Practice Tutorial 7.1 SportsPro – Improve Razor Views Advanced Web-Enabled Application Development – INFS-4950


In this practice exercise, you will be guided through modifying the SportsPro app to improve the application’s Razor views in a way that uses some of the skills described in Chapter 7. Upon completing this exercise, you should be able to enhance the SportsPro application by improving the navigation bar to show which link is active and improve drop-down lists in the Razor view by using the asp-items tag to replace the foreach loops. Follow along with the instruction sheet and Panopto videos provided for the SportsPro – Improve Razor View Practice Tutorial. The videos will guide you step-by-step through improving the navigation bar and using the asp-items tag. You may use the starter application files provided below to begin this assignment.Practice 7-1 SportsPro (instruction sheet only)Practice Tutorial 7-1 SportsProImproveRazorViews.html (links to instruction sheet and videos with zip file)

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Practice Tutorial 7.1 SportsPro – Improve Razor Views Advanced Web-Enabled Application Development – INFS-4950
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Chapter 7 How to work with Razor views
Practice 7-1 Improve the Razor views
For this assignment, you’ll modify the SportsPro website so it uses some skills described in chapter 7.
The navigation bar when the Product Manager page is displayed
The navigation bar when the Technician Manager page is displayed
1. Get the navigation links to work correctly. For example, the Products link should be active for the
Product controller, the Technicians link should be active for the Technicians controller, and so on.
2. Convert the Razor foreach loops that display the items for the elements so they use the aspitems tag helper instead. To include an extra item as the first item in the drop-down list, you can
still include an element like this one:
Select a product…
Turn in the SportsPro app
1. Once you are satisfied with your application, close Visual Studio, compress the SportsPro app at the root
level, and rename the compressed folder using the following naming convention:
For example:
Upload the renamed, compressed folder to the appropriate Dropbox in D2L.

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