npm enterprise”) before npm was purchased by GitHub in 2020. Now
this product is sold under the name “GitHub Packages” and includes other module registries as well. You recall, of
course, that GitHub is itself owned by Microsoft. Since Microsoft is a competitor of ACME Corporation, ACME
Corporation does not want to leave its private software in their clutches. It would be possible to construct the
registry that your customer desires by interfacing with GitHub Enterprise/Packages, but your contract forbids this
Last modified: 29 September 2023.

o The “rate” option should provide the net score and sub-scores from Part 1, to
inform prospective users of the quality of the module. It should also include two
new metrics:
§ The fraction of dependencies that are pinned to at least a specific
major+minor version, e.g., version 2.3.X of the dependency. (If a package
has zero dependencies, it should receive a 1.0 rating. Now, suppose a
package has two dependencies, one that is constrained to a particular
major+minor version and another that is not. In this case, one of the two
dependencies satisfies the requisite level of pinning, and so the fraction
of dependencies is 1 in 2 or a score of ½ = 0.5.3
§ The fraction of project code that was introduced through pull requests
with a code review.
o Although ACME Corporation may upload its own internal modules to this
registry, any such modules will be organized in the style of an npm package.
Request the ingestion of a public npm package. To be ingestible, the package must score
at least 0.5 on each of the metrics indicated in Phase 1. If ingestible, the command
should proceed to a package upload. You should add (or repair) any metrics that are
missing in BSS’s solution.
Fetch history for an individual package, including on a particular set of its versions.
o Exact: “1.2.3”
o Bounded range: “1.2.3-2.1.0”
o Tilde and Carat ranges following the definition here: “~1.2.0” or “^1.2.0”.
Fetch a directory of all packages. Consider that this query may involve an enormous
amount of data, e.g., if the registry has millions of packages in it. Choose a design that
won’t become a denial-of-service vector.
Search for a package using a regular expression over package names and READMEs. The
results of a package search should resemble the “directory” view, but a subset thereof.
Track the popularity of packages by downloads and stars. This feature should contain
design elements to reduce attempts to artificially inflate a package’s popularity. (In case
you’re interested, the GitHub Acceptable Use Policies ban attempts to abuse ranking
Popularity information should be included in any search results or directory information
for packages.
The size cost of introducing a package – both directly and via its transitive
dependencies, measured in terms of the size of zip files – should be communicated to
potential users. Users may wish to query the size cost of multiple packages at once,
because those packages might rely on a set of shared dependencies such that the
transitive cost of their dependencies is not much higher than the cost of just one of
npm supports more sophisticated notation for describing dependency versions. Please take into account the
effect of tilde and carat:
Last modified: 29 September 2023.

To reduce storage costs, the “upload” and “update” features should support a “debloat”
option that removes unnecessary “bloat” from the package. Cf. tree shaking,
minification, etc.
Reset to the default system state (an empty registry with the default user)
Your system should be accessible via a REST-ful API. (HTTP verbs with conventional meanings.)
Your system should be accessible via a pleasant and web browser interface that is compliant
with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)4. Use a front-end framework of your choice.
Automate your tests with Selenium.
Baseline functional requirement
You must support, via a REST-ful API:
– Upload, update, rate, and download individual packages.
– Support for the new metrics requested by the customer.
– Ingestion of a public npm package as described
– Package search
– Directory of all packages
– Reset to default system state
You must provide an ADA-compliant web browser interface. It need not be pleasant.
Non-functional requirements
Performance requirements
ACME Corporation wants to know the mean, median, and 99th percentile latency when 100
clients are all trying to download the lodash package, from a registry containing 500 distinct
packages. Describe your experimental design and provide measurements of performance
(black-box) and explanation (white-box).
Identify at least two performance bottlenecks. Describe how you found them. Describe how
you optimized them. Describe the effect.
Here is a useful paper on this topic:
Traceability requirements
According to the US Department of Justice, Civil Rights division, a website that is compliant with the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) will meet the requirements of the ADA (ADA guidance from the DoJ). Your website
should be compliant with WCAG 2.1 at level AA. See for details. These free
tools from Microsoft may be helpful.
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
ACME Corporation is concerned about untrustworthy modules entering the registry. They
would like to be able to trace the history of a module within the registry – who uploaded each
version when?
ACME Corporation is concerned about the downloading of sensitive modules.
– They would like to execute an arbitrary JavaScript program prior to the download of any
sensitive modules. Each such sensitive module can have zero or one JavaScript program
associated with it. Any user can upload and delete sensitive modules and provide or
query the associated JavaScript monitoring program. This program may need to
communicate with ACME Corporation’s audit servers.
– This JavaScript program expects to run under Node.js v18, and accepts five command
DOWNLOADER_USERNAME ZIP_FILE_PATH”. If the program exits with a non-zero code,
the download of the module should be rejected with an appropriate error message that
includes the stdout from the program.
– They would also like your system to be able to return the download history of the
sensitive modules – which accounts downloaded them at what times?
Security requirements
ACME Corporation would like to restrict access. Your system should support:

Register, authenticate, and remove users with distinct “upload”, “search”, and
“download” permissions.
The system should permit authentication using a combination of username + secure
password, and yield a token to be supplied to the other APIs as a payload parameter.
This token should remain valid for 1000 API interactions or 10 hours.
Some users should have an “admin” permission. Only administrators can register users.
Users can delete their own accounts.
Some teams at ACME Corporation have experimental code that should not be accessible
by other members of the company. There should be a “user group” mechanism that can
be specified at user creation time. During upload, a package can be marked as “secret”.
Such a package can only be queried by a member of the group that uploaded it.
You must persuade ACME Corporation that your system does not expose them to substantial
security risks. To this end, you should prepare a security case in three parts:
1. Design for security: Develop a system design in the ThreatModeler platform.
2. Analyze and mitigate risks:
a. Check-box: Handle all the “best practices” recommendations provided by
b. Principled: Conduct a security analysis based on STRIDE in your system.
3. Demonstrate: Carry out automated security probing of your system using the RESTler
tool. Document and repair any detected vulnerabilities. Indicate how up to two of them
came to enter your system (perhaps with a “Five Whys” analysis). (To do this, you will
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
need reasonable record-keeping in your version control system – traceability from code
to author and associated processes and decisions)
ACME Corporation would like to be able to conduct security audits of packages in the registry.
They should be able to request the audit of one package, a group of packages, or the entire
registry. As a default, they would like to use the “audit” mechanism provided by npm. They
would also like to be able to run audits using an arbitrary JavaScript program. This JavaScript
program expects to run under Node.js v18, and accepts one command line argument:
“ZIP_FILE_PATH AUDIT_FILE_DIR”. Audit results will be written to a file in AUDIT_FILE_DIR. The
result for all audited packages should be displayed. For any package on which the program exits
with a non-zero code, the results of the audit program should be available.
Baseline requirement
must prepare the security case. Here are the key parts of the case.
– Dataflow diagram with trust boundaries
– Threat model(s)
– Consideration of STRIDE-type threats in the context of your system and threats, possibly
with reference to OWASP Top 10 and other lists of security best practices and threats
– Mitigations you took in response to the analysis
System deployment and costs
ACME Corporation is a big company, so for scalability reasons your system should be deployed
on Amazon Web Services (AWS). You must expose a single uniform API, but under the hood you
may use multiple AWS components. These should be indicated in your project design.
AWS offers a Free Tier. Use it. Do not exceed it. Work out your expected costs in advance using
a spreadsheet or an AWS tool. AWS provides usage monitoring – set alerts to prevent sadness.
Evaluate on small resources where possible. Professor Davis is not responsible if you
accidentally owe AWS money.
Your system source code must reside in a single GitHub repository.
ACME Corporation places a high value on CI/CD. By Deliverable 1, your system should be using
GitHub Actions to perform:
– Automated tests (CI/Continuous Integration) on any pull request
o You might conduct some tests (e.g. end-to-end performance tests with many
clients) outside of your automated test pipeline.
– Automated service deployment to AWS on successful merge (CD/Continuous
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
For consistent quality, ACME Corporation requests that every pull request receive a code
review from at least three independent evaluators.
Baseline requirement

All teams must use at least one AWS component – e.g. a VM with a bit of storage
attached. (Hint: This would be a good choice for a “minimum viable delivery” – it would
work and be simple to set up. You can try fancier AWS features in a subsequent
In their mid-project milestone (Delivery 1), all teams should include screenshots
demonstrating the use of CI/CD via GitHub Actions.
Introduce new behaviors using pull requests, with code review by at least one
teammate. Provide evidence of this in Delivery 1 and the final report.
Internal (Baseline) Requirements
Auto-grader API
To facilitate automatic grading, the project material includes an OpenAPI (“Swagger”)
specification for the “baseline” components. You will also use this specification to test your
system; see the RESTler link under the Resources heading.
We will not attempt to deploy your system ourselves. Instead, you will provide us with a URI
(hostname + port) that we can use to interact with a clean version of your system.
In its initial and “Reset” state, your system must have a default user. If your team chooses to
support authentication, the username and password are given next. If you support user
creation/deletion, groups, etc., then this user should have admin privileges.
– Username: ece30861defaultadminuser
– Password: correcthorsebatterystaple123(!__+@**(A;DROP TABLE packages
o Please consider why this password looks so strange, and make sure you handle
user input carefully.
Source code hosting
Per the academic honesty requirements of this course, you are not permitted to compare
software implementations with other teams. I encourage you, however, to discuss
“Operations” issues such as AWS configuration with one another, on Piazza, and of course, with
Project management
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
I recommend but do not require that you use GitHub Project Boards for progress tracking. You
must, however, use some project management software (e.g. Trello, Monday, GitHub Projects,
etc.). Use reports from that software in your weekly milestones.
Software re-use
You are allowed to re-use existing software to support your implementation, either as tools
(e.g. VSCode; git; GitHub; TravisCI) or as components in your implementation (e.g. a module to
help you parse command-line arguments). You should include a justification of any components
you choose to re-use – how will you decide whether they are trustworthy? (discuss in the
Project Plan) and how did that assessment work out in practice? (discuss in the Project
You are allowed to re-use code snippets from software engineering resources such as Stack
Overflow. You must provide a citation (web URL is fine) to the relevant post. Technically, Stack
Overflow snippets are themselves governed by a software license, but you are not trying to
distribute your project code and I do not think anyone would seriously pursue litigation along
these lines.
As in Phase 1, you are required to incorporate LLMs into your engineering process.
You are not allowed to copy-paste code snippets out of an open-source project – this is a great
way to expose ACME Corporation (and your future employer in the real-world) to lawsuits. Any
re-use of this nature must use existing module APIs2and/or extend those APIs so that you can
access the logic you want.
Timeline and Deliverables
The project will be completed over a ~10-week period. Dates are on Brightspace. Roughly:
– Initial plan
– Internal milestones
– Delivery 1: Demo of some functionality (some baseline requirements like CI/CD. Other
aspects are up to you).
– Internal milestones
– Penultimate week: Give us your URL, and we will initiate hourly autograder runs. Turn
on logging and you might learn something!
– Delivery 2: Deliver the rest of the functionality
– Postmortem
Project plan
Submit a Project Plan Document (Word Doc or PDF) including the following. Some of this can be
copied from Phase 1, but please review and edit as appropriate.
– Tool selection and preparation
Last modified: 29 September 2023.

o Programming language, toolset, component selection [linter? Git-hooks? CI?
Testing framework? Logging library?]
o Communication mechanism [Slack? Teams? Email?]
o Role of LLMs
Team contract
o For example, your team might agree: do the work they take on, to document
their code, testing rules, style guide, timeliness expectations
Team synchronous meeting times
o I recommend at least one (short) mid-week sync to discuss issues, and one endof-week sync to put together your weekly reports.
o A refined and organized list of requirements, based on Sarah’s description and
Preliminary design
o Diagrams to support planning
§ At least one activity diagram to depict the various activities performed by
your system.
§ At least one dataflow diagrams to depict the flow of information
(including who can access which information, which you will want for the
security case)
§ At least one of these diagrams must come from the ThreatModeler
§ Other diagrams must be drawn using LucidChart.
Timeline and planned internal milestones
o Each milestone should list the features, sub-tasks, the owners of those tasks, the
estimated time to complete it, and how success will be measured.
o Any communication requirements between tasks should be noted, e.g. “Jason
and Tahani need to discuss the interface involved between task A and task B.”
Validation and Assessment plan
o What is your plan to assess whether the delivered software satisfies Sarah’s
requirements? What behaviors will you check? What performance metrics (if
any) will you apply?
o Many teams remarked on Phase 1 that they left integration or validation until
the end and ran into trouble. Do you want to try something different on Phase
Starting project analysis
o You must use another team’s Phase 1 implementation. This implementation may
not work correctly. As part of your plan, you should review this implementation
and answer questions such as: the cost (if any) of integrating it into your design;
the changes you plan to make to it; and so on.
o You should conduct an independent assessment of how trustworthy the project
is (e.g., Does it meet requirements? Does it have a test suite?), and list this in
your document.
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
Internal milestones
Each week, submit a report with your updated list of milestones, tasks, etc. representing
completion and the actual time spent by each team member on the project.
This report should be self-contained, e.g., including the relevant information from the original
plan. For example, you should use a table for each feature and track the status of the relevant
If you deviate substantially from your timeline, consider attending one of the course staff office
hours to discuss the deviation.
Submit the software itself, along with documentation.
For Delivery #1, this is mostly screenshots and a summary of your progress relative to schedule.
For Delivery #2, a substantial report will be needed to describe the status of the software in
relation to Sarah’s requirements and specification.
Deliver a project postmortem report. This report should reflect on each aspect of your Plan
compared to your Execution. What went well? What went poorly? Where did your time
estimates fail? When and why did you deviate from your Plan? For all of these questions, try to
answer the question “Why?”
A template will be provided.
Grading rubric
Points breakdown:
– 35% Design & Planning document + Milestone documents.
– 50% Working delivery, broken down as:
o 25% “Our auto-grader can interact with it in the “baseline” features”
o 15% “The additional promised features are delivered with evidence that they are
working correctly”
o 10% “Per our manual inspection, the software follows reasonable-looking
engineering practices, e.g. good file/class/variable names, consistent style,
choice of data structures, use of patterns to isolate what is changing, appropriate
pipeline for automated deployment, etc.”
– 15% Post-mortem.
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
Provided that the teammates complete the tasks, they were assigned as part of the project
plan, all team members will receive the same grades. If there is an issue with teamwork, please
raise it with Prof. Davis as early as possible.
– Your team’s milestones should allow you to observe problems with forward progress.
– For personality clashes etc., use your judgment to determine if you want to speak with
Prof. Davis.
ACME Corporation’s Budget is not Bottomless
Sarah reminds you that your team members are from an independent contracting firm. She
says the company is willing to pay your team for up to 90 hours per person for this project,
and would rather see something that works – at least partially! – by the deadline.
– Your project plan and your weekly progress updates should reflect an appropriate
ongoing amount of time for the project, e.g. at least 5 hours per team member per
week. If you wait until the last minute, Sarah will be nervous, pull the plug on the
project, and might break off future contracts with your company.
– If you begin to deviate from your planned timeline, you should submit a revised plan as
part of a weekly update. That way Sarah can keep management abreast of progress and
aware of any changes in the functionality that will be delivered.
– You should plan your project in such a way that you can deliver incremental value to
Sarah even if you cannot complete all of her requirements.
o Recall the aircraft requirements document from the Requirements Engineering
unit – one of the final chapters designated useful subcomponents that the
vendor could deliver.
o One of the slides from class has an excerpt.
– I will be amazed if any team were able to complete the full set of functionality by the
deadline. In your design document, you should have enumerated and organized the
requirements, estimated the cost of each feature, and identified the subset of the
functionality that you think your team can reasonably deliver. The total desired cost
for your team should be 80-90 hours per person. Estimate and negotiate accordingly.
You can complete this project with a “Cloud-First” approach – all code is always deployed on
the Cloud. You might prefer, however, to have one teammate study the AWS options while
others start the implementation locally. Likewise, there are tools to test GitHub Actions locally
to reduce debugging time on those.
When offering a web service such as the Trustworthy Module Registry, some component of
your system must handle incoming requests. After this point, however, these requests are
handled through a sequence of function calls and interactions with internal components. If you
prefer, you can focus on the entities behind the interface first, and add the “web interface” part
Last modified: 29 September 2023.
Initially, scaffolding and mocking can be used in place of components. This helps you focus on
inter-component interfaces first, and facilitates testing each component in isolation. At
deployment time you can replace a mock with the real component.
Last modified: 29 September 2023.

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