portfolio milestone


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portfolio milestone
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Most of us are aware of the term “purpose statement” but are unsure of its real meaning within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization’s purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers.

Who are we?
What do we do?
For whom do we do this?
How do we know when we are getting it done?

The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2-3 sentences.

Answer the four questions above and create a purpose statement for your HR department. Submit the answers to the four questions and the purpose statement to your instructor for review.

NOTE: At this stage, you will need to name your company and decide the service they provide or products they manufacture

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Human Resources Strategic Plan
Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Strategic Contribution …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Personal Credibility ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
HR Delivery Metrics ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Key Performance Measurements (KPM) ……………………………………………………………………… 10
Action Plan for each functional area …………………………………………………………………………….. 10
HR mission statement ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
HR vision statement …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
HR objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Executive Summary
Human resource management variously impacts organizational functioning and
performance. Effective and efficient human resource management involves streamlining human
resource functions and aligning them to mirror the organizational goals to facilitate the company
in realizing its goals. The strategic contribution of the human resource function cannot be
gainsaid and it can either be analysed at a corporate or business level but with the singular
objective of improving organizational performance by making sure that the various employees in
the company work towards achieving common organizational goals (Noe et al., 2017). Also,
proper human resource management may result in improved value addition, enhanced efficiency
and productivity of organizational operations. To this end, efficient and effective human resource
management is important in helping an organization’s leadership and management fulfil their
potential. Human resource strategic contributions cannot solely override gaps in operational
performance thus the need to ensure that the organization’s operations are functioning smoothly.
Additionally, personal credibility looks into the competencies of an organization’s labour
force. A highly skilled and motivated staff is critical to achieving an organization’s goals thus an
organization must put in proper and effective strategies to guide its recruitment process. This
ensures that the company hires highly qualified and competent members of staff with the
relevant skills and expertise to undertake their duties (Bailey et al., 2018). Further, the
organization should continually train its employees and expose them to emerging trends in the IT
sector. A properly planned continuous training program will not only expose the organization’s
employees to the new and emerging areas of practice but also boost their skills set. Continuous
professional training for employees is critical in equipping the said employees with the necessary
skills needed to meet the objective of the company.
Further, it is important to take cognizance of the fact that HR metrics are vital in the
accurate measurement of the value and effectiveness of various HR initiatives. By measuring the
impact of the HR initiatives, the organization is able to benefit from a systematic metric report
system on key human resource areas, such as turnover, employee engagement and performance.
The HR metrics are important in measuring both the efficiency and effectiveness of HR
initiatives undertaken by an organization. Finally, the organization will need a well thought out
measurement plan to be in a better position of defining and measuring the relevant HR metrics.
The measurement plan will ensure that proper questions are asked hence the appropriate data
collected (Cascio, 2015).
Strategic Contribution
Human resource is an essential ingredient of an organization. It is important to appreciate
the fact that labour is one of the anchor factors of production is an organization and is unique for
being the only factor of production with a human element. As such, human resource should be
properly managed to increase organizational efficiency. According to various scholars of
international repute, there are various strategic contributions of the human resource function in
aligning a company to meet its objectives (Analoui, 2017). Human resource management
impacts organizational functioning and performance hence a responsive management team
should focus on streamlining its human resource functions to propagate the institution in
realizing its goals. The strategic contribution of the human resource function can either be
analysed at a corporate or business level but with the singular objective of improving
organizational performance by making sure that the various employees in the company work
towards achieving common organizational goals. Per se, a proper and effective human resource
management is a vital pillar of strategic management as it allows an organization to meet its
aspirations, goals and objectives.
To achieve the strategic contributions of the human resource functions, an organization
must align its resources and capabilities with the various opportunities in its environment. The
organization should make sure that its human resource works in a strategic manner with the main
aim of eliminating institutional bottlenecks and inefficiencies.in the recent past, there has been a
revolutionary change in the management of personnel in companies. To this end, there has been
a systematic shift from the traditional personnel management to the current human resource
management techniques as companies become alive to the transformational nature and strategic
contribution of human resource to meeting organizational goals and objectives. Proper human
resource management may result in improved value addition, enhanced efficiency and
productivity of a company hence the much focus that it attracts in the contemporary industry
(Collings, Wood & Szamosi, 2018).
Efficient and effective human resource management is important in helping an
organization’s leadership and management fulfil their potential. The main obligation of these
business leaders is to formulate relevant policies that mirror the environmental circumstances
that the organization operates in. in so doing, the management is able to fulfil the organization’s
vision and mission. In this particular instance, the vision of the organization is to become a
world-class company and develop- a standard by which other companies are measured. To
achieve this ambitious vision, the organization is in a mission to design and deliver the highest
quality IT solutions. Further, the organization’s mission statement highlights the company’s
intention of not only being a market leader in the IT sector but also maintaining its current
impressive customer rating. Therefore, the organization’s human resource should be alive to the
company’s organizational aspirations and help its management in achieving the aforesaid goals.
To this end, human resource plays a strategic role in facilitating managers formulate workable
ways of achieving the company’s goals and aspirations (Brewster, 2017).
To fully realize the strategic contribution of human resource, the organization must first
ensure that the fundamental operations of the company are working at an optimum level.
According to various scholars and human resource researchers of wide acclaim, human resource
strategic contributions cannot solely override gaps in operational performance thus the need to
ensure that the organization’s operations are functioning smoothly. Secondly, the organization
should create capacity for the strategic contributions by creating time for the implementation of
strategic components. Thirdly, the organization should empower their staff by strategically
developing their acumen and abilities. It is important to note that an institution should recognize
and maximize opportunities while providing tremendous value for its stakeholders. Finally, an
organization should implement and put into use the various strategic contributions of human
resource and avoid the identification process of these contributions from being reduced into a
mere academic exercise (Nankervis et al., 2016).
Personal Credibility
Personal credibility is an important limb of human resource as it speaks to the ability,
capacity and capability of an institution’s labour force. A highly skilled and motivated staff is
critical to achieving an organization’s short-term and long-term goals. In this regard, an
organization must put in proper and effective strategies to guide its recruitment process to ensure
that the company hires highly qualified and competent members of staff. The hired personnel
should possess the relevant skills and expertise required to undertake the tasks demanded of them
(Brewster, Mayrhofer & Farndale, 2018). To this end, the organization must highly regard the
competency of its intended employees before offering them jobs. The personal credibility of
employees directly affects the quality of output of the company. Highly qualified personnel are
able to exceptionally perform the various duties within the company hence facilitating the
company in realizing its vision of being a world-class organization worth emulating in the IT
sector. Per se, world-class personnel, in terms of personal credibility, is key to attaining worldclass industry standards.
Further, the organization should continually train its employees and expose them to
emerging trends in the IT sector. The IT sector is one of the fastest growing industries in the
world with frequent inventions and innovations hence the need to be abreast with the
developments in the sector. A properly planned continuous training program will not only expose
the organization’s employees to the new and emerging areas of practice but also boost their skills
set. Continuous professional training for employees is critical in equipping the said employees
with the necessary skills needed to meet the objective of the company. Additionally, the
exposure to the emerging trends in the IT industry will help the company to assess its
competition and produce better services than those currently in the market and at an affordable
price (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Farndale, 2018).
HR Delivery Metrics
In the recent past, it has become increasingly important for organizations to accurately
assess the value of HR initiatives and their impacts on the organization. As such, companies have
been using HR metrics to measure the value and effectiveness of various HR initiatives. The HR
metrics are important in measuring both the efficiency and effectiveness of HR initiatives
undertaken by the company. With regards to efficiency, the HR metrics are instrumental in
highlighting the organizational value for money and time in human resource management
activities. By getting to know this information, the organization is able to improve its internal
processes to ensure the expeditious fulfilment of its organizational goals (Nankervis et al., 2016).
Further, the proper use of the HR metrics may help the management in making the right business
decisions and tracking the efficiency of the numerous HR decisions made by the company in the
past. On the other hand, HR metrics can be accurately used to measure the effectiveness of
various HR initiatives by analyzing whether the implemented HR initiatives had a positive
impact on the employees.
According to certain scholars, HR metrics are not only important to track and measure
the performance of HR initiatives but also they are essential in predicting the future of the
company (Analoui, 2017). By measuring the impact of the HR initiatives, the organization is
able to benefit from a systematic metric report system on key human resource areas, such as
turnover, employee engagement and performance. Therefore, it is no surprise for organizations
HR metrics with their institutional aspirations as echoed in their vision statements. As pertains
to measuring the employee turnover rate, it is important for the company to know the number of
employees leaving its service for other options. This piece of data is vital for HR planning as it
affects the institution’s recruiting decisions and helps the organization to put into place measures
aimed at lowering the rate of employee turnover. An organization will be concerned with its
turnover rate if it is higher than the industry turnover rate hence the company may introduce
measures aimed at bettering their working environment to reduce the high number of employees
leaving its service for other companies.
Additionally, HR metrics may be used to measure employee engagement. In particular,
the organization can measure how happy the employees are in the conduct of their obligations
and duties. Employee satisfaction is critical in achieving organizational goals as it directly affects
the morale of the employees (Collings, Wood & Szamosi, 2018). A highly motivated and happy
staff is able to deliver their best to the company hence improving the organization’s operational
efficiency and effectiveness. Further, it is noteworthy to state that HR metrics can be used to
measure the performance of vital sectors of the business entity, such as sales performance and
customer service relations. In this particular scenario, the organization aim at controlling 75% of
the IT solutions market while retaining its impressive 98% customer satisfaction rating. To
achieve this ambitious goal, it is essential for the business to continuously monitor its
performance indicators and appropriately use HR metrics to monitor the achievements of its
Finally, the organization will need a well thought out measurement plan to be in a better
position of defining and measuring the relevant HR metrics. To this end, the measurement plan
should be able to guide the organization by asking the right questions in order to gather the
relevant data. The organization should ask critical human resource questions that are tied down
to the business strategy. By asking proper questions, the company is able to collect the relevant
data. According to various scholars of international repute, it is critical not to compromise the
data being subjected to the HR metrics (Brewster, 2017). The results of the HR metrics
measurement is only as good as the data used in its computation. In this regard, it is important to
collaborate with other departments within the organization to come up with comprehensive data
for HR metrics analysis. The collated data from the various departments should be consistent,
accurate, reliable and efficient.
Key Performance Measurements (KPM)
Human resources Key Performance Measurements (KPM) are metrics used by an
organization to assess the impact of human resource to the rest of the organization. As such,
KPM is a measurable variable that usually quantifies a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). KPI is
renowned for helping organizations focus on the progressive achievement of their institutional
goals and objectives. Proper tracking of KPIs may help a firm to improve its operational
efficiency as it leads to a scientific assessment of the various essential performance indicators in
the company (Cascio, 2015).
Action Plan for each functional area
The main functional areas of human resource management are; recruitment and staffing,
human resource development, benefits and compensation, HR compliance, and employee
relations. For the apt implementation of the HR strategic plan, it is of the essence to develop an
action plan for each of the above-mentioned functional areas of human resource management.
With regards to recruitment and staffing, the action plan will incorporate open advertisement for
vacancies in the organization, and screening of the employment applications and shortlisting the
most qualified applicants with the requisite skills and expertise. As pertains to human resource
development, the organization will endeavour to continuously train and expose its employees to
the developments in the IT sector in a bid to increase their capacity (Bailey et al., 2018). Also,
the company will sponsor employee human resource development programs in a bid to boost its
retention rate.
The action plan of the organization as relates to benefits and compensation revolves
around offering appropriate compensation packages to its employees with the aim of boosting
staff morale. Also, the company aims to have a comprehensive retirement package, insurance
cover and a bonus scheme for its employees. With regards to HR compliance, the organization
will comply with all the employment laws and regulations in its area of operation. Finally, the
company will have an elaborate action plan to deal with the aspect of employee relations. To this
end, the organization will endeavour to be a reasonable employer by actively listening to the
employees’ plight and proactively addressing them (Noe et al., 2017).
HR mission statement
To streamline human resources policies and programs to ensure that all the employees of
the company are working towards the attainment of the organizational goals and objectives, and
to adequately equip our employees with the requisite skills and expertise to perform their duties
and obligations with the highest degree of efficiency and effectiveness.
HR vision statement
To be as a renowned world-class employer with a distinguished reputation of
implementing innovative and results-oriented human resources services, policies, and systems.
HR objectives
The following are the HR goals/objectives: (a) Create a centralized human resources function located at our corporate offices that
identifies and supports individual needs and their use of locally assigned human resources
(b) Minimizing the inconsistencies that currently exist in HR policies and practices across
areas and implementing the practice, process and structural changes that will ensure the
consistent application of best practices in the human resources function enterprise-wide.
(c) Eliminating unnecessary duplication of processes and services in the HR function.
(d) Ensure that HR personnel receive the training and experience they need to develop their
expertise and cultivate opportunities for career advancement in the HR field.
(e) Improve communications and information sharing among all areas to ensure consistent
application of the HR function.
(f) Recruiting highly qualified professionals with the relevant skills and expertise needed for
the various positions in the company.
(g) Using modern software to accurately measure various HR metrics to enrich the decisionmaking process in the company and improve its operational efficiency and effectiveness.
(h) Enlightening the employees on the organizational aspirations, goals and objectives of the
company to enable them to work and streamline their operations towards the fulfilment of
these goals and objectives.
In conclusion, effective and efficient human resource management involves streamlining
human resource functions and aligning them with the organizational goals of a company to
facilitate the company in realizing its institutional goals and objectives. For the apt
implementation of the HR strategic plan, it is important to develop an action plan for each of the
various functional areas of human resource management. To this end, the successful
implementation of the action plan will lead to the creation of a centralized human resources
function within the organization with the aims of minimizing the inconsistencies that currently
exist in HR policies and practices and eliminating unnecessary duplication of processes and
services in the HR function.
Analoui, F. (2017). The changing patterns of human resource management. Routledge.
Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource
management. Oxford University Press.
Brewster, C. (2017). The integration of human resource management and corporate strategy.
In Policy and practice in European human resource management (pp. 22-35). Routledge.
Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of research on
comparative human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cascio, W. F. (2015). Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill.
Collings, D. G., Wood, G. T., & Szamosi, L. T. (2018). Human resource management: A critical
approach. In Human Resource Management (pp. 1-23). Routledge.
Nankervis, A. R., Baird, M., Coffey, J., & Shields, J. (2016). Human resource management:
strategy and practice. Cengage AU.
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource
management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

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