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Developing a Business Plan is a valuable way to understand the various components required for a successful business operation.

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In this Course Project, you will select a type of business and develop a business plan using the textbook and what you have learned throughout your academic journey.

The project is divided into a market research paper and three parts, described as follows:

Market Research is due in Week 2 DUE by 01/14
Part 1 is due in Week 3. DUE BY 1/21
Part 2 is due in Week 5. DUE BY 02/04
Part 3 is due in Week 7. DUE BY 2/18


Create each part of your assignment within a Microsoft Word document that aligns with the deliverables outlined in the tabs below.
Each section of the Business Plan should be approximately 500 words. If a section exceeds 500 words, review and edit that section to make it more focused and concise.
Each part should be completely integrated and presented in a logical order, written professionally, and free of spelling and grammar errors.
Your final Course Project must include a cover page and reference page formatted in APA Style.
Include supporting documentation in your Appendix (created in Part 3).
For your final submission, be sure your Business Plan includes corrections and advice received throughout the course from your professor.
Remember to review the Academic Integrity Policy to avoid violations. Do not plagiarize any part of these assignments.

The following resource materials provided in this course to be used in the development of your Course Project includes:

The textbook – Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies™ by Rhonda Abrams.
Weekly lessons.
Sample plans in the Week 2 module.

Please utilize the DeVry library database and DeVry librarians to assist with your research.

Market Research
Course Project Part 1
Course Project Part 2
Course Project Part 3

The first step is to complete your market research in Week 2 and create a new company that can be a sole proprietorship. This will be a business you can start with minimal capital, and the intent is to own and operate it indefinitely, so selling the company is not a consideration.

Here is a list of some business examples.

Food Truck
Art Gallery
Pet Store
Custom T-shirts
Language Lessons
Homemade Chocolate and Candy
Small Jewelry Store
Homemade Chocolate and Candy Store
Donut/Bagel Shop

For this Market Research assignment, you will be finalizing the selection of your sole proprietorship. Here are the steps required for this assignment.

Identify a business type that is of interest to you.
Provide a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) your chosen business offers to the market
Answer the following questions:
What benefits to the market does your product or service provide?
How is your approach better than the competition?
4.) Provide research stating the regulations and requirements necessary to open a sole proprietorship in your area of interest.
5.) Submit your sole proprietorship selection for the final Course Project and the answers to the questions above to your professor in a 2-3 page paper.

