Pre proposal worksheet


1.What is it you want to know?

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2. What is your working title?
3. What is your research question? (You may have sub-questions.)
4. From what theoretical base(s) or theoretical framework does the research question
5. Who will be your subjects and how will they be selected?
6. What variables will be examined?
7. What methodology will you utilize to answer the research question?
8. Why is this research worth doing?

Identify an applied criminal justice research topic and complete the Pre-Proposal Worksheet from page 3 of the CJ 705 Reader. A separate downloadable version is posted on the Canvas course site. Answer each question as concisely as possible in the space and on the page provided; you may change spacing (but not font size), as needed, but it must fit on one page!

The research topic will be : Police hiring standards between the USA and United Kingdom

No citatin or anything