Policy Question


Hi I basically need help writing a paper that states that I am not in violation of the Honor Code for my University, I have all the evidence I just need a way of writing it to present to the academic board. I am attaching the reason for the claim by the professor, the assignment itself, and his syllabus. I will be here to work with you so we can create a paper at would make everything very clear so that the committee will understand. I can also provide a Chat GPT scan to prove it was actually written by me.

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Dear IT Security Officer,
Subject: Enhancing School Cybersecurity Protocols and Awareness
I trust this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name]. I am reaching out with a sincere
intent to address certain concerns regarding the present condition of cybersecurity, especially in
institutional learning. As a member of this community, I hold a deep regard for the well-being
and security of our institution, prompting me to initiate this communication to discuss and
potentially contribute to the enhancement of cybersecurity awareness.
It is my firm belief that open dialogue and proactive engagement on matters of cybersecurity are
essential for the sustained well-being of our institution. By raising these concerns, I intend to
foster a collaborative environment where we can collectively work towards fortifying our
defenses, ensuring the protection of sensitive data, and upholding the reputation of our institution
in the face of evolving cyber threats.
Introduction and Context
In recent times, the global landscape has witnessed an alarming rise in cyber threats, and
educational institutions have become prime targets for malicious actors (Huang et al., 2023). In
light of this, my research has focused on the urgency of enhancing cybersecurity measures within
our school to protect sensitive information, ensure the continuity of operations, and safeguard the
privacy of students, faculty, and staff.
The term “global landscape” implies that the surge in cyber threats is not limited to a specific
region but is a worldwide occurrence. The dynamic nature of these threats includes sophisticated
techniques like advanced persistent threats (APTs), zero-day vulnerabilities, and social
engineering. Recognizing this dynamism is essential for implementing effective cybersecurity
measures. Educational institutions on how to act when they encounter distinctive cybersecurity
challenges due to the substantial volume of personally identifiable information (PII), financial
data, and research materials stored in their databases (He et al., 2018). The collaborative nature
of academic environments exposes institutions to diverse cyber risks, demanding personalized
security solutions. The potential fallout from a successful cyberattack on an educational
institution extends beyond immediate operational disruption, financial repercussions,
reputational damage, and legal consequences (Huang et al., 2023). Beyond technological
solutions, enhancing cybersecurity involves cultivating a culture of awareness. Collaboration
with cybersecurity experts, industry partners, and information-sharing forums becomes a crucial
component of a robust cybersecurity strategy.
I firmly believe that we need to address potential vulnerabilities in the school’s IT systems
proactively. My thesis is clear: Taking a proactive stance in identifying and rectifying potential
vulnerabilities within our school’s IT systems is crucial. In the ever-evolving digital landscape,
where cyber threats continually advance in sophistication, adopting a preemptive approach
becomes paramount. The core of my thesis revolves around reinforcing our cybersecurity
protocols, aiming not only to mitigate immediate risks linked to cyber threats but also to
underscore our institution’s steadfast dedication to furnishing a secure and reliable digital
environment for all members of our academic community.
In an era where cyber-attacks loom as an ever-present threat, the critical need for robust
cybersecurity measures becomes more urgent. Notable breaches like the 2013 Target stores
incident and the 2015 Japan Pension Service hack have exposed millions to serious privacy risks.
The Yahoo breach, impacting over 500 million users, stands as the largest internet breach in
history (Perlroth, 2017). As cyber threats persist and evolve, the significance of cybersecurity
education and training is magnified as the primary defense against such breaches. Initiatives like
Japan’s CYDER, Hardening Project, and global programs like the SANS Institute offer both paid
and free avenues to address this pressing need.
Yet, existing training programs often involve the laborious and error-prone task of manually
setting up and configuring training environments. While some programs employ undisclosed
tools for setup, their benefits remain confined to specific contexts, limiting accessibility (He et
al., 2018). A scrutiny of Japanese programs uncovered that only one, the Hardening Project,
consistently automates setup tasks, though limited to the execution environment, neglecting
security content creation. The proactive handling of potential vulnerabilities necessitates a
thorough examination of our existing IT infrastructure. This involves a meticulous review of
software applications, network configurations, and access controls to pinpoint and address any
weaknesses susceptible to exploitation by malicious entities (Beuran et al., 2017). This approach
extends beyond merely responding to past incidents reactively; instead, it encourages us to
predict and prevent future threats through strategic planning and the implementation of robust
security measures.
I acknowledge that there may be concerns about the cost and resource allocation required for
cybersecurity enhancements. However, the potential consequences of a security breach far
outweigh the initial investment. Moreover, there are cost-effective measures and grant
opportunities that we can explore to alleviate financial concerns.
In light of the continually evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals, it has become imperative
for our institution to establish a proactive and robust defense mechanism against potential cyber
threats. Recent cyber incidents in educational institutions worldwide serve as blunt reminders of
the pressing need for heightened preparedness within our digital infrastructure (Huang et al.,
2023). Recognizing that we are entrusted with sensitive data, we bear a moral obligation to
safeguard the privacy of our students, faculty, and staff. Strengthening our cybersecurity
protocols is not just a strategic imperative; it is a fundamental step toward fulfilling this ethical
responsibility. Moreover, the importance of operational continuity cannot be overstated. In the
unfortunate event of a cyberattack, the potential disruption to our daily operations could be
severe, impacting our ability to deliver education and support services (Huang et al., 2023). By
strategically investing in cybersecurity measures, we not only mitigate the immediate risks but
also ensure the uninterrupted functioning of our school. In essence, the protection of our
cybersecurity posture emerges as a holistic strategy that addresses the evolving threat landscape,
upholds our ethical duty to protect privacy, and safeguards the essential continuity of our
educational operations.
Conclusion and Call to Action
I propose that you take the lead in spearheading initiatives aimed at fortifying the school’s
cybersecurity infrastructure and awareness. To initiate this crucial endeavor, I recommend the
formation of a dedicated task force comprising key stakeholders. This task force would play a
pivotal role in conducting a thorough and comprehensive assessment of our current cybersecurity
protocols (Furnell et al., 2017). By involving representatives from various departments, IT
specialists, and possibly external cybersecurity experts, we can ensure a holistic understanding of
our vulnerabilities and strengths.
The primary objective of this task force would be to identify areas that require immediate
attention, propose actionable steps for improvement, and develop a roadmap for the
implementation of enhanced cybersecurity measures (Furnell et al., 2017). By fostering
collaboration among diverse stakeholders, we can harness collective expertise, insights, and
perspectives to create a robust cybersecurity strategy that aligns with the specific needs and
challenges of our educational institution.
I believe that your leadership in this capacity can drive the establishment of a proactive and
resilient cybersecurity framework for our school. Your guidance will not only enhance our
defense mechanisms but also instill a culture of cybersecurity awareness and preparedness across
the entire academic community.
Moreover, I recommend the democratization of cybersecurity training, emphasizing the
importance of widespread programs reaching students in universities, colleges, and high schools
(Beuran et al., 2017). In response to this need, we present CyTrONE (Cybersecurity Training and
Operation Network Environment), an open-source framework designed to automate training
content generation and environment setup tasks. CyTrONE ensures accuracy, reduces setup time
and cost, and enables repetitive training for a broader audience, aiming to make cybersecurity
education more inclusive and effective (Beuran et al., 2017). CyTrONE stands apart from
conventional cloud controllers or management tools by positioning itself as an all-encompassing
framework designed for cybersecurity training. Covering user interfaces, training content,
security content creation, and environment setup and cleanup, CyTrONE caters to the full
spectrum of training functionalities. Its distinct advantages lie in elevating setup accuracy,
reducing both time and cost and facilitating the scalability of repetitive training.
I am confident that with your leadership and the collaborative efforts of the proposed task force,
we can fortify our school’s cybersecurity posture, ensuring a secure and trusted digital
environment for all stakeholders. I am eager to discuss this proposal further and contribute
actively to the success of these initiatives. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to
your positive response. I am available to discuss this matter further and collaborate on
implementing the necessary changes. Together, we can ensure the resilience and security of our
school’s digital ecosystem.
Abdirahman Ismail
In shaping this letter to suit my audience, which is the institution’s staff, professors, and students,
I made sure that I used a formal but informative tone. I acknowledged the reader’s role and
fostered a sense of shared dedication to the institution’s welfare. This is evident in the thoughtful
choice of language and expression throughout the communication. Moreso, I was able to employ
a strategic structuring of the content, placing the important concerns at the beginning of the
letter. This positioning is purposeful, intending to captivate the reader’s attention from the
beginning, ensuring immediate engagement and highlighting the urgency and relevance of the
addressed issues. Furthermore, I committed to using scholarly evidence and integrating it to
enhance the letter’s credibility, grounding the argument in existing literature and emphasizing the
seriousness of the discussed cybersecurity matters.
The letter enriches the scholarly and professional issues surrounding cybersecurity in educational
institutions by engaging with various crucial aspects of the subject. It not only acknowledges the
escalating global threat directed at educational entities but also provides a thorough examination
of the associated challenges. Moreover, it emphasizes the need for a proactive and resilient
defense mechanism, intertwining ethical considerations and the significance of maintaining
operational continuity.
Beyond mere acknowledgment of the issue, the letter goes a step further by proposing tangible
solutions. It suggests the establishment of a dedicated task force and introduces CyTrONE, an
open-source framework designed to automate tasks related to training content generation and
environment setup. This proactive approach bridges a potential gap in ongoing discussions by
not just raising awareness but also offering actionable steps for fortifying cybersecurity
protocols. The incorporation of a counterargument showcases a serious understanding of
potential apprehensions, such as cost implications, and presents viable solutions. This contributes
to a more balanced and realistic approach to the subject. Furthermore, the emphasis on
collaborative efforts among diverse stakeholders aligns with established professional practices in
the development of cybersecurity strategies.
Beuran, R., Pham, C., Tang, D., Chinen, K., Tan, Y., & Shinoda, Y. (2017). Cytrone: An
integrated cybersecurity training framework. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy.
Furnell, S., Fischer, P., & Finch, A. (2017). Can’t get the staff? the growing need for cybersecurity skills. Computer Fraud & Security, 2017(2), 5–10.
He, M., Devine, L., & Zhuang, J. (2017). Perspectives on cybersecurity information sharing
among multiple stakeholders using a decision‐theoretic approach. Risk Analysis, 38(2),
215–225. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.12878
Huang, K., Wang, X., Wei, W., & Madnick, S. (2023, May 4). The devastating business impacts
of a cyber breach. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2023/05/the-devastatingbusiness-impacts-of-a-cyber-breach
Perlroth, N. (2017). All 3 billion Yahoo accounts were affected by 2013 attack. The New York
Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/03/technology/yahoo-hack-3-billion-users.html

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