Presentation on the CSR of Nike


create an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation with slide notes on the chosen CSR topic and business problem. (Note: You may also choose to record a narrated presentation.) In your presentation, explain how the problem affects a local, national, or global community, and describe possible sustainable solutions that the company can support.

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Presentation on the CSR of Nike
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Your presentation should include one or more slides covering each of the following areas. Do note that you can use slide titles more explicitly related to your chosen topic than the ones given below.

Title slide.
Introduction (optional).
The Problem.
Define the CSR issue and related business problem.
How the Problem Affects a Community and the Organization.
Explain how the CSR problem affects a local, national, or global community and relates to your chosen company.
Advantages and Limitations of Possible Solutions.
Include at least three possible solutions and briefly summarize them in one slide.
Explain the advantages and limitations of each proposed solution for the social problem and discuss each solution’s impact on your chosen company.
Describe briefly any general aspects of costs, efficiencies, and effectiveness.
Recommended Solution.
Recommend a solution for the social problem and explain how it aligns with your chosen company’s business, including its mission and vision.
Support a recommended solution to a business problem with relevant evidence and research.
Explain how your recommended solution to the CSR problem will be sustainable into the future.
Explain how the increased sustainability will impact profit and customer and employee satisfaction.
Supporting evidence (research).
Write a summary, justifying and supporting your recommended solution to the CSR problem.
Include relevant evidence and sound reasoning.