process recording


I am a school adjustment counselor. One of my sessions consisted of a group of two female 6th grade scholars working on advocacy and coping stratergies for anxiety. They are not apart of the same friend group and fairly new to meeting one another. this should be based on group session. The templates are linked within this assignment. Students are encouraged to try each format to deepen skills and reflection in the three levels of social work practice (micro, mezzo, macro).

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Process Recording Template for Groups
Process Recordings should be reviewed and discussed by the student and field
supervisor in weekly individual supervision. Students must complete six process
recordings per term, or twelve in total for each internship year. Written feedback
must be provided by the field supervisor at minimum on two of the six
process recordings per term/four per internship year that are submitted to the faculty
advisor via Brightspace. Otherwise, the supervisor may sign in the feedback column
indicating that the process recording has been reviewed and discussed.
Do not put any identifying client/patient information in this document.
*Add additional pages as needed.*
Group Worker/Intern/Springfield College Student: _______________________________
Name of Group:___________________________________________
Date of Group: __________________________________________
Date of Process Recording: ___________________________
Group Context
Group Description:
Group Purpose and Goals:
Is this a time limited group? How many planned sessions? Frequency?
Session number: __________________________________________________________________
Group members present (number of individuals present, using initials or pseudonyms only
for confidentiality). Describe or draw seating arrangements if the group is not online.
(Summary – Observations – Developmental Stage – Assessment of Practice)
Summary of Group Content
Observations of Group Process:
Communication patterns:
Group cohesion/attraction/mutual aid:
Developmental Stage:
Assessment of Practice
Field Supervisor’s Feedback:

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