Political Advocacy Program


The topic I have chosen for this assignment is Violence in Nursing. Yes, there is violence in healthcare, but most of the violence in healthcare occurs against nurses. Therefore, this paper will highlight violence against nursing and what can be done to rectify the situation. There have been two bills passed in April to protect nurses. However, the American Hospital Association does not think it is necessary because there is already a violence prevention plan in hospitals. These plans are old and outdated and do not protect the healthcare worker today. For this assignment, you will research political advocacy models of professional associations and develop a program outline to be proposed to a professional association or group of your choosing. Objective: Political Advocacy Proposal Audience-Primary: Members of a professional association or group (local/state/institutional) Secondary: Leadership team of the association or group. Those who will approve your proposal. Elements to be included, but not limited to Proposal Abstract, Needs assessment (why is this needed in your profession), supporting research, goals, and objectives, governance structure (leadership roles), membership (member base, recruitment), proposal summary. A minimum of three pages of content with in-text citations and a minimum of three references

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