Political Science Question


The essay is worth 40 points. It should be multiple paragraphs, around 700-750 words in total (again, it can be more or less if it is answered adequately) and include an introduction, middle, and conclusion. Cite material from class and reading in your argument and make sure you cite it when you do, i.e. name the author and use quotes if it is a quote. A good answer will contain a specific argument, cite class material, and have a clear structure to the essay:1) 1) The White House has created a “commission on polarization and electoral behavior” to investigate the phenomenon and has selected you as the head of the committee. Using what you have learned about American elections, political parties, polarization, and opinion and behavior, write an essay describing the phenomenon of polarization and address its severity. Please use the attached for reference. Please do not exceed 750 word count.

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