Preexisting Conditions & Pregnancy Complications


Millions of women give birth in the United States each year. While 80% of women have healthy pregnancies and deliveries, rates of complications are rising. Per empirical research paper titled ‘Trends in Pregnancy and Childbirth Complications in the United States’ published in 2020, between 2014-2018 the rates of pregnancy complications rose more than 16%, while rates for childbirth complications rose more than 14%. About seven out of every 1,000 pregnant women experienced both kinds of complications, a nearly 31% increase since 2014.Consider the data provided below. It demonstrates an increase in pre-existing conditions that negatively affect pregnancy and childbirth. How will these pre-existing conditions affect the quality of the ultrasound exam to assess for anatomical anomalies or other complications? What can we do as a society to prioritize health and wellness to support mothers with healthy pregnancy and safe delivery?

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