Political Science Question


discussed in Modules 9 and 10 and described in your textbook, a lot of
the work of specifying how Federal laws will be implemented is carried
out through the Federal Rulemaking process that was set up by Congress
with the Administrative Procedures Act (1947). And, most of this work is
done by workers variously called civil servants, bureaucrats, merit
employees, professionals, and civil service employees. About 50,000 of
the 2 million employees of the Federal government are involved in this
process. Most of these are bureaucrats who are insulated from being
fired by the president for political reasons – they can only be hired
and fired for reasons having to do with their expertise. But about 4000
of them are “political appointees” who can be hired and fired for
political reasons. They head the departments, agencies, and offices of
the executive branch. The subject of this paper is a proposal, made by Trump when he was
president, to convert these 50,000 jobs to “Schedule F” (a type of
political appointee). It was not completed before he left office, but
he has promised to complete this conversion if he is re-elected. This
would dramatically increase the power of whoever happens to be
president. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r5_ZbDJtBHbOAr… Include these elements in your paper: begin with an introduction paragraph that includes a general explanation of the proposal and the overall debateconsider the 2 sides’ arguments regarding the separation of powerconsider the 2 sides’ arguments regarding democratic accountability
(problems with unelected bureaucrats having too much decision making
authority) VS checks on presidential power (problems with the president
being able to import their will into the vast number of decisions that
have to be made in the rulemaking process)consider the 2 sides’ arguments regarding the difference between the
2 political parties and how they view the federal governmentconclude with a paragraph about which side you find more persuasive and whyuse an example from the rulemaking spreadsheet you completed with
Discussion Board #4 and your knowledge of the rulemaking process
somewhere in your paper: https://www.regulations.gov/document/USPS-2023-036…

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