Political Science Discussion: Possesion or ban of Nuclear weapons


Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science discussion and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.For some context, this teacher is a very hard grader and wants a lot of depth as well as high word count. Higher than 1,000 words is ideal. Pick one of the two possible sides, and defend them with a high amount of evidence. Please include an MLA citation work cited at the bottom.Prompt: Thomas C. Schelling claimed that nuclear weapons rendered war “unthinkable.” Should the world ban the possession and use of nuclear weapons, or should it trust the nuclear powers themselves to control these weapons? Should non-nuclear states have a voice in what nuclear states do with their own weapons? How do disarmament and arms control differ from each other? How well have disarmament and arms control agreements worked in the past?Before midnight, March 2, post a thread in either the Complete Disarmament or the Arms Control threads, using historical facts to support your argument.Use at least 4 citations and cite them at the bottom.

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