PowerPoint presentation explaining the levels of evidence in selected peer-reviewed articles and the strengths of


EB003: Clinical Inquiry, Problem-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Time (PICOT), and Searching Databases

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PowerPoint presentation explaining the levels of evidence in selected peer-reviewed articles and the strengths of
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For this Performance Task Assessment, you will develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation explaining the levels of evidence in selected peer-reviewed articles and the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research.

Submission Length: A 6- to 7-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation.

Your response to this Assessment should:

Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.
Adhere to the required assignment length.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) file, a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Save your file as EB003_presentation_firstinitial_lastname (for example, EB003_presentation_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

APA Presentation Template

To complete this Assessment:

Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
(Note: You are required to focus on the same clinical issue of interest in the competencies EB002–EB006.)
Develop a PICOT question to address your clinical issue of interest.
Using the keywords from the PICOT question, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic review level.

Create a 6- to 7-slide (total for all topics) narrated PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.
Describe how you developed your PICOT question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest.
Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles that you selected.
Provide APA citations for the four peer-reviewed articles that you selected.
Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

EB003: Clinical Inquiry, Problem-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Time (PICOT), and Searching Databases: Analyze relevant, peer-reviewed
articles in support of PICOT questions.
Assessment Rubric
Rubric Criteria
Does Not Meet Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Module 1: Advanced Clinical Inquiry and PICOT
Create a 6- to 7-slide (total for all
Response does not adequately
Response adequately identifies
Response accurately identifies
topics) narrated PowerPoint
identify or describe the chosen
and describes the chosen clinical and clearly describes in detail
presentation that addresses the
clinical issue of interest.
issue of interest.
the chosen clinical issue of
 Identify and briefly describe
your chosen clinical issue of
Learning Objective 1.1: Describe
clinical issues to be addressed by
 Describe how you developed
your PICOT question focused
on your chosen clinical issue of
Response does not adequately
describe the developed PICOT
question focused on the clinical
issue of interest.
Learning Objective 1.2: Describe
development of PICOT questions to
address clinical issues for research
Module 2: Conducting Databases Searches
Response does not adequately
 Identify the four research
describe four research
databases that you used to
databases used to conduct a
conduct your search for the
search for the peer-reviewed
peer-reviewed articles that
articles selected.
you selected.
Response adequately describes
the developed PICOT question
focused on the clinical issue of
Response accurately and clearly
describes in detail the
developed PICOT question
focused on the clinical issue of
Response adequately identifies
at least four research databases
used to conduct a search for the
peer-reviewed articles selected.
Response accurately and clearly
describes four research
databases used to conduct a
search for the peer-reviewed
articles selected.
Learning Objective 2.1: Describe
databases used in conducting
© 2022 Walden University
Rubric Criteria
research for clinical issues
 Provide APA citations for the
four peer-reviewed articles
that you selected.
Learning Objective 2.2: Apply
proper APA citation to cite peerreviewed research
 Describe the levels of evidence
in each of the four peerreviewed articles that you
selected. Be specific and
provide examples.
Learning Objective 2.3: Analyze
levels of evidence in peerreviewed research

Explain the strengths of using
systematic reviews for clinical
Does Not Meet Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Response does not adequately
Response adequately provides
provide APA citations for at least APA citations for at least four
four peer-reviewed articles
peer-reviewed articles selected.
Response accurately and
completely provides APA
citations for at least four peerreviewed articles selected.
Response does not adequately
describe the levels of evidence
in each of the four peerreviewed articles selected.
Response adequately describes
the levels of evidence in each of
the four peer-reviewed articles
Response accurately and
completely describes in detail
the levels of evidence in each of
the four peer-reviewed articles
Response does not adequately
synthesize or integrate
resources that support the
responses provided.
Response adequately
synthesizes and integrates
resources that support the
responses provided.
Response does not adequately
explain the strengths of using
systematic reviews for clinical
Response adequately explains
the strengths of using
systematic reviews for clinical
Response synthesizes and
integrates at least two outside
resources that fully support the
responses provided.
Response accurately and
completely explains the
strengths of using systematic
reviews for clinical research.
Learning Objective 2.4: Analyze use
of systematic reviews for clinical
© 2022 Walden University
Professional Skills Assessment
Professional Writing
Professional Writing: Clarity,
Flow, and Organization
Professional Writing: Context,
Audience, Purpose, and Tone
Professional Writing: Originality,
Source Credibility, and
Attribution of Ideas
© 2022 Walden University
Content contains significant
spelling, punctuation, and/or
grammar/syntax errors. Writing
does not demonstrate adequate
sentence and paragraph
structure and requires additional
editing/proofreading. Key
sections of presented content
lack clarity, logical flow, and/or
Content minimally or does not
demonstrate awareness of
context, audience, and/or
purpose. Writing is not reflective
of professional/scholarly tone
and/or is not free of bias. Style is
inconsistent with the
professional setting/workplace
context and reflects the need for
additional editing.
Content does not adequately
reflect original writing and/or
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates inconsistent
adherence to reference
requirements, including the use
of credible evidence to support a
claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable) and
reference. There are numerous
Content contains few spelling,
punctuation, and/or
grammar/syntax errors. Writing
demonstrates adequate
sentence and paragraph
structure and may require some
editing. Content presented is
satisfactorily clear, logical,
and/or organized, but could
benefit from additional
Content demonstrates
satisfactory awareness of
context, audience, and purpose.
Tone is adequately professional,
scholarly, and/or free from bias,
and style is mostly consistent
with the professional
setting/workplace context.
Content is free from spelling,
punctuation, and
grammar/syntax errors. Writing
demonstrates appropriate
sentence and paragraph
structure. Content presented is
clear, logical, and well-organized.
Content adequately reflects
original writing and
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates adequate
adherence to reference
requirements, including the use
of credible evidence to support
a claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable)
and references. There are one
Content reflects original thought
and writing and proper
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates full adherence to
reference requirements,
including the use of credible
evidence to support a claim, with
appropriate source attribution
(when applicable) and
Content clearly demonstrates
awareness of context, audience,
and purpose. Tone is highly
professional, scholarly, and free
from bias, and style is
appropriate for the professional
setting/workplace context.
Professional Presentation
Professional Presentation:
Clarity, Flow, and Organization
Professional Presentation:
Context, Audience, Purpose, and
Presentation: Originality, Source
Credibility & Attribution of Ideas
© 2022 Walden University
and/or significant errors.
or two minor errors.
Key sections of presented
content lack clarity, logical flow,
and/or organization.
Content presented
is satisfactorily clear, logical
and/or organized, but could
benefit from additional
Content presented
demonstrates satisfactory aware
ness of context, audience, and
purpose. Tone is adequately
professional, scholarly, and/or
free from bias and style is
mostly consistent with the
setting/workplace context.
Content is presented clearly,
logically, and is well-organized.
Content presented adequately
reflects original writing and
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates adequate
adherence to reference
requirements, including the use
of credible evidence to support
a claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable)
and references. There are one
or two minor errors.
Content presented reflects origin
al thought and writing and
proper paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates full adherence to
reference requirements,
including the use of
credible evidence to support a
claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable) and
Presented content minimally
or does not demonstrate
awareness of context, audience,
and/or purpose. Writing is not
reflective of
professional/scholarly tone
and/or is not free of bias. Style is
inconsistent with the
setting/workplace context and
reflects the need for additional
Content presented does not
adequately reflect original
writing and/or paraphrasing.
Writing demonstrates
inconsistent adherence to
reference requirements,
including the use of credible
evidence to support a claim, with
appropriate source attribution
(when applicable) and
references. There are numerous
and/or significant errors.
presented clearly demonstrates a
wareness of context, audience,
and purpose. Tone
is highly professional, scholarly,
free from
bias and style is appropriate for t
he professional
setting/workplace context.
EB002 Research Methodology Matrix
Full citation of
selected article
Why you chose this
article and/or how it
relates to the clinical
issue of interest
(include a brief
explanation of the
ethics of research
related to your clinical
issue of interest)
Article #1
Brown, T. M. (2021).
Influence of
Questioning on
Development of Clinical
Reasoning in
Prelicensure Nursing
(Doctoral dissertation,
Walden University).
Article #2
Edgal, E. (2022).
Nursing Students’
Perceptions of Using
an Educational
Modality of Online
Clinical Learning
(Doctoral dissertation,
Walden University).
Article #3
Mansaray, Z. K. (2023).
Nurse Practitioner
Education on Caring for
Patients Using Medical
Marijuana (Doctoral
dissertation, Walden
Article #4
Brester, D. A. (2023).
Improving Student
Nurse Clinical
Reasoning, Critical
Thinking, and Clinical
Judgment Through
Simulation Debriefing
(Doctoral dissertation,
Walden University).
I chose the article titled
“Influence of Questioning on
Development of Clinical
Reasoning in Prelicensure
Nursing” as it directly aligns
with my clinical issue of
interest, which revolves
around enhancing clinical
reasoning skills in nursing
students. The study
investigates the impact of
questioning as a problembased learning strategy on
the development of clinical
reasoning. The relevance
lies in addressing a gap in
the literature regarding
effective educational
strategies for fostering
clinical reasoning in nursing
education. The article’s
This article was selected
due to its direct relevance to
the clinical issue of interest,
which is the impact of
teaching strategies on the
development of clinical
reasoning in prelicensure
nursing students. The study
specifically investigates the
influence of questioning as
a problem-based learning
(PBL) strategy on the
growth of clinical reasoning
in healthcare sector. This
article was selected
because it directly
investigates a clinical issue
of profound importance – the
impact of teaching methods
on advancing clinical
reasoning skills in
I chose this article due to its
direct relevance to the
contemporary clinical issue
of nurse practitioners’
education on caring for
patients using medical
marijuana. In the face of
evolving legislation and
increased patient demand, it
is crucial to explore how
nurse practitioners can be
educated within ethical and
legal boundaries to provide
immerse care.
This article was chosen
because it focuses on the
impact of simulation
debriefing, utilizing the
NCSBN clinical judgment
measurement model
framework, on nursing
students’ clinical reasoning,
critical thinking, and clinical
judgment. The study
addresses a critical issue in
nursing education—finding
efficient ways to improve
students’ abilities in a virtual
setting, which is crucial
given the difficulties in
securing traditional clinical
hours. Assuring participant
informed consent,
maintaining data
confidentiality, and adhering
© 2019 Walden University
Brief description of
the aims of the
research of each
peer-reviewed article
focus on questioning aligns
with my research question
and contributes valuable
insights into the relationship
between teaching strategies
and clinical reasoning
prelicensure nursing
students. Specifically, the
research explores
questioning as a problembased learning (PBL)
approach to enhance
clinical reasoning
development, aiming to
facilitate students’ transition
to effective clinical practice.
Key ethical goals involve
obtaining informed
participant consent and
maintaining confidentiality
while benefiting nursing
It focuses on investigating
the influence of questioning
as a problem-based
learning (PBL) strategy on
the development of clinical
reasoning in prelicensure
nursing students. The study,
conducted using secondary
data from a nursing program
spanning 2017-2019, seeks
to address the challenges
faced by nurse educators in
preparing students to meet
complex healthcare needs.
The specific goals include
evaluating the impact of
questioning on clinical
reasoning by comparing
pre- and post-questioning
evaluations using the
The primary research
objective is to examine how
employing questioning
during problem-based
learning influences clinical
reasoning growth in
prelicensure nursing
trainees. Through the
Lasater Clinical Judgment
Rubric assessment, the
study seeks robust evidence
regarding the effects of PBL
questioning to inform
teaching strategies that
successfully cultivate vital
clinical reasoning
competencies among future
© 2019 Walden University
to ethical standards for
research involving human
beings are probably among
the ethical issues in this
The goal of the article
examines the impact of
educating nurse
practitioners based on the
National Council of State
Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
guidelines on their
knowledge and confidence
levels in caring for patients
using medical marijuana. By
addressing the specific aim
of improving nurse
practitioners’ understanding
of medical marijuana
guidelines, the research
seeks to contribute to
closing the knowledge gap
and ensuring practitioners
can navigate the legal and
The primary aim of the
research is to assess the
effects of simulation
debriefing, specifically using
the NCSBN clinical
judgment measurement
model framework, on the
clinical reasoning, critical
thinking, and clinical
judgment of nursing
students. The study seeks
to contribute to the existing
knowledge gap regarding
effective debriefing methods
in nursing education.
Brief description of
the research
methodology used Be
sure to identify if the
methodology used
was qualitative,
quantitative, or a
approach. Be specific.
Lasater clinical judgment
rubric. The study adopts a
retrospective quantitative
approach, utilizing a paired
t-test for data analysis. With
the theoretical framework
based on Tanner’s clinical
judgment model, the
research aims to provide
empirical evidence on the
effectiveness of questioning
as a PBL strategy,
contributing to the
knowledge base of
teaching/learning strategies
for developing clinical
reasoning skills in nursing
The research methodology
used in this study is a
retrospective quantitative
approach. The study utilizes
secondary data from a
nursing program spanning
the years 2017-2019. The
focus is on investigating the
influence of questioning as
a problem-based learning
(PBL) strategy on the
development of clinical
reasoning in prelicensure
nursing students. The study
employs a paired t-test for
data analysis, comparing
pre- and post-questioning
evaluations using the
Lasater clinical judgment
ethical complexities of
medical marijuana use.
The article utilizes a
retrospective quantitative
approach to investigate the
influence of questioning on
clinical reasoning. The
research methodology
involves the analysis of
deidentified secondary data
from nursing students
enrolled in their last lowerlevel clinical course. The
primary data analysis
method is the paired t-test,
comparing pre- and postquestioning evaluations
using the Lasater Clinical
Judgment Rubric. This
study’s methodology is
quantitative in nature,
© 2019 Walden University
The research methodology
employed in this study is not
explicitly stated, but it
incorporates elements of a
quantitative approach. The
study employs a pre- and
post-test design to measure
the impact of the education
intervention on nurse
practitioners’ knowledge
and confidence. The use of
statistical analysis enhances
the robustness of the
research, allowing for a
quantitative comparison of
scores before and after the
educational intervention.
The research methodology
employed is a quasiexperimental, single-group,
pretest–posttest design. It is
a quantitative approach, as
the study involves the
collection and analysis of
numerical data to evaluate
the impact of the
independent variable
(simulation debriefing using
the NCSBN framework) on
the dependent variables
(clinical reasoning, critical
thinking, and clinical
A brief description of
the strengths of each
of the research
methodologies used,
including reliability
and validity of how the
methodology was
applied in each of the
peer-reviewed articles
you selected.
rubric. This approach is
quantitative in nature as it
involves the statistical
analysis of numerical data
to assess the impact of the
independent variable
(questioning) on the
dependent variable (clinical
reasoning). The aim is to
provide empirical evidence
on the effectiveness of the
PBL strategy in fostering
clinical reasoning skills
among nursing students.
focusing on numerical data
to draw conclusions about
the impact of questioning on
clinical reasoning.
Quantitative research’s
structured methodology and
standardized frameworks
promote reliability and
replicability. The focus on
numerical data and
statistical analysis facilitates
objectivity throughout data
collection and interpretation
processes. Additionally,
quantitative approaches
allow findings to be
generalized to wider
populations, illuminating
overarching trends and
relationships for broader
Fundamentally, quantitative
research’s emphasis on
systematization, analytics,
The quantitative
methodology provides
measurable and statistically
analyzable data, offering a
clear understanding of the
impact of questioning on
clinical reasoning.
Use of Lasater Clinical. The
incorporation of a
standardized rubric ensures
consistency in the
evaluation of clinical
reasoning, enhancing the
reliability of the study’s
© 2019 Walden University
The quantitative approach
utilized in this research
contributes to its strengths.
The use of pre- and posttests enhances reliability by
providing a direct measure
of knowledge gain and
increased confidence levels.
Additionally, the statistical
analysis employed ensures
a quantitative comparison,
adding objectivity to the
assessment. This approach
aligns well with the aim of
evaluating the effectiveness
of the education
The strengths of the
quantitative methodology
include the ability to
measure specific outcomes
objectively, identify
statistical significance, and
generalize to a broader
population. In this study, the
use of established tools like
the CTD, LCJR, and
CREST enhances reliability,
and reported Cronbach’s
alpha values indicate good
internal consistency.
and generalizability
strengthens the consistency
and expands the external
validity of study findings.
The article review adopts a
quantitative research
approach, employing a
retrospective design to
investigate the impact of
questioning as a problembased learning strategy on
clinical reasoning in nursing
students. Strengths lie in its
use of the Lasater Clinical
Judgment Rubric for
standardized evaluation and
the statistical robustness of
the paired t-test. The
methodology allows for
clear hypothesis testing on
the intervention’s influence.
However, limitations include
potential biases in
retrospective data and
uncontrolled variables.
This study addresses a
significant gap in the
literature by specifically
investigating the impact of
questioning within a PBL
framework on clinical
reasoning, contributing to
evidence-based teaching
strategies in nursing
education. The retrospective
quantitative approach with a
focus on the Lasater Clinical
Judgment Rubric adds rigor
to the study, providing
valuable insights for nursing
educators and researchers.
The research design aligns
with the goal of fostering
clinical reasoning skills in
nursing students, ultimately
benefiting patient care
© 2019 Walden University
The selected article
addresses a pertinent
knowledge gap among
nurse practitioners
regarding medical marijuana
care, proposing a practical
and guideline-aligned
intervention. While the
research’s quantitative
focus adds objectivity, a
more explicit discussion of
the research methodology
and potential limitations
would enhance the overall
clarity and robustness of the
study. Overall, the article
contributes valuable insights
into addressing the
educational needs of nurse
practitioners in a rapidly
evolving healthcare
The study is well-structured,
addressing a relevant issue
in nursing education. The
integration of the NLN
Jeffries simulation theory
and the NCSBN clinical
judgment measurement
model framework provides a
solid theoretical foundation.
The quasi-experimental
design is suitable for the
research question, given the
constraints of having one
group of BSN nursing
students. However, it’s
important to note potential
limitations such as
generalizability and the
need for further research to
validate the findings.

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