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The Significance of Tutankhamen’s Outermost Coffin in Understanding Ancient Egyptian
Burial Customs
The Tutankhamen’s outermost coffin is considered as an essential artifact from the
ancient Egypt. It representing their burial customs and spiritual beliefs of the time. This paper
will try to opens different doors from its physical characteristics, archaeological history, and to
the cultural significance of the outermost coffin. And by this you could somehow open your eyes
from the complex worldviews of ancient Egyptians during the New Kingdom era.
Physical Appearance
Tutankhamen’s coffin is also known by other people as the “Pharaoh’s Final Resting
Place.” In this name, we can somehow say that this emphasizes the sacred role of preserving
their king during that time and to ensure his safe journey into the afterworld. In its outstanding
designs which somehow feature detailed depictions of the pharaoh’s facial features, we can
assume that this is really an important and remarkable relic in the context of ancient Egyptian
beliefs and customs surrounding death and the afterlife.
The Tutankhamen’s outermost coffin stands as an amazing testament to the talent and the
ability of ancient Egypt to create such thing. The amazing craftsmanship is really evident in its
imposing size. Based on my research, it measures 6-meter-long in length and has a yellow rock
and precious gem imagery. The Tutankhamen’s was crafted in wooden sarcophagus that serves a
deep purpose because as it was meant to serve as a vessel for the pharaoh in the afterlife.
The purpose and function of Tutankhamen’s outermost coffin is to preserve and protect their king
in the afterlife. This art masterpiece not only serve as a great artifact but also serves as a
testament to the spiritual beliefs of ancient Egyptian in the afterlife. According to some research,
the coffin serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual world that ensuring
Tutankhamen’s enduring presence as a divine ruler in the afterlife.
In the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, this coffin was a sacred vessel. It guides and assist
the pharaoh’s soul on its afterlife journey. This coffin’s significance goes beyond the normal
traditions from other countries. Theirs is a protection and spirituality intertwined within the
Egyptian burial customs1. Also, this somehow opens the idea that the civilization’s solid
commitment to the well-being of their deceased king highlights their devotion to securing a
prosperous and everlasting afterlife for their beloved pharaoh.
Dating and Discovery
Way back to the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt around 1332 or 1323 BC during
Tutankhamen ruling. This artifact gives us an overview into their history. It was discovered by
Howard Carter an archeologist in year 1922. It was found in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor2.
This is really an important relic and its not just a door for that era but it serve as a testament to
the incredible craftsmanship and artistry of ancient Egyptians people. The origin of
Tutankhamen’s tomb hold secrets waiting to be recovered by archaeologists and historians. The
connection is really important for the historical figure and period. It makes it a symbol of the
enduring fascination on what they have in the past and the countless stories waiting to be heard
from the ruling of Tutankhamen’s
1. Silverman, D. “The Treasure of Tutankhamun”. Archaeology 29, no. 4 (1976): 232–41.
2. Hall, H. R. The Journal of Egyptian. Archaeology 9, no. 3/4 (1923): 257–60.
outermost coffin, a symbol of ancient Egyptian opulence, lay ensconced in the heart of his tomb,
deep within the Valley of the Kings. This choice of location was not incidental but a deliberate
act to emphasize its significance. The innermost chamber, where it was discovered, was the apex
of sacredness in this royal necropolis, reserved for the most pivotal rituals of the pharaoh’s
afterlife journey. This strategic placement underscores the outermost coffin’s pivotal role in the
elaborate burial ceremony, a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship and spiritual reverence of
the ancient Egyptians, immortalizing their belief in the grandeur of the afterlife.
Location and Context
Tutankhamen’s outermost coffin again strongly stands as a powerful testament to the
cultural significance of ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom era. Aside from its amazing
craftsmanship this artifact serves as a window into the deep beliefs and values of the Egyptian
people during of that time. The involved engravings and symbolic that tell a story of spiritual
depth and steadfast devotion3. They somehow reflect a society that held strong convictions about
the continuity of life beyond death.
Cultural Significance
The coffin gives us a glimpse to the Egyptian concept of the afterlife and the thorough
preparations to guarantee a seamless journey for the departed person in their life. It emphasizes
the importance of death rituals, the preservation of the deceased’s body, and also the provision of
essential items for the afterlife. The talent and care put into this coffin reveal the Egyptians
commitment to ensuring the well-being of the departed in the realm beyond their complex
beliefs, rituals, and their dedication to the eternal journey4.
3. Stevenson, Alice. “A Golden Age? (1922–1939): Collecting in the Shadow of Tutankhamun.” In
Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums, 145–80. UCL Press, 2019.
4. Peet, T. Eric. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10, no. 1 (1924): 76–77.
The significance of this coffin within the archaeological record can’t be overstated as it
stands as a magnificent testament to the skill and dedication of ancient Egyptian artisans. It
showcases their remarkable talents and deep spiritual convictions. Its ornate design, imagery, and
also the inscriptions provide an insight into their rituals and beliefs surrounding death and the
afterlife in this ancient civilization. And as a result to this, it plays a significant role in able to
archaeologists to piece together the complex tapestry of Egypt’s history. This priceless artifact
acts as a bridge connecting the living with the departed, offering an unrivaled glimpse into the
enigmatic world of ancient Egypt. It not only preserves the past but also enriches our
understanding of a culture that continues to captivate and intrigue the world. In essence, this
regal coffin is an invaluable key to unlock the mysteries of an extraordinary civilization, making
it an indispensable gem in the archaeological treasure trove5.
Importance in the Archaeological Record
The ongoing debates about the surrounding coffins found in the tomb of Tutankhamen
are symbolic of the puzzling world of ancient Egyptian burial practices and their cultural
significance. This mentioned coffins placed one within the other, and that raise interesting
questions about their purpose and the deeper symbolism that they may carry. Some experts argue
that the nesting of coffins served practical purposes, such as protection for the mummy,
safeguarding against grave robbers, or ensuring the eternal preservation of the pharaoh’s remains.
Others suggest that the design may have had more spiritual significance, symbolizing the concept
of rebirth and the journey to the afterlife6.
The symbols and inscriptions adorning these coffins provide additional layers of
complexity to the debates, offering glimpses into the religious beliefs and mythological
5. Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums, 145–80. UCL Press, 2019.
6. Zeman, Jarrett. “Resurrection Machines: An Analysis of Burial Sites in Ancient Egypt’s Valley of the
Kings as Catalysts for Spiritual Rebirth.” 2009. Student Summer Scholars Manuscripts, 14. Accessed November 11,
narratives of the time. As scholars continue to explore the mysteries of Tutankhamen’s burial,
these discussions shed light on the multifaceted aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, revealing the
intricate interplay between life, death, and the enduring quest for immortality.
In conclusion, Tutankhamen’s outermost coffin with its physical wealth and historical
significance it offers a door into the spiritual and social customs of Egyptian burial rituals during
the New Kingdom era. And as it was discovered in the depths of the Valley of the Kings it also
provides an insight to the complex belief system of ancient Egypt as it emphasizes the
significance of the transition from life to the afterlife. As an important archaeological artifact, it
continues to captivate researchers and enthusiasts, unraveling the mysteries of a bygone
civilization. This essay has explored the physical attributes of the artifact, its archaeological
history, and its cultural relevance while also considering the debates and challenges faced by
people when interpreting this amazing piece of ancient history.
Silversman, D. “The Treasure of Tutankhamun” Archaeology 29, no. 4 (1976): 232–41.
Hall, H. R. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 9, no. 3/4 (1923): 257–60.
Stevenson, Alice. “A Golden Age? (1922–1939): Collecting in the Shadow of Tutankhamun.” In
Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums, 145–80. UCL Press, 2019.
Peet, T. Eric. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10, no. 1 (1924): 76–77.
Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums, 145–80. UCL Press, 2019.
Zeman, Jarrett. “Resurrection Machines: An Analysis of Burial Sites in Ancient Egypt’s Valley
of the Kings as Catalysts for Spiritual Rebirth.” 2009. Student Summer Scholars
Manuscripts, 14. Accessed November 11, 2023.

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