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1. Title
The impact of total quality management (TQM) on private
institution performance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2. Introduction / Abstract
Background of the study :
TQM has become one of the well-known philosophies and paradigms used by many
organizations to manage themselves. It is based on a strategy of “continuous improvement”
involving its customers as well as employees. The objective is to improve the company’s
processes and outputs. TQM is known as a facilitating factor in enhancing organizational
performance all over the world. However, its exact influence on the growth of the private sector
in Saudi Arabia is still an issue that requires intensive research.
For the Saudis and their ambitious vision of 2030 and the economic diversification
program, there is a lot at stake. These private institutions in the country remain important motors
of growth, offering substantial employment opportunities as well as innovative ideas that
stimulate the general economy’s development (Daqar & Constantinovits, 2020, p.64). The
relationship between TQM integration and the following output in regard to various private
enterprises located in this terrain needs to be understood clearly.
The effects of TQM in Saudi private units carry several meanings. First, it analyzes the
impact of adjusting the TQM approach to suit a new culture and business setting within the realm
of Saudi Arabia on organizational operations and key performance indicators. Also, during the
dynamic international trade environment, identifying TQM challenges and prospects for
implementation in the Saudi private sector makes another contribution to the overall debate
about effective leadership models under various conditions (Alzoubi et al., 2019, p.160). Thirdly,
these results could direct policymakers, managers, and stakeholders towards policies that would
help maximize TQM practices and improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and, ultimately, the
sustainable competitive advantage of PIs within KSA.
Therefore, this paper attempts a thorough investigation and assessment of the link
between TQM adoption and outcome measures in Saudi private entities. Using a variety of
empirical data, theories, and practical perspectives, this study seeks to enrich the pool of existing
knowledge and provide helpful information for scholars, practitioners, and government
representatives. Using various forms of empirical facts, theories, and practical perspectives, this
study cont.
3. Preliminary Literature Review
Effect of TQM in SAUDI private institutions.
TQM and its consequences on private organizations in Saudi Arabia have received
considerable focus, given that it can influence the overall performance of an organization. AlGhamdi and Al-Fawaz (2022), as well as Abdulaziz and Al-Harbi (2021) recent studies explored
how TQM transformation has impacted the current work environment based on theoretical
In a Saudi context, Al Ghamdi and Alfawaz (2022) explored the facets of tqm impacts on
operational processes within Saudi private firms. These revelations revealed a significant
connection between TQM practices and organizational effectiveness. Accordingly, streamlined
processes in terms of waste reduction with efficiency in the use of resources were recorded and
the TQM practices in organizational frameworks turned out successful (Zaid et al., 2020, p.230).
However, implementing some innovative solutions helped these private Saudi organizations
improve operational procedures. Thus, it also improved the effectiveness of this system and
strengthened its competitive advantage from a market perspective (Al-Ghamdi & Al-Fawaz,
The research by Abdulaziz and Al-Harbi (2021) also highlighted the financial
consequences of implementing TQM in Saudi private companies. The study revealed the diverse
financial gains of implementing TQM. The demonstration made it possible to see an increase in
profitability and sustainable growth of the companies that adopted TQM (Saad, Noor &
Sharofiddin, 2020, p.64). Therein, this concept is in keeping with an understanding that TQM
methods applied toward operational processes increase productivity while saving costs and
improving financial results for the Saudi private sector (Abdulaziz, Al-Harbi, 2021).
Saudi private institutions: holistic impact of TQM.
Al-Ghamdi and Al-Fawaz’s (2022) as well as Abdulaziz and Al-Harbi’s (2021) research
revealed an overall picture of how TQM implementations could boost the performance of Saudi
private universities. These empirical studies provide convincing grounds for how this
combination of cost-saving and better operations is essential in achieving success in the
competitive Saudi business realm.
As a case study, Al-Ghamdi and Al-Fawaz’s (2022) study reveals how TQM helps Saudi
private organizations improve their operations. These findings highlight notable improvements
on the performance side, such as simplified operations, reduced waste, and better utilization of
resources. Such an increase in operative efficiency not only contributes towards organizational
resilience but also enhances the ability of such institutions to quickly adjust and react to everchanging market demands, making them competitive.
To complement these operational modifications, Abdulaziz and Al-harbi’s study (2021)
explores the financial impact of TQM implementation in Saudi private enterprises. Their
empirical investigation clearly reveals how TQM can significantly enhance the financial benefits
of an organization. The presented study reveals that when companies adopt the TQM strategies,
they experience an increment in their profits as well as efficiency in costs. Therefore, as a result,
there will be steady growth for those companies with good management skills or otherwise. The
operational improvements that are associated with the application of TQM practices provide an
empirical foundation for the transformational capabilities of TQM within the context of private
institutions in Saudi Arabia.
Together, their results related to the operational processes of TQM in Saudi private
enterprises and the financial implications there of demonstrate the broader significance of TQM
in these organizations. Improving operational effectiveness is shown by these studies to translate
into tangible monetary gains and confirms that operational performance and financial success go
hand in hand. These two sides were produced cooperatively due to effective TQM, giving
positioning to enterprises amidst a rough Saudi competition arena.
Saudi Organizations and TQM Frameworks customization.
This has led to a number of studies aimed at developing customized TQM frameworks
that are culturally relevant and reflective of the realities prevailing in the Saudi Arabian context.
Khans and Al-Mutairi (2020) introduced a new approach that integrated existing TQM
components along with Saudi cultural values so as to create a more appropriate model for
implementation in Saudi private educational institutions.
As stated, the model proposed by Khan and Al-Mutairi (2020) is a fusion of typical
components of TQM with the complexity of the Saudi culture. The framework is designed to
make use of employee empowerment, which is highly ingrained within Saudi Arabian culture.
The practice of TQM emphasizes employee empowerment, which is correlated with the cultural
unity of TQM practices that are meant to ensure that company goals and quality initiatives align
with established values and beliefs prevailing in contemporary Saudi culture.
The framework created by Khan and Al-Mutairi (2020) put a significant emphasis on
stakeholders’ engagement as it was vital for implementing the total quality management process
in the private sectors of Saudi. This framework is comprehensive and considers not just
employees among internal entities but also external ones like customers and communities. This
approach emphasizes that the multiple faces of stakeholders are necessary to ensure the success
of the organization as they actively participate in improving quality.
This approach will allow several key benefits, such as encouraging a high level of
participation among stakeholders and thus enhancing their feeling of joint ownership. The
involvement of stakeholders in the process of quality enhancement leads to the emergence of an
inherent interest in the results (Aburayya et al., 2020). When employees feel empowered, they
know that their contributions are crucial and valuable to decisions made within the organization
(Alofi & Younes, 2019, p.41). This spirit of belongingness cuts across the organization, creating
an atmosphere where each member takes ownership of quality excellence within the institute.
This inclusive strategy also increases the cultural acceptability of TQM in private
institutions in Saudi Arabia. The diversity of the participant communities enhances cultural
inclusion and openness by embracing stakeholders from different societal sectors or ethnological
groups (Alotaibi et al., 2019, p.64). Quality Enhancement Includes a cultural understanding that
considers the variety of viewpoints present within Saudi society. By embracing the diverse
perspectives, traditions, and backgrounds of different stakeholders, the TQM becomes more
aligned with the nature of Saudi culture.
For instance, placing stakeholder engagement at the top level of the model by Khan and
Al-Mutairi will trigger Saudi cultural acceptance and effectiveness of TQM activities in private
establishments. Such a participatory approach creates an environment of inclusiveness,
ownership, and cultural sensitivity that significantly increases the ability of TQM to align with
the particular socio-cultural context of Saudi Arabia.
Khan and Al-Mutairi’s proposal on a contextualized approach speaks to the difficulties
that come along with using generalized models of TQM and Saudi Arabia’s business
environment (Muhammad et al., 2019). This framework focuses on aligning classical TQM ideas
with Saudi traditional customs so as to foster a culture that promotes employee involvement,
cultural harmony, and stakeholders’ commitment towards the advancement of quality standards
in private sector organizations in Saudi Arabia.
Challenges in TQM Implementation
There are significant challenges associated with introducing TQM among Saudi private
establishments. Two studies that thoroughly examined how Saudis incorporate TQM into their
distinctive social, cultural as well as organizational background are those of Al-Saud and AlMohaimeed (2023) and also Al-Rubaiaan and Al-Dhaifall.
The most significant obstacle in implementing change is resistance to new ideas in Saudi
private companies (Al-Saud and Al-Mohaimeed, 2023). The resistance is engrained in the
organization’s inertial system or cultural elements and is usually an insurmountable obstacle to
the practical realization of TQM processes. Despite the benefits of TQM’s transformative
principles, it faces specific barriers that hinder incorporation into the organization (Alumran et
al., 2021, p.840). For example, employees have an aversion to change, and they are adamant
about using established practices and avoid trying new methodologies.
In addition, the scarcity of competent labor who can drive TQM is another challenge
faced by Saudi private institutions (Al-Rubaiaan & Al-Dhaifallah, 2021). The lack of individuals
who are knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced enough to push through with QA programs
undermines QM practices (Babu & Thomas, 2020, p.20). The absence of competent
professionals to completely implement quality management methodologies hampers the
effortless adoption and maintenance of quality-based concepts in the Saudi setting.
The lack of an enabling organizational culture is one of the main challenges for TQM
implementation (Al-Rubaiaan & Al-Dhaifallah, 2021). Nonetheless, any culture that does not
uphold or promote the need for quality orientation and which is unwilling to improve on its
processes continually presents a formidable difficulty (Saffar & Obeidat, 2020, p.87). Some
barriers to TQM implementation in Saudi private institutions include the absence of a supportive
environment for change and no culture of quality consciousness.
Cultural Implications and Leadership Support
The complexes with cultural subtleties of Saudi Arabia are strong and affect the adoption
of TQM by private organizations. The study by al Mansour and Salem (2023) shows that
culturally-based sensitivity, as well as constant management support, are crucial for TQM to
become a long-lasting element within the Saudi domain.
As opposed to this, the notion of “cultural sensitivity” becomes an integrating element in
the adaptation of TQM principles in Saudi private organizations. This study of Al-Mansour and
Al-Salem (2023), however, points out the necessity of acknowledging, comprehending, as well
as respecting the complexities inherent in Saudi culture (Hassan & Jaaron, 2021). Through this,
organizations will have an enhanced alignment of TQM strategies with Saudi Arabian cultural
values and customs to promote a stronger correlation between the objectives of a quality-oriented
project and Saudi culture. This brings employees into resonation with the need for smooth
integration of TQM practice into daily organization operations.
Furthermore, this paper highlights the importance of visionary leadership in making
TQM efforts workable. Al-Mansour and Al-Salem (2023) highlight the role of effective and
forward-thinking leadership in developing a culture of process and quality awareness among
Saudi private sector organizations. The TQM is initiated by “visionary” leaders who create the
right conditions that include having a purpose for the organization, clear goals of the TQM, and a
strong commitment towards continuous improvement for achieving higher levels of quality
standards (Al-Otaibi, 2020). The steadfast backing they provide towards promoting TQM
policies creates an environment focused on the importance of quality, creativity, and striving for
greatness (Nguyen & Nagase, 2019, p.281). The findings from Al-Mansour and Al-Salem (2023)
emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity, innovative leadership, and transformational
management for introducing TQM successfully into the complex fabric of the Saudi private
This review of the literature underscores the increasingly important role that TQM is
assuming in the modern-day landscape of SAUDI private establishments. All these studies
cumulatively prove the relationship between the adoption of the TQM approach and
improvement within organizations, indicating various effects that are involved while
implementing the TQM methods.
While many of the research findings highlight this critical point, it is clear that Saudi
private institutions must embrace contextual frameworks that respond to their intricate cultural
environment. Customized TQM frameworks, as revealed by Khan and Al-Mutairi (2020), TQM,
and the culture in a country are critical, which becomes apparent from the research conducted by
Al-Mansour and Al-Salem (202 The results of these studies indicate that the appropriateness and
effectiveness of the implementation of TQM depend on the fact that such cultural sensitivity is
considered to be crucial for a system in which its elements are integrated within a larger whole.
The literature equally highlights that good management and leadership are inevitable
components in any attempt to achieve or implement TQM (Ali AlShehail, Khan & Ajmal, 2022,
p.403). As shown by Al Mansour and Alsalem (2023), visionary leadership is critical to
introducing TQM programs, creating a climate of eternal quality improvements, and guiding an
organization through its transformation. Supportive leadership is crucial to ensuring the effective
implementation of TQM and the development of the quality culture mindset, and without it,
neither can exist.
On the other hand, some things could be improved regarding the adoption of TQM,
especially among Saudi private organizations. Al-Saud and Al-Mohaimeed’s (2023) research and
Al-Rubaiaan and Al-Dhaifallah’s (2021) studies highlight obstacles due to change resistance and
lack of qualified human resources, and These are vital aspects that need focus and strategic
interventions for smooth incorporation and continuity of the TQM practice.
The reviewed literature generally stresses the need for the tailoring of TQM practices to
suit Saudi private institutions, harmonizing them with the culture of Saudi Arabia, addressing
implementation problems, and utilizing proper leadership so as to reap the maximum benefits of
implementing TQM. A summary of these findings will provide the basis for a strategy that
outlines what is needed to help privately owned Saudi institutions establish themselves as
champions in QMS.
4. Aims and Objectives

How to implement TQM in a small company?
what is the impact of TQM on performance of small company?
How TQM can be applied to improve the organisation’s performance?
What could cause TQM to fail in small company?
What are the problems with TQM implementation?
How does TQM affect employees?
How does TQM increase productivity?

Project Objective
Objective must align with aim above
Usually written as ‘doing verbs’
o EG: to investigate, to determine, to ascertain

Project aim
Aim of this study is to provide insight to the…. (above mentioned problem →mention here)

Problem Statement
Research Questions / hypothesis
Written to achieve the objectives and overall aim to provide insight into the problem statement
Some helpful starting points:

What is the difference between aims and objectives?
o Aims are a general statement about what you wish to achieve, objectives are
specific measurable targets that can be ticked off once achieved.
5. Methodology

This section discusses the study research method

The study should clearly state whether qualitative or quantitative research methods will be
carried out with justification.
Full description of the study’s sample, data collection methods, data analysis techniques

Research Method / Approach / Design
Sampling Techniques
The data collection by using questionnaires and will be distributed using Probability sampling
covers simple random sampling method, giving us strong statistical evidence about the whole
6. Ethics
This section can be included as a subsection somewhere else in the main thesis, but it is important for
proposal purposes to highlight that we have taken ethics into consideration

It is important to note here that the project does not have any unethical or harmful
intentions to the organizations.
Additionally, any scheduled research to be carried out should not cause disruption to
organizations or their employees.
Confidentiality will be respected and adequate information on the proposed research will
be provided beforehand.
7. References

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