Primary source analysis


Primary Source Analysis: you will write an essay, analyzing the HOURWITZ VINDICATION OF THE JEWS document that I attached. I will also provide other documents and sources for context. The analysis will answer the following questions: What is the historical context in which the document was created? (approx. 400 words) Who was the author? What do you know about him or her? What do you know about the intended audience? How did the audience influence the way the author chose to write the document? Why did the author create this document? What did he or she hope to accomplish? How can this document shape our understanding of history? What does it teach us?Take a position on key issues and to support your argument with specific examples from text given.-make sure there’s (thesis statement, the use of evidence, logical organization of ideas, clarity of prose.)-take a position on key issues and to support your argument with specific examples write in your own words, avoiding quotations and close paraphrase. Ideas borrowed from class materials will be cited by author’s last name and page number. For example, to cite the textbook, you would write (Brenner, p. xxx). It is important when citing items from the Mendes-Flohr collection to be clear about who authored the text you are citing. If it is from an endnote or introduction then it is authored by Mendes-Flohr and would be cited as (Mendes-Flohr, p. xxx). If it is from a document within the collection, then the person who created the document is the author, but you need to indicate that you found the document in Mendes-Flohr’s collection. Here is an example of how that citation would look for a document by Theodor Herzl (Herzl in Mendes-Flohr, p. 388). Class lecture notes are cited with the instructor’s last name and the date of the lecture (Feinstein month/day/year).

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