Problem Statement, Problem Analysis, Alternatives, Outline


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1. Based on the identified issues/problems in the case, continue to review information about the case. Identify the main stakeholders, the resources available, the possible alternatives (step 3 of the case study analysis) and likely timelines. Be sure to start collecting outside information, if you have not already. Take notes and save articles or URL’s as you go!

2. Create the level headings (please use at least three levels) you will use in your paper. The first level headings are provided for you in the directions. Thus, you must create some 2nd and 3rd level headings depending upon what you envision for the final case study paper/analysis. The advantage of writing in this method is that it keeps research more focused and your paper better organized.

3. Create the title page.

4. Create the Table of Contents (TOC) based on the level headings you have so far. You may change some of the 2nd and 3rd level headings later, but the TOC is easily updated if you use the Microsoft Word tools appropriately.

5. Next, add and edit the content you have written for the first three steps of the case study analysis:

step 1: problem statement
step 2: case analysis
step 3: generate alternatives.

Be sure to generate and discuss at least three mutually exclusive alternatives that address the issues identified in the case analysis section. Do not compare the alternatives in this section; instead, fully describe each one in its own separate 2nd level heading.

6. Include at least three scholarly references in the reference page (Note: the final paper requires five or more). Make sure to use in-body citations, as well.

7. Review the rubric to ensure you included all the required components for this assignment.
– Problem Statement: Demonstrates a complete and thorough understanding of the problem. Clearly and succinctly states the problem.
– Case Analysis: Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues.
– Alternatives: Develops alternatives that are realistic, original, and appropriate for solving the issues presented in the case.
– Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently (in-text citations, format of paper, reference list, etc.)

Problem Statement – The problem statement should be a clear, concise (1 sentence) statement of exactly what needs to be addressed. You may find yourself rewriting this problem statement several times as you continue with your analysis.
Problem and Data Analysis – Be sure to revise and/or edit your “Problem and Data Analysis” section prior to completing the “Alternatives” section (step 3).
Generate alternatives – Each alternative you develop should offer a different way in which the problem could be resolved. Typically, there are many alternatives that could solve the issues in the case. Some alternatives may be discussed in the case. You should develop your own alternative(s) as well. It is very likely that the alternatives presented in the case are not sufficient to solve the problem. Things to remember at this stage are:
Be realistic.
The alternatives should be mutually exclusive.
Not making a decision pending further investigation is not an acceptable alternative for any case study that you will analyze.
If you recommend doing nothing as your strategy, you must provide clear reasons why this is an acceptable alternative.
Avoid providing one desirable alternative and two other clearly undesirable alternatives.
Potential for successful implementation is a factor for any alternative proposed.

Each alternative should have a level two heading. “Alternatives” is the first level heading.

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In June 2016, Boo-Keun Yoon, the chief executive officer of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Samsung),
was contemplating a potentially transformational decision for the multinational conglomerate. Two years
earlier, in 2014, the Internet of things (IoT) was developing into a new industry with mass-market
popularity, and Samsung had entered the consumer electronics segment of the global IoT market with
ambitious goals.2 Over the next two years, the company experienced a US$100 million3 investment, a
ground-breaking trade show presentation, and a cyber security scandal. At that point, the next step forward
for Samsung was unclear.4 Yoon wondered if Samsung should invest $1.2 billion in research and
development (R&D) funding for IoT, which represented a possibly lucrative opportunity. Or, should the
company instead scale down the project to shield itself from the looming risks?
The global market for consumer electronics in 2015 was estimated at $685 billion and was expected to
grow by approximately 5 per cent to $718 billion by 2018. The consumer electronics market consisted of
digital and electronic devices used for communication, entertainment, and home-office activities such as
smartphones, printers, and television sets. All of these devices were usually sold by the same retailers to
realize cost efficiencies in the distribution channel. Innovation was integral for success in the consumer
electronics market. Companies had to constantly improve their existing products while creating new ones
to stay competitive.5 Various devices in this market could be used for more than one task. For example,
smartphones could be used as radios, global positioning devices, or cameras, among many other functions.
Samsung was a subsidiary of Samsung Group, a multinational conglomerate established in 1938 that
encompassed over 80 businesses in various industries such as electronics, engineering, heavy industries,
and financial services. Samsung was headquartered in Suwon, South Korea, and had over 159 subsidiaries
worldwide.6 The company earned approximately $177 billion in revenue and $17 billion in net income in
2015 (see Exhibit 1). It accounted for about 17 per cent of South Korea’s gross domestic product and 20
per cent of the country’s net exports.7
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
Use outside these parameters is a copyright violation.
Paul Okundaye and Nicole Haggerty wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to
illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other
identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Page 2
This gave the firm considerable political influence and buyer power in the South Korean market. Samsung was
the world’s largest manufacturer of televisions (since 2006) and mobile phones (since 2011), and the secondlargest semiconductor chip maker in the world (since 2016), with Intel Corporation (Intel) in first place.8 The
company was world-renowned for its design and innovation capabilities. In March 2016, Samsung won 38
International Forum Design Awards, which were considered the most prestigious awards in the industry.9
The IoT was a technological concept based on the interconnection of electronic devices with computing
power embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to work together to create novel solutions for everyday
life. The term itself was coined inadvertently in 1999 at a Procter & Gamble Company internal presentation
on the notion of linking its supply chain to the then-red-hot topic of the Internet. Forbes described the IoT
as “a giant network of connected ‘things’ (which also includes people). The relationships will be between
people-people, people-things, and things-things.”10
On a small scale, the IoT could involve consumer electronics functions such as controlling a thermostat
through a phone, controlling a vacuum cleaner with a smart watch, or sending commands to a television from
a smart screen on the refrigerator door. On a broader scale, the IoT could be applied to transportation networks
to create “smart cities” aimed at improving efficiency in energy use, traffic flows, and waste management.
For example, by using IoT networks to connect smart street crosswalk signs, traffic cameras, and global
positioning systems in automobiles, cities could create novel solutions for traffic congestion and fuel the
interweaving of autonomous vehicles into urban planning solutions, vehicle safety, and traffic optimization.11
There were industrial applications for the IoT as well, such as having sensors at different steps in a
mechanical process to garner insights that could help increase efficiency and cost savings. The major
challenges impeding industrial IoT applications from market success were that they usually required data
that was detailed and relevant to the processes being controlled. This meant that mass-market devices and
applications could not successfully capture the market. The problems that industrial clients faced needed
unique, tailor-made solutions that specifically targeted the internal metrics that the client wanted to
improve.12 The global market for the IoT in 2015 was estimated at $743 billion and was expected to grow
by approximately 88 per cent to $1.4 trillion by 2018.13
The industry was still in its infancy and represented a potentially lucrative growth opportunity for market
participants, if they executed their strategies well. The concept had progressed slowly since inception but
reached mass-market popularity in January 2014, when Google LLC (Google) acquired the smart-thermostat
company Nest Labs for $3.2 billion. While the concept had existed for over a decade, 2014 was the first year
that the IoT could become a reality due to advances by companies such as Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel,
Texas Instruments Incorporated, and Samsung. These technological leaps provided inexpensive, powerefficient chips that enabled almost anything to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or to a mobile phone via a
network protocol standard called Bluetooth Low Energy. In the past, large-scale connectivity had been
impossible; in 2014, however, the cost of adding connectivity to an everyday device fell to less than $5.14
Because the development cycle of the technology was still in early stages, it required a significant amount
of investment and accompanied considerable risk. The fledgling IoT technology was extremely complex
and fairly turbulent, given the entirely new technological structure, software language, and hardware
components that still needed to be invented and fully developed. The IoT could face many potential issues
that could lead it to failure such as lack of interoperable standards, security issues, customer adoption, and
privacy concerns. These and other issues facing the technology suggested that any investment did not have
a guaranteed return and carried a considerable potential for material losses. Most IoT electronic devices
employed different “standards,” which were essentially the communicative coding languages used to
program the device to “talk” to other devices.15
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
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Page 3
Christensen employed examples of successful and failed leading companies to posit that regardless of the
industry, “an incumbent with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know how and
when to abandon traditional business practices.” This was because the new entrants would be able to deploy
the technology at lower cost structures, and incumbents would only be able to compete by changing their
business models to become less profitable, which was extremely difficult. To combat this phenomenon,
Christensen recommended that incumbents try to disrupt their own product lines; but they had to exercise
caution, because if the timing and execution were not carried out properly, it could be significantly
detrimental to the company’s future.17
In 2016, the market landscape for the IoT was heating up. Gartner Research forecasted up to 20 billion IoT
capable devices generating 5 trillion gigabytes of data every year by 2020.18 According to Bain & Company,
a leading global management consultancy, executives across the industry reported finding it difficult to get
a foothold and develop a clear strategy for the IoT because many had invested significantly but did not have
a strong roadmap, due to the solutions still being in their infancy. The IoT was not one singular market but
rather a set of overlapping markets with strong connections. Therefore, competitive “battlegrounds” began
to emerge in industry verticals such as consumer electronics, industrial and enterprise markets, autonomous
machines, network and gateway applications, and analytics.19
Deriving tangible and lasting customer value in this industry required a combination of a host of elements such
as technology, strategic partnerships, data, and platforms and not just creating “cool” or “futuristic” products. As
leading mobile platform providers such as Apple Inc. (Apple), Google, and Samsung Group began expanding
into wearables, smart homes, cars, and other aspects of consumer life, fierce competition began to rise as firms
tried to gain an advantage using developer communities, device partnerships, and businesses subsidized by data.
Platform stickiness and bridging customers across verticals became integral to success. Analytics also became a
critical platform battleground due to its ability to create value from IoT data.20
Traditional analytics companies, cloud service providers, and system integrators were also flocking into the
IoT space to extend their customer relationships and move into tailored products and services.21 Overall, by
2016, the IoT industry had become very competitive on a business-to-business scale, but the actual technology
itself was still fledgling, which meant that any firm could still become the market leader. The nature of the
R&D process in infant technologies was that one company could spend a long time trying to develop a new
technology and follow a steady linear path to success, but another company could make a technological leap
in a very short period and beat the first company to market using a leaner and more agile business model.22
In June 2014, Samsung, Intel, Dell, Atmel Corporation, and Broadcom Inc. formed a joint venture called
the Open Interconnect Consortium. The joint venture intended to set standards for connecting billions of
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
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Yoon realized that one of the biggest hurdles facing the IoT was the lack of interoperable standards. Just
because a device could connect to other devices, it did not mean that the two devices could work cohesively
together. The reality of the IoT was that it provided an avenue for endless opportunities and connections to
transpire, many of which could not yet be understood. Yoon also worried about the risk that nimble startups could use the new technology to disrupt the industry and outperform the incumbents with leaner
business models. In the book The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to
Fail, Clayton M. Christensen introduced and explored the theory of “disruptive innovation.” He described
disrupting technologies as “those that transform the landscape of an entire industry, or spark a new one
altogether, because they solve a problem in an entirely new way or for an entirely new market.”16
Page 4
household devices23 and establish a single solution for interoperability across multiple industries that would
work on various operating systems. In August 2014, Samsung acquired SmartThings, the creator of the
leading open IoT platform, signalling a major strategic move into the new industry. Founded in 2012 as a
Kickstarter project, SmartThings “gave people the power to monitor, control, and automate their homes
from wherever they were through a single mobile app [application].”24
David Eun, the president of Samsung NEXT and chief innovation officer of Samsung, made the following
statement regarding the acquisition:
The company was absorbed into the Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center (SSIC) in Palo Alto,
California, and was allowed to operate as an independent entity with its own autonomy and strategy.26
The SSIC acted as an investment vehicle and start-up accelerator for US companies in which Samsung had
an interest. This move enabled SmartThings to operate nimbly and grow fast as a start-up while having the
financial and technological backing of a giant conglomerate. The SSIC also housed other Samsung-invested
start-ups that were IoT focused, such as Unikey, a keyless entry platform that could integrate into any lock,
and Vinli, a connected-car platform that turned a car into a tech hub with a small sensor that connected the
car to all of a user’s devices. The SSIC provided the start-ups with funding, mentorship, access to key
contacts, and a network of firms that were trying to achieve similar goals.27
The Consumer Electronics Show was an annual electronics trade show held every January in Las Vegas,
Nevada, organized by the Consumer Technology Association. The event typically hosted a slew of
presentations on new products and emerging technologies. It was considered the gold standard for trade
shows in the consumer electronics industry. At the January 2015 trade show, Yoon gave the opening
keynote and pledged $100 million in funding for R&D to create an open system that would kickstart an IoT
revolution. He also promised that by 2020, all of Samsung devices for sale would have full IoT capabilities,
creating a connected ecosystem of Samsung products.28
Yoon explained the company’s decision:
I’ve heard people say they want to create a single operating system for IoT, but these people only
work with their own devices. We can deliver the benefits of IoT only if all sensors can talk to each
other. I’m making a promise that our IoT devices and products will be open. We will ensure that
others can easily connect to our devices.
This was a tremendously lofty and difficult goal for the company to set, given how new the technology was.
Yoon even remarked that “the opportunities and benefits of IoT are huge, but so are the challenges. We need
an open system and to collaborate across industries, not just within technology.”29 Samsung’s answer to the
interoperable standards issue was its acquisition of SmartThings, but this was a temporary solution at best.30
Although SmartThings had the potential to be a translator for IoT devices, the technology was not ready
for mass application because the acquisition had only taken place a few months earlier. At the point of
acquisition, the SmartThings team had not yet fully developed the platform and needed additional time and
resources to reach completion. In addition, market participants such as Google, Apple, and Amazon Inc.
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
Use outside these parameters is a copyright violation.
Connected devices have long been strategically important to Samsung and . . . we want to improve
the convenience and services in people’s lives by giving their devices and appliances a voice, so
they can interact more easily with them. We are committed to maintaining SmartThings’ open
platform, fostering more explosive growth, and becoming its newest strategic partner.25
Page 5
(Amazon) did not want to use interoperable standards because they wanted to maximize market share
through platform effects.31 Samsung needed more time to see if any solutions to the interoperable standards
problem would materialize as they further developed the technology.
For example, Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) was number five on the expenditure list, having spent nearly
$9 billion and 13 per cent of revenue on R&D. However, in 2012, the company only released updates to its
aging operating system and office automation software, which failed to register favourable reviews by industry
experts, who saw the updates as useful but far from innovative. Another example was Nokia Corporation
(Nokia), which had spent $8 billion on R&D in 2011 but did not release any new noteworthy technology. In
fact, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy in 2012 and in subsequent years. The emergent pattern was
that most of the main R&D spenders were just following historical patterns and spending vast amounts of
money to try to replicate past success with past methods, while no impactful innovation materialized.34
In addition, managers in technology companies were highly susceptible to “escalation of commitment” and the
“sunk cost fallacy.”35 Escalation of commitment referred to the “tendency for decision makers to persist with
failing courses of action.”36 It arose in situations where additional investment could either remedy the situation
or lead to greater loss, but uncertainty about the future obscured which outcome would actually transpire.37 In
the book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nobel Prize laureate Daniel Kahneman defined the sunk cost fallacy as “the
decision to invest additional resources in a losing account when better investment alternatives are available.”38
This occurred because some managers believed that if they cancelled the project, there would be a sunk
cost associated with that decision, which deterred them from taking action. The correct course of action
was to review each decision independent of any costs that had been incurred up to that point and evaluate
current opportunities on their merit only. In the cases of Nokia and Microsoft, it was evident that the R&D
expenditure did not directly lead to increased innovation. Technology companies were especially
susceptible to this phenomenon due to the nature of their product development cycle, which required them
to constantly innovate and release new products.39 Therefore, it was imperative that managers be extremely
cautious when making material R&D expenditures.
Because Samsung was an industry incumbent, it already possessed the necessary infrastructure and
distribution channels for IoT market penetration, so adding IoT capability to its devices would enable it to
extract even more value from these products. For example, Samsung might have already manufactured the
television, refrigerator, and dishwasher in that consumer’s home, so by implementing the IoT through all these
channels, it could immediately attain a value multiplier throughout the entire product development chain.
In addition, its parent company operated in numerous industry verticals, so the advances attained from R&D
in the IoT could have had further applications in other verticals, such as industrial applications in its
engineering businesses, thereby increasing the total value. It also had a small first-mover head start by
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
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While the prevailing wisdom was that companies with high R&D expenditure were the ones investing the
most in innovation, and thus most likely to succeed, studies showed that expenditure did not always
translate to innovation success. Booz & Company, a leading global management consultancy, detailed the
top 20 companies by R&D spending in 2011.32 Companies such as Apple, Facebook Inc., and Google were
usually considered the top innovators in the market, but they were not among the top spenders.33
Page 6
Concurrently, the major competitors in the space, such as Apple, Amazon, Google, Koninklijke Philips
N.V., and Sony Corporation (Sony), all had large amounts of financial capital. They could achieve a
technological leap and go to market at any moment.41 Samsung was also one of the largest chip makers in
the world. Advances in the computational power and cost efficiency of computer chips were the major
reasons why the IoT was now possible, compared to the past, thus creating opportunities for material
savings for Samsung through vertical integration.42 Making all of its devices IoT capable would supply
Samsung with a treasure trove of consumer data, which it could use internally to innovate its products and
externally to sell unidentifiable data to other firms. Samsung could partner with incumbent analytics firms
to extrapolate useful information from the large data sets, which could lead to novel insights and solutions.
There seemed to be a lot of positives that indicated the investment could potentially be very rewarding, but
high reward also accompanied material risk, so it was important to remain cautious about the next steps.
Many of the ideas and concepts in the development of the IoT at Samsung were dependent on a number of
uncertain outcomes such as SmartThings being able to produce an interoperable standard solution,
customers actually adopting the IoT despite security and privacy issues, and the entire project staying on
budget and schedule. Successful completion of this project would be a significant undertaking that required
substantial collaboration across departments at the firm over a long period.
The lack of interoperable standards was still a major challenge with the IoT. In smart homes, many devices
operated on different incompatible standards such as Apple’s HomeKit, Google’s Weave, and Samsung’s
SmartThings. Many companies rejected compatibility because they wanted to sell as many of their own
proprietary standard products as possible, in an attempt to create a platform effect. However, most consumers
did not purchase all their home electronics from one company; they shopped from various different brands.
Another issue was the multiple methods for devices to connect with each other. Although Wi-Fi was the most
widely adopted method, it was too complex for smaller devices (see Exhibit 2). Bluetooth was another popular
method for connectivity, but it was not always sufficient for smaller devices.43
Smaller devices tended to use a lower-power mesh networking based on the wireless standard 802.15.2.
The leading methods for small device connections were Zigbee and Z-Wave. Zigbee powered devices such
as Phillips Hue, which was the leading smart light bulb, and was very open-source and flexible. Z-Wave,
on the other hand, which was used by leading home security firm ADT Inc., was proprietary and required
devices to possess Sigma Designs radio chips to work. Rory O’Neill, Samsung’s chief marketing officer,
said that he wanted to see the industry break down any barriers to entry and keep things simple by using
common standards, so things would work together.44 At the time, there was no real long-term solution to
the interoperable standards issue, except having all market participants decide to adopt open-source
approaches with the IoT and come together to create universal standards.
There was also a consumer adoption issue because many people were still skeptical about IoT devices due
to the amount of data that was collected. Many consumers feared manipulation by “big business” based on
the data that was collected about them. Customers were also very wary of the major security issues that
were present with IoT devices, as they were highly susceptible to hacking. In March 2016, AT&T Inc.
released its Cybersecurity Insights Report, which surveyed over 5,000 enterprises worldwide. The survey
found that 85 per cent of companies were deploying or planning to deploy IoT devices, but only 10 per cent
felt confident that they could secure those devices against hackers.45
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
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having acquired the leading IoT platform SmartThings, which, at the time of acquisition, “supported more
than 1,000 different devices and 8,000 apps created by its community of device makers, inventors, and
developers.”40 Using its vast resources, Samsung could theoretically address the interoperability issues with
SmartThings and enable it to be a coherent translator for any and all IoT devices.
Page 7
The victim of the hack would then log in, but a flaw in the SmartThings web server would allow the attacker
to steal the user’s credentials. The researchers used this attack method to hack into the cloud-based controls
for a Schlage smart lock that was connected to SmartThings. They then created a four-digit personal
identification number to unlock it whenever they wanted. The other three attacks involved fooling users
into downloading malicious apps from the SmartThings-dedicated app store. The most difficult part of these
attacks was actually loading the apps onto the store, which the researchers did not do because of potential
legal repercussions. However, a defect in the SmartThings privileges for apps allowed the researchers to
use a malicious app that would activate devices or steal personal identification numbers for smart locks.47
Hackers could also find other vulnerabilities that would enable them to steal customer data, which could be
extremely detrimental for the company. Sony, one of Samsung’s main competitors, was hacked for
customer data twice, in 2011 and 2014. The incidents cost the company an estimated $271 million.48 The
most expensive cyber-attack in history was the 2011 data breach at Epsilon, the world’s largest email
marketing firm, which resulted in damages estimated between $225 million and $4 billion.49 The real
possibility of a hack on the SmartThings platform could cripple Samsung, overwhelm it with legal issues,
and lead to irreparable damage.
In June 2016, Yoon had to make a difficult decision. The company was at an inflection point for the IoT and had
to invest $1.2 billion into R&D.50 Yoon had to be decisive because this new industry was fiercely competitive,
and a misstep could cost the company significant market share. Researchers had found security vulnerabilities
in SmartThings only one month earlier, and the technology itself was still in its infancy, with numerous issues
and no guarantee of a definite financial return. Samsung had already invested $100 million into R&D, which
had not yielded any solutions to the interoperable standards issue. The company had also made a bold promise
to have all of its devices interconnected by 2020. Perhaps Samsung would need to explore a potential strategic
partnership with a competitor such as Google or Amazon to create a smart home platform or create an aggressive
marketing strategy aimed at getting consumers to only use Samsung products in their homes.
Yoon must have been aware of the risks involved in investing in an infant industry, but he must also have
known that this technology, if developed and executed properly, had the potential to provide the company
with considerable cash flows and a competitive advantage for a long time. Would another investment sink
the company deeper into a barren hole, or would it strike gold? Samsung could make a full investment into
the IoT or make a smaller investment to scale the project down to hedge against the looming risks. The
company could instead choose to pull out of the space altogether for some time and let others bear the initial
risk. Were there any additional viable alternatives that Yoon had not yet considered? If he decided to make
a smaller investment, how would he determine how much to invest and what components were deemed
critical enough to receive funding? If he moved forward with an investment, how would it be implemented?
What key milestones would be set in the timeline for execution, and when would they occur?
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
Use outside these parameters is a copyright violation.
In May 2016, researchers at Microsoft and the University of Michigan discovered multiple vulnerabilities
in the security of Samsung’s SmartThings smart home platform. The report stated that hackers could use
these vulnerabilities to seize control of devices such as smart locks, security cameras, motion alarms,
thermostats, and smoke detectors connected to the SmartThings system. The group staged four different
attacks on the smart home platform, the most severe of which involved using an Android app that controlled
services for different devices connected to SmartThings. The attack began with a spear-phishing email that
would fool users into clicking a link that would take them to the real login page for the SmartThings site.46
Page 8
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term financial instruments
Trade receivables
Property, plant, and equipment
Total Assets
Liabilities and Equity
Trade and other payables
Short-term borrowings
Other payables
Accrued expenses
Long-term other payables
Deferred income tax liabilities
Total Liabilities
Preferred stock
Common stock
Share premium
Retained earnings
Other components of equity
Non-controlling interests
Total Equity
Total Liabilities and Equity
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Subsidiaries
2015 Income Statement
177,365,404 182,273,479
Cost of sales
109,150,639 113,390,613
Gross Profit
Selling and administrative expenses
Operating Profit
Other non-operating income
Other non-operating expense
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Financial income
Financial expense
Profit before Income Tax
Income tax expense
Profit for the Year
Profit attributable to owners of the parent
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests
Earnings per Share for Profit Attributable to
Owners of the Parent
Source: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Consolidated Financial Statements of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Subsidiaries, 3–
6, accessed December 14, 2018, _all.pdf.
Authorized for use only by Laura Williamson from 6/25/2023 until 2/25/2024.
Use outside these parameters is a copyright violation.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Subsidiaries
Select 2015 Balance Sheet Line Items
Page 9
Internet of Things Connectivity
Complex network of different devices using different standards
Smart Televisions
Smart Meters/Grid
Smart Light Bulbs

Wi-Fi – 1×1 802.11n
Low Power Wi-Fi – 1×1 802.11n
Bluetooth Smart (BTLE)
Bluetooth Smart Ready (BT – 4.1)
LP Wi-Fi
Smart Home
Smart Hubs (M2M)