PR499 Capstone


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Now that you have narrowed down a choice for the Capstone Project, you will submit the idea to your instructor in a formal proposal memo. Many of those details will be reported in the Unit 4 Feasibility Report. However, this week, you will propose the idea for your Capstone Project to gain approval or get further direction. Review the Reading for this unit for more information on the memo format. In your memo proposal, address each of the following areas:

Identify and briefly discuss your proposed idea for the Capstone Project. Provide a description of your chosen topic area addressing pertinent background information to establish the rationale and significance of your research questions and Project.
Provide a clear, concise, and appropriate null and alternate hypothesis to be addressed by your Capstone Project. Use your past readings and the steps of scientific inquiry to assess and recommend appropriate solutions to a workplace challenge. Use that data to create a hypothesis. As a reminder, a hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work. Your hypothesis should be written like this: “If _____ [I do this] _____, then _____ [this] _____ will happen.” Your hypothesis should be something that you can test. In other words, you need to be able to measure both “what you do” and “what will happen.”
Provide appropriate references and depth to support the significance and need of the Project (Unit 2 Discussion and Assignment). Include within your proposal existing literature and theory pertinent to your topic area appropriately referring to key studies.
Describe likely (hypothetical or potential) findings expected from the proposed study.
Who is your primary audience? What do you know about that person, group of people, or organization at this time? Note: remember the audience is NOT your instructor.
What is your initial plan of action for completing this Project within the time constraints of this class?
What is your final deliverable?
Explain your rationale for each elemental choice you have identified above using the theories and principles you have studied in the Professional Studies degree program as a basis for those decisions.
Discuss any potential difficulties and problems you foresee in completion of the Project by deadline.