Professional Planner Schoolwide Event


In this assignment the candidate will demonstrate a cognizance and understanding of school management of organizational, operational, and legal resources. The candidate will demonstrate an acquaintance of school management of marketing and public relations functions. The candidate will be given a scenario as an administrator required to plan a school event that includes all school community stakeholders. This assignment has two parts including a written paper and a timeline for the event. The paper will discuss organizational theory regarding best practices for planning an event for a school or organization including discussion of a using a Gantt chart, fiscal planning, distributed leadership, scholarly research support, and a timeline.

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Professional Planner Schoolwide Event
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Scenario: You have been assigned by your Principal to plan a school event that includes students, faculty/staff, and the school community. You are to construct a timeline for the implementation of a school event. Your Instructor will assign you one (1) of the following events to complete: Honor Roll Awards (High School). The written assignment has two (2) parts to complete:

Part I: Your paper should be organized with the subtitles as follows and required content provided in each subsection in paragraph format:

Title Page


Based on organizational theory – what is the best way to plan an event for a school or organization? What is the research behind event planning? What is a Gantt Chart and how can it be helpful in project management as a leader? What are the pros and cons of a Gantt Chart?

The Rationale for Planning/Purpose of Event:

A written description of your school setting where the event will take place. Who is it for? What cause? What month and day and time? How many?

Who What Where & How?

A written description of who is your event team? What is your budget? Where is your venue? Will branding be involved? Are speakers, sponsors, or exhibitors necessary? How will technology or technology tools be needed in the event? How will the event be marketed or promoted?

Contingency Plan:

What is a contingency plan and why is it important in planning an event? Any barriers or problems you foresee that you must have a plan B for your event?


Summarize event planning with support from the findings of your educational research. (Regarding event planning and organizational theory.)


4 references minimum required

Part II: The Timeline Chart:

You will construct a timeline chart. Begin construction from 3 months out; Include all aspects of the planning phase, who, what, where, when, why and how up to the day of the event, and after the event. A sample outline/template is provided in your online course.

Professional Planner: Schoolwide Event Rubric: See the Course Syllabus for the Rubric