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1.Write Summaries: Write a summary or description of each artifact included in your portfolio. The summary should provide a brief overview of the artifact and its purpose and a description of your role in its creation. You should also highlight any key insights, skills, or knowledge that the artifact demonstrates and explain how it relates to your program’s competencies and learning outcomes.

2.Include Additional Elements: Consider including additional elements in your portfolio, such as an introduction, CV or resume, table of contents, reflection, conclusion, or visual design. These elements can help make your portfolio more effective and engaging.

·Introduction: Write an introduction that overviews your background, experience, and career goals. This will help set the stage for the reader and provide context for your portfolio.

·Reflection: Write a reflection on your portfolio that discusses your learning experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your critical thinking skills and demonstrate your understanding of the field.

·Conclusion: End your portfolio with a conclusion summarizing your key takeaways and reinforcing your career goals. This will help leave a lasting impression on the reader and demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to the field.

·Design: Consider the visual design of your portfolio, including the layout, formatting, and use of images and graphics. A well-designed portfolio can help make your work more engaging and memorable.

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MSIA Culminating project – Plan C Project Portfolio – GUIDELINES
Spring, 2023
The project portfolio aims to showcase your Information Assurance (IA) skills, knowledge, and
accomplishments in the MSIA program to demonstrate your readiness for a career in the field. It allows
you to show your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities while providing context for the reader. A
carefully developed project portfolio can be valuable in showcasing your skills and accomplishments to
potential employers, clients, or graduate programs.
1. Choose Artifacts: Select 5-10 artifacts demonstrating your skills, knowledge, and accomplishments in
the program, such as technical reports, research papers, certifications, training courses, projects,
and case studies. Aim to include artifacts that showcase your expertise in different areas of IA.
2. Revise Artifacts: Once you have selected your artifacts, review them to ensure they are polished,
professional, and relevant to your program. Revise and update them to improve their quality.
3. Write Summaries: Write a summary or description of each artifact included in your portfolio. The
summary should provide a brief overview of the artifact and its purpose and a description of your
role in its creation. You should also highlight any key insights, skills, or knowledge that the artifact
demonstrates and explain how it relates to your program’s competencies and learning outcomes.
4. Include Additional Elements: Consider including additional elements in your portfolio, such as an
introduction, CV or resume, table of contents, reflection, conclusion, or visual design. These
elements can help make your portfolio more effective and engaging.
• Introduction: Write an introduction that overviews your background, experience, and
career goals. This will help set the stage for the reader and provide context for your
• Reflection: Write a reflection on your portfolio that discusses your learning experiences,
challenges, and accomplishments. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your critical
thinking skills and demonstrate your understanding of the field.
• Conclusion: End your portfolio with a conclusion summarizing your key takeaways and
reinforcing your career goals. This will help leave a lasting impression on the reader and
demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to the field.
• Design: Consider the visual design of your portfolio, including the layout, formatting, and
use of images and graphics. A well-designed portfolio can help make your work more
engaging and memorable.
2. Format and Organize Your Portfolio: Once you have all your artifacts and additional elements,
format and organize your portfolio clearly and logically. You may choose to organize your artifacts
chronologically, thematically, or by the level of proficiency. Ensure that your portfolio is easy to
navigate and that the artifacts and summaries are presented in a way that highlights their relevance
and importance.
3. Seek Feedback: Before submitting your portfolio, you may seek feedback from your instructors,
peers, or mentors. This can help you identify any areas for improvement or clarify any questions or
concerns that may arise.
Information Assurance
Portfolio Paper
November 28, 2023
Portfolio 1
Welcome to my comprehensive portfolio, a testament to the transformative journey I
undertook during the Master of Science in Information Assurance (MSIA) program. Within these
artifacts, you’ll discover a synthesis of theoretical knowledge, practical expertise, and the
resilience cultivated through hands-on experiences in the dynamic realm of information security.
As we delve into each artifact, I invite you to explore the depth and breadth of my skills across
various domains within this ever-evolving field. This portfolio not only showcases my
proficiency but also reflects my commitment to excellence and continuous growth in information
Artifacts1: digital forensics Ethics:
The primary goal of digital forensics is to apply systematic and scientific methods to
digital devices, aiming to uncover, preserve, analyze, and present digital evidence in a legal
context. This process plays a critical role in modern investigations, encompassing criminal cases
and corporate incidents involving digital information. Forensic Toolkit (FTK) is a great tool for
investigating and analyzing digital information. FTK is known for its capability to conduct
thorough and comprehensive analyses of digital data and supports the examination of various
types of digital evidence, including files, emails, images, and more.
My participation in a Digital Forensics course was marked by a collaborative effort with
Laxman Puri to resolve ‘The Minilik Case,’ a simulated murder scenario. Through the use of
FTK, we navigated a complex web of evidence, ultimately uncovering the use of steganography
by the suspect, Negus Minilik. This experience highlighted my ability to persevere in the face of
Portfolio 2
challenges, leveraging not only technical skills but also a deep understanding of forensic
Artifacts 1: The Minilik Case.
Portfolio 3
Artifacts 1: Email from Negus Minilik to his employer the day of the crime.
Portfolio 4
Artifacts 1: Amazon order of a Full-face mask.
Artifacts 1: Amazon order of a Gas Cylinder.
Portfolio 5
Artifacts2: Intrusion Detection and Prevention
The primary goal of Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) is to safeguard computer
systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and malicious activities. IDP
systems work in real-time to identify and respond to security threats, aiming to prevent potential
damage and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
The Snort assignment seamlessly bridged theoretical knowledge with practical
application in the dynamic field of network security. It unveiled the crucial mechanisms that
form the backbone of Snort’s functionality—comprising the Detection Engine, Logging and
Alerting System, Packet Decoder, Preprocessor, and Output Modules. These foundational
components not only enlightened me on the intricacies of real-time traffic analysis but also
deepened my comprehension of how Snort adeptly identifies potential threats. Delving into its
three primary modes—Sniffer, Packet Logger, and Intrusion Detection—provided a nuanced
exploration, unraveling the layers of its multifaceted functionality.
The installation process on Ubuntu not only honed my Linux system administration skills
but also acquainted me with essential prerequisites, emphasizing the importance of a meticulous
setup. Configuration steps, such as specifying listening interfaces and defining CIDR values for
the local network, deepened my understanding of how Snort interacts with the network
The journey was not without its challenges. Configuring Snort to align with my network
required careful attention, and selecting the appropriate listening interface posed an initial hurdle.
Additionally, understanding CIDR notation for the address range demanded a grasp of
Portfolio 6
networking concepts that I needed to reinforce. Editing the configuration file prompted me to
engage with the intricacies of text editors, with each adjustment being a lesson in precision.
The sense of accomplishment emerged as the configured Snort system began monitoring network
traffic effectively. Witnessing Snort in action, detecting anomalies and potential threats,
reinforced the practical application of IDS/IPS concepts. Successfully navigating through the
installation and configuration process underscored a newfound proficiency in deploying security
tools in a Linux environment.
The ability to decipher Snort’s log outputs and comprehend its alerts underscored a
practical understanding of rule-based analysis. Seeing Snort respond to the defined rule set with
precision was not only a validation of the configuration but also a testament to the efficacy of
IDS/IPS in fortifying network security.
Portfolio 7
Artifacts 2: SNORT Installation and Configuration.
Artifacts 3: Introduction to Packet Tracer
Embarking on the Introduction to Packet Tracer course has been an enriching expedition,
providing a platform to navigate through diverse learning experiences, confront challenges headon, and celebrate significant accomplishments. In this reflection, I aim to articulate the evolution
of my understanding in the field, emphasizing the critical thinking skills honed throughout the
Portfolio 8
The Introduction to Packet Tracer course has been instrumental in transforming
theoretical knowledge into practical proficiency. Through dynamic simulations and hands-on
activities, I immersed myself in the intricacies of network configurations, gaining a profound
understanding of the principles that underpin modern networking technologies.
Exploring Packet Tracer modules allowed me to construct and deconstruct various
network topologies, refining my ability to design, implement, and troubleshoot networks
effectively. Each exercise was a step deeper into the practical application of networking
concepts, translating textbook knowledge into tangible skills applicable in real-world scenarios.
The journey was not without its challenges. Configuring complex network setups within
Packet Tracer demanded meticulous attention to detail, strategic problem-solving, and a thorough
understanding of networking protocols. As I encountered hurdles in designing and optimizing
networks, I embraced each challenge as an opportunity to refine my skills and fortify my
foundation in networking.
Interpreting and implementing intricate concepts, troubleshooting simulated issues, and
adapting to different network scenarios within the virtual environment posed unique challenges.
These obstacles fueled my curiosity, pushing me to explore alternative solutions, consult
additional resources, and foster a resilient mindset essential for success in the field of
The culmination of the Introduction to Packet Tracer course is marked by a tangible
certificate, a testament to the milestones achieved and knowledge acquired. Successfully
navigating the course exercises, configuring diverse network topologies, and overcoming
challenges showcased a proficiency in applying theoretical concepts to practical scenarios.
Portfolio 9
A notable accomplishment is the adeptness gained in utilizing Packet Tracer for network
design, protocol implementation, and troubleshooting. Crafting functional networks within the
virtual realm not only underscores academic achievement but serves as evidence of the practical
skills cultivated throughout the course.
Earning the certificate for completing the Introduction to Packet Tracer course is a
significant milestone, but it also serves as a springboard for future endeavors. Armed with the
practical skills and theoretical knowledge acquired, I look forward to applying these
competencies in real-world networking scenarios. The course has laid a solid foundation for
advanced networking studies and professional growth.
Artifacts 3: Introduction to Packet Tracer certificate of completion.
Artifacts4: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Reflecting on the Introduction to Cybersecurity course offered by Cisco, I have found the
learning experience to be exceptionally comprehensive and insightful. The course delve deeply
into fundamental cybersecurity concepts, establishing a robust foundation for comprehending the
intricacies of the digital security landscape.
One of the course’s pivotal learning experiences was attaining a profound understanding
of various cyber threats and attack vectors. Topics such as malware, phishing, and social
engineering were meticulously covered, facilitating a nuanced comprehension of the tactics
employed by malicious actors.
Portfolio 10
Certainly, the course presented its fair share of challenges. The dynamic nature of
cybersecurity necessitates constant adaptation and staying abreast of the latest threats and
defense mechanisms proved to be an ongoing effort. Additionally, grappling with complex
cryptographic concepts and understanding the intricacies of network security protocols
demanded focused attention and perseverance.
However, overcoming these challenges resulted in a profound sense of accomplishment.
Successfully completing the course and obtaining the certificate of completion validated the
dedication and effort invested. The certification not only serves as a tangible recognition of the
acquired knowledge but also opens doors to further advanced courses and professional
opportunities in the cybersecurity domain.
Moreover, the course fostered critical thinking skills by encouraging analysis of realworld case studies and scenarios. Developing the ability to assess vulnerabilities, formulate
effective defense strategies, and understand the ethical implications of cybersecurity decisions
were integral aspects of the learning journey. The practical application of critical thinking skills
enhances one’s capacity to navigate complex cybersecurity challenges with a well-rounded
Artifacts 4: Introduction to Cybersecurity certificate of completion.
Artifacts 5: Wireshark Essential Training
Portfolio 11
Reflecting on the “Wireshark Essential Training” course offered on LinkedIn Learning has been a
journey into the intricate world of network protocol analysis. The course provided an in-depth
exploration of Wireshark, a tool crucial for anyone involved in network troubleshooting, security,
or optimization.
The learning experience was hands-on and practical, offering a step-by-step guide to using
Wireshark effectively. From the basics of capturing network traffic to advanced filtering
techniques, the course covered a wide spectrum of topics. The interactive exercises and realworld examples allowed for immediate application of newly acquired skills, reinforcing the
theoretical concepts.
Challenges arose primarily in deciphering complex network traffic patterns and identifying
anomalies. The diverse nature of data flowing through a network requires a keen eye and a deep
understanding of protocols, and mastering these nuances presented a significant learning curve.
However, overcoming these challenges was immensely rewarding, as it not only enhanced my
analytical skills but also allowed me to approach network troubleshooting with a more
systematic and informed perspective.
One notable accomplishment was navigating the intricacies of Wireshark’s interface to uncover
the root causes of network issues. The ability to pinpoint bottlenecks, identify security threats,
and optimize network performance showcased a practical application of the course teachings.
These accomplishments were not only intellectually satisfying but also directly applicable to
real-world scenarios.
Earning the certificate of completion was a significant milestone in this learning journey. It
serves as tangible proof of the dedication and effort invested in mastering the essential skills
Portfolio 12
taught in the course. This recognition is not just a certificate; it represents a validation of
expertise in network protocol analysis using Wireshark, a valuable asset in a professional
Furthermore, the critical thinking skills developed during the course extended beyond the tool
itself. Analyzing network traffic requires a holistic understanding of networking concepts and
protocols. This training encouraged me to think strategically about network architecture, security
implications, and optimization strategies, fostering a comprehensive approach to network
Artifacts 5: Wireshark Essential Training certificate of completion.
Portfolio 13
In closing, this portfolio serves as a testament to the culmination of my educational
journey through the Master of Science in Information Assurance (MSIA) program. Each artifact
within this collection represents not only a milestone but a building block in the foundation of
my expertise across diverse facets of information security.
The artifacts cover a spectrum of disciplines, starting with the meticulous world of digital
forensics. Unraveling the complexities of Forensic Toolkit (FTK) during the investigation of ‘The
Minilik Case’ showcased my ability to apply systematic and scientific methods, unveiling digital
evidence with precision.
Moving into the realm of Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP), the exploration of
Snort underscored my capacity to seamlessly bridge theoretical knowledge with practical
application. Navigating the intricacies of Snort’s functionality, from its Detection Engine to
Intrusion Detection modes, not only deepened my understanding of real-time traffic analysis but
also highlighted my proficiency in deploying security tools in a Linux environment.
The Introduction to Packet Tracer course offered a dynamic journey, transforming
theoretical networking knowledge into tangible skills. Configuring diverse network topologies
within Packet Tracer became a canvas for honing critical thinking, problem-solving, and
troubleshooting abilities. The tangible certificate earned at the culmination of this course is not
just recognition but a testament to my proficiency in applying theoretical concepts to practical
Portfolio 14
The exploration of cybersecurity fundamentals with Cisco’s Introduction to Cybersecurity
course expanded my comprehension of the digital security landscape. Navigating through topics
like malware, phishing, and social engineering, I not only overcame challenges but also
developed critical thinking skills crucial for effective cybersecurity decision-making.
The “Wireshark Essential Training” course brought me into the intricate world of network
protocol analysis. Overcoming challenges in deciphering complex traffic patterns and earning the
certificate of completion validated my expertise in using Wireshark, transforming it into a
valuable asset for network troubleshooting, security, and optimization.
In essence, this portfolio encapsulates my readiness for a successful career in Information
Assurance. As I look forward to contributing my expertise to real-world scenarios, fortifying
networks, ensuring cybersecurity, and applying digital forensics methodologies, this collection
stands as a dynamic reflection of my commitment to excellence and continuous professional
growth in the ever-evolving landscape of information security.
Ethical Hacking: Footprinting and
Reconnaissance (2016)
Course completed by
Jul 05, 2023 at 03:34AM UTC • 1 hour 42 minutes
Top skills covered
Ethical Hacking
Head of Content Strategy, Learning
Certificate ID: 942a0d4b870df99c2e0b5d8eb8ca2310022ccbd69a8cf95f86f2e8fc719fadb9
Cybersecurity Careers: Become a
Penetration Tester
Course completed by
Aug 18, 2023 at 02:26PM UTC • 36 minutes
Top skills covered
Penetration Testing
Career Management
Tech Career Skills
Head of Content Strategy, Learning
Certificate ID: 696eca37e3cf80d2e2045f5f9977dd2bc11984ac1a249d364b6763f30b255dae
A Complete Guide to Kali Purple
Course completed by
Dec 28, 2023 at 08:08AM UTC • 4 hours 31 minutes
Top skills covered
Network Defense
Kali Linux
Head of Content Strategy, Learning
Certificate ID: c4ef3e981fa79c04754c0a953cd15e1077fd88e093b6008487618068d11836e7

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