

CS5700 – Project Assignment 2
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
February 18, 2024
Deadline: Sunday, March 10th, by midnight
Submission Format: PDF file containing code and screenshots
Late Submissions: No late submissions will be accepted
Accepted Programming Languages: Java, Python, C, or C++
Work Ethic: Academic integrity is of utmost importance. Each student is expected to complete this assignment independently, without seeking help from other students or external
individuals, including engineers or professionals. Any violation of this code of honesty will be
taken seriously and may result in penalties in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
University of Central Missouri.
You’ll exercise the map coloring problem through the Missouri County graph that is shared in
Figure 1. You are allowed to use the colors: Red, Green, Blue, White, Black, Magenta, Cyan,
and Orange. No adjacent states will be in the same color. If you can find the assignment with
the least number of different colors, you get the FULL points. Please show me the steps in
your solution and the Final mapping in the output screen.
Figure 1: Contiguous Missouri graph
• You can start from any county that you prefer and keep going until all of the counties
have been colored.
• No two adjacent counties will be in the same color.
• Include comments and clear documentation in your code for clarity.
• Ensure that your code is well-structured and follows best coding practices.
Submission Guidelines
• Each student must submit their assignment individually.
• Submit your assignment as a PDF file.
• The PDF file should include BOTH Code for AND screenshots demonstrating the execution of your code on the provided graph topology.
• Ensure that your code and screenshots are clearly labeled and organized within the PDF.
• Submit your assignment by the specified deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.
• Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated and will result in serious consequences.
Evaluation Criteria
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Correctness of your implementations.
• Efficiency and clarity of your code.
• Proper documentation and comments.
• Adherence to the submission format and deadline.

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CS5700 – Project Assignment 2
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
February 18, 2024
Deadline: Sunday, March 10th, by midnight
Submission Format: PDF file containing code and screenshots
Late Submissions: No late submissions will be accepted
Accepted Programming Languages: Java, Python, C, or C++
Work Ethic: Academic integrity is of utmost importance. Each student is expected to complete this assignment independently, without seeking help from other students or external
individuals, including engineers or professionals. Any violation of this code of honesty will be
taken seriously and may result in penalties in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
University of Central Missouri.
You’ll exercise the map coloring problem through the Missouri County graph that is shared in
Figure 1. You are allowed to use the colors: Red, Green, Blue, White, Black, Magenta, Cyan,
and Orange. No adjacent states will be in the same color. If you can find the assignment with
the least number of different colors, you get the FULL points. Please show me the steps in
your solution and the Final mapping in the output screen.
Figure 1: Contiguous Missouri graph
• You can start from any county that you prefer and keep going until all of the counties
have been colored.
• No two adjacent counties will be in the same color.
• Include comments and clear documentation in your code for clarity.
• Ensure that your code is well-structured and follows best coding practices.
Submission Guidelines
• Each student must submit their assignment individually.
• Submit your assignment as a PDF file.
• The PDF file should include BOTH Code for AND screenshots demonstrating the execution of your code on the provided graph topology.
• Ensure that your code and screenshots are clearly labeled and organized within the PDF.
• Submit your assignment by the specified deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.
• Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated and will result in serious consequences.
Evaluation Criteria
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Correctness of your implementations.
• Efficiency and clarity of your code.
• Proper documentation and comments.
• Adherence to the submission format and deadline.

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