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Strategies for Academic Portfolios

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In today’s digital era, personal branding goes beyond marketing; it’s a crucial skill set applicable across professions (Leahy & Filiatrault, 2017). As a post-grad nurse in the PMHNP program, I recognize the importance of creating an online identity (e-portfolio) that mirrors my academic achievements and professional growth. Beyond coursework, the MSN degree signifies a path of self-reflection and skill development, where each educational milestone shapes robust professional goals (Burns, 2018). Based on that, strategizing the inclusion of academic accomplishments is pivotal; I must go beyond merely compiling documents and craft a narrative that vividly articulates my academic journey and abilities. Within this context, creating a solid portfolio is required to benefit not only job seekers but also employers by enhancing their understanding of qualifications and enabling informed hiring decisions.

Strategies for Including Academic Achievements in Professional Development Goals

My professional journey, from an MSN specialization in maternal and neonatal health to hands-on experience in the NICU, has profoundly shaped my aspirations. As I transition into a post-grad PMHNP program, my primary goal remains centered on women’s mental health, mainly focusing on conditions such as postpartum depression. What makes this goal unique is my aspiration to provide these services through telehealth, recognizing the importance of accessible and convenient mental health support for women.

The first strategy I want to implement into my professional development objectives is to include my resume. It would be beneficial to have a resume that highlights your strengths, qualifications, and fit for the position (indeed, 2023). A valuable resume should catch the attention of employers and highlight your most impressive achievements. Integrating a resume may create a vital document that helps with professional growth and competence development (Burns, 2018).

The second strategy for including academic activities and accomplishments in a professional developmental goal is utilizing evidence-based practices in the telehealth setting. Integrating learned, established, and validated methodologies into remote mental health care delivery. This includes adapting and implementing clinical guidelines, treatment protocols, and interventions supported by empirical evidence. For example, employing evidence-based interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) via telehealth platforms, can effectively address mental health concerns.

Aligning professional development Goals with the University’s Emphasis on Social Change

A professional development plan should include two critical components: (a) the intent to join a professional organization and (b) areas to serve that organization and, subsequently, the community (Babiker et al., 2014). Today, Walden is committed to promoting positive social change that drives its mission for students (Walden University, n.d.). Walden University defines positive social change as “a deliberate process of creating and applying ideas, strategies, and actions to promote the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and societies” (Walden University, n.d.). On a personal level, creating such change requires a plan like joining the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) to strengthen the opportunity for achieving the mentioned goals’ set.

Developing a professional portfolio (including a resume and delivering evidence-based nursing practices through telehealth) presents my educational experience, accomplishments, strengths, and skills. It will show my development of time and the steps I have taken to be where I am. According to Hannans & Olivo (2017), it is important to look into social media platform sites such as Linkedin, which allow you to exhibit your resume and interact with professional organizations. As a result, it is advisable to create a well-structured resume that includes licensures, certifications, presentations, or educational lectures. Walden University is interested in preparing students who eventually will become social change agents (Walden University, nd). Active participation in a community is crucial for demonstrating one’s engagement and building a strong portfolio. Enhancing a professional portfolio involves engaging in social change initiatives, such as volunteering and participating in health screenings.

On the other hand, telehealth has many benefits to offer to ensure increased patient satisfaction. t Telehealth is essential because it supports long-distance clinical health care. It offers patients who can be accessed remotely with health care services, increasing efficiency in accessing health care services. Higher rates of use of telehealth are now standard in many practices because offering many positive points, including increased access, efficient and quality care, reduced cost, and high patient satisfaction (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021; Haleem et al., 2021). All these benefits align with the University’s emphasis on empowering students to make tangible differences in healthcare accessibility. Therefore, academic accomplishment of such benefits to patients will be an added advantage in my professional development goal.


In conclusion, our academic activities will prepare us to achieve our professional development goals. In attaining these professional development goals, we can produce positive social change. By acquiring knowledge and refining skills, we can continue progressing professionally. All of these can be reflected in the portfolio, enabling us to demonstrate our professional knowledge and talents to potential employers.


Babiker, A., Husseini, M., Al Nemri, A., Al Frayh, A., Al Juryyan, N., Faki, M., Assiri, A., Al Saadi, M., Shaikh, F., & Al Zamil, F. (2014). Health care professional development: Working as a team to improve patient care. Sudanese journal of paediatrics, 14(2), 9–16. to an external site.

Burns, M. K. (2018, May 1). Creating a nursing portfolio. Retrieved January 16, 2024, from to an external site.

Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021, October 21). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The journal for nurse practitioners : JNP, 17(2), 218–221. to an external site.

Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Singh, R. P., & Suman, R. (2021, July 24). Telemedicine for healthcare: Capabilities, features, barriers, and applications. Sensors international, 2, 100117. to an external site.

Hannans, J., & Olivo, Y. (2017, November). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an eportfolio. Retrieved January 16, 2024, from to an external site.

indeed. (2023, August 31). Why is a resume important? (types and why you need one). Retrieved January 11, 2024, from to an external site.

Leahy, R. L., & Filiatrault, A. (2017). Employers’Perceptions of the benefits of employment electronic portfolios. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 217-223. to an external site.

Walden University. (n.d.). Social Change. Retrieved January 11, 2024, from to an external site.

Walden University. (n.d.). Walden and social change. Center for social change. Retrieved January 11, 2024, from to an external site.