Presentation 1


Presentation #1 has several parts. The main deliverable will be a video presentation which you will post in the Discussions area. You will also upload your PowerPoint and a copy of your video file in the Assignments area. Here is a breakdown of what you need to do:

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1) Create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 1 slide for each of the following:

1. Title Slide (Name of your Information System, your name, course name, and your professor’s name)

2. Purpose of the Information System

3. Users of the Information System (identify different types/categories of users, and what they use the system for)

4. Server-Side Hardware of the Information System

5. Server-Side Software of the Information System

6. Client-Side Hardware of the Information System

7. Client-Side Software of the Information System

8. Three Main Functions of the Information System (include screenshots) [This should be at least 3 slides – one per main function].

9. References (list your references in APA format)

Note: You may reuse what you posted in the Week 2 Discussion as appropriate for some of the above slides.

2) After you have prepared your PowerPoint presentation, you will need to record a 7-10 minute video presentation. You can use any video / screen recording software that you already have on your computer. If you have a Zoom account, the “Record” function in Zoom, combined with the ability to share your screen (and thus display your PowerPoint) is very handy for making videos. If you don’t have screen recording software, you should be able to find and download a free screen recording program on the internet, such as the ones in this article (16 Best Free Video Recording Software [2023] (

3) Your presentation should have two parts:

1. First, share your screen and display your PowerPoint in Slide Show mode, and discuss the topics on each of the slides in your PowerPoint. Remember that it is best to put bullet points on your PowerPoint slides, and to explain and elaborate on them verbally as you are showing the slides (rather than putting paragraphs on the slides and reading them).

2. After you finish showing and narrating your PowerPoint presentation, you should then log into your information system and give us a virtual tour of the system, showing us the main features and functions in the system and explaining what the user can do in the various areas of the system.

Note: When choosing your information system, I advised you to stay away from systems that contain confidential or personal information. Be mindful when giving us a tour of your information system to not display anything confidential or personal in your video.

4) When you have finished recording your video, upload it to a post in the “Week 3 Presentations” thread in the Discussion area. Make sure you embed the video in the post itself, rather than just a link to an external hosting site like YouTube. APUS requires all work to be submitted and archived in the classroom.

5) In the Assignments area, upload your PowerPoint and your video file to this assignment and submit it for grading.

6) Return to the Discussion thread and view some of your classmates’ videos. Reply to at least two classmates, giving them feedback on their video and telling them what you learned from them.

Grading Breakdown:

PowerPoint Slides 20%

Presentation Video 70%

Discussion Board replies to 2 Classmates’ Videos 10%

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Presentation 1 – INFO331 D002 Winter 2024 – APEI
3/24/24, 09:16
INFO331 Presentations
Course: INFO331 D002 Winter 2024
PowerPoint Slides
Presentation Video
Presentation Skills
Did Not Attempt
Criterion Score
20 points
17 points
15 points
13 points
0 points
/ 20
The PowerPoint
slides are
exceptionally wellstructured,
comprehensive, and
include all required
slides with
exceptionally clear
and concise content.
Appropriate visuals
(e.g., images,
diagrams, charts) are
integrated to enhance
understanding and
The PowerPoint
slides are wellstructured,
comprehensive, and
include all required
slides with clear and
concise content.
Appropriate visuals
(e.g., images,
diagrams, charts) are
effectively used to
complement the
content and enhance
The PowerPoint
slides are generally
well-structured and
include most required
slides with clear
content. Appropriate
visuals (e.g., images,
diagrams, charts) are
used to support the
content, although
there may be room
for minor
improvements in
integration and
The PowerPoint
slides are somewhat
disorganized or lack
clarity in some areas.
The PowerPoint
presentation may be
missing a few
required slides or
have insufficient
content. Visuals, if
included, may be
integrated or not
always relevant to
the content.
No PowerPoint slides
60 points
51 points
45 points
39 points
0 points
The video
presentation is highly
informative, and
exceptionally wellprepared. It
effectively discusses
each slide,
demonstrating a deep
understanding. All
required sub-topics
were thoroughly
The video
presentation is
informative, and wellprepared. It
effectively discusses
each slide, showing a
good understanding.
Required sub-topics
were mostly covered.
The video
presentation is
informative and
adequately discusses
each slide, showing a
good understanding.
Required sub-topics
were partially
The video
presentation is
somewhat engaging
but may lack depth in
some areas. It covers
most of the required
topics but may be
less comprehensive.
Presentation omits or
deviates from
required sub-topics.
No video
submitted or not
assessable due to
severe noncompliance.
10 points
8.5 points
7.5 points
6.5 points
0 points
The presenter
exemplary speaking
skills, maintains
excellent eye contact
with the camera, and
engages the audience
throughout. Speech is
exceptionally clear,
well-paced, and free
from distracting
The presenter
proficient speaking
skills, maintains good
eye contact with the
camera, and keeps
the audience
engaged. Speech is
generally clear and
The presenter
displays competent
speaking skills,
maintains reasonable
eye contact with the
camera, and keeps
the audience
reasonably engaged.
Speech is generally
clear and well-paced.
The presenter’s
speaking skills need
improvement, with
distractions or
unclear speech.
Engagement may
vary, and the
audience may have
some difficulty
No speaking skills
observed (no video
/ 60
/ 10
Page 1 of 5
Presentation 1 – INFO331 D002 Winter 2024 – APEI
Critique of 2 Peer
3/24/24, 09:16
10 points
8.5 points
7.5 points
6.5 points
0 points
The peer reviews
provide a
comprehensive and
insightful evaluation
of the presentation.
They demonstrate a
deep understanding
of the presented
information systems,
offering constructive
feedback that is
highly valuable for
the presenters’
improvement. The
reviews are engaging,
well-structured, and
exceptionally clear.
The peer reviews
offer a thorough
evaluation of the
presentations. They
show a good
understanding of the
information systems
and provide
feedback that is
helpful for the
presenters. The
reviews are engaging,
well-structured, and
The peer reviews
provide a generally
competent evaluation
of the presentations.
They demonstrate an
understanding of the
information systems
and offer
feedback that
contributes to the
improvement. The
reviews are mostly
clear and wellstructured.
The peer reviews
offer some evaluation
of the presentation
but may lack depth or
clarity. They show a
partial understanding
of the presented
information system,
and the feedback may
be somewhat limited
in its helpfulness. The
reviews may have
clarity and structure
Did not provide
reviews of two
presentations on the
discussion board or
made minimal,
unhelpful comments.
/ 10
/ 100
Overall Score
Did Not Attempt
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
60 points minimum
0 points minimum
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3/24/24, 09:16
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Presentation 1 – INFO331 D002 Winter 2024 – APEI
3/24/24, 09:16
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Presentation 1 – INFO331 D002 Winter 2024 – APEI
3/24/24, 09:16
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