Position design


An “elliptigo” is an elliptical exercise machine on wheels. Create your sketches as a part file in SolidWorks. You will have 3 sketches. Sketch
1 will be a copy of the sketch above. Sketch 2 is your design space where you create the 3 positions of
your solution mechanism. Sketch3 is a “test” mechanism that is used to demonstrate the final design
meets the specified motion requirements.

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Position design
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Outcome 1b: Ability to design a four-bar linkage to pass through a set of prescribed design positions –
motion generation. (Assigned Day 5, Due Day 8, Token Due date Day 7).
Assigned Task: An “elliptigo” is an elliptical exercise machine on wheels. See this link and watch the
video to get an idea of this device: http://www.elliptigo.com/ . Elliptigos come in two basic styles.
The first is a crank-slider type linkage where one grounded link drives the wheel, and the second
grounded link is a roller (slider) that travels along a straight path. A second version is the “Arc”
model, where the slider is replaced by a pivoting link. This is a less expensive construction, but the
motion is not as nice. Your task is to design an appropriate driving linkage for an elliptigo machine
that falls in-between the two existing designs. We will model this as a four-bar linkage with the input
on the coupler link that drives an output crank. The follower link will be modeled as a rigid link, with
the understanding that the actual design of the final device can replace this link with a curved slot of
equal radius to preserve the motion and reduce the mechanism operating space.
The basic problem statement: Design a linkage that allows the rider’s foot to move in an approximately
elliptical path. The motion of the coupler is approximated by the 3 rectangular foot pad positions
shown below. Moving pivots must attach approximately in-line with or slightly below the foot pad
(see actual elliptigo designs to see where these pivots attach on the actual devices – this gives some
idea of the design space you want to work with). The output must be a crank capable of 360⁰ of
rotation and located in the vicinity of the rear tire. The follower link must be devised such that the
ground pivot may be attached to the frame of the device, or such that the link may be replaced by a
circular slot that integrates easily into the frame design.
Submission Requirements: Create your sketches as a part file in SW. You will have 3 sketches. Sketch
1 will be a copy of the sketch above. Sketch 2 is your design space where you create the 3 positions of
your solution mechanism. Sketch3 is a “test” mechanism that is used to demonstrate the final design
meets the specified motion requirements. The name of your file will be:
YourLastName_YourFirstName_ElliptigoDesign. Submit the file to the dropbox on D2L.
Successful completion of this assignment is required to pass the course. If you submit a file that
was created by another student you will receive zero credit for this assignment and, as a result, fail
the course (or have to withdraw). If you give your file to someone else and they submit it as their
own, you will receive a zero on the assignment and fail the course.

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