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chapter 9 2nd video – Sp24 EDUC 1210-22 Multicultural Education ( zoom – prejudice explanation – Sp24 EDUC 1210-22 Multicultural Education (

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Multicultural Education – chapter 9 study guide
Define prejudice (p. 280 in your books) The term bias is closely related to the term prejudice. Use this website to help you define the
following terms.
What is bias?
What is explicit bias?
What is implicit bias?
List and define Gordon Allport’s five levels of Prejudice (top of p. 282 in your books)
What is discrimination?
Define scapegoating.
Define white privilege
What is bullying?
How are bullying and discrimination similar?
Describe Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (p.299)
Ethnocentric stages – define each one
Denial –
Defense –
Minimization –
Ethnorelative stages – define each one
Acceptance –
Adaptation –
Integration –
Prejudice development videos
Watch these short videos on prejudice.

Do you think that most people would look at the kids vandalizing the car the same or differently
based on the color of their skin?
How about for the boy sleeping in the car? Do you think that most people would view the
situation differently if it were a black boy as opposed to a white boy?

How do prejudices affect how people react to each person in the bike stealing scenario?
For the white boy?
For the black boy?
For the pretty girl?
Look deep inside yourself.
Which groups do you feel you have prejudice against (a feeling or opinion toward
another person that is not based on experience)? These feelings can be positive
or negative.
For each group, identify any prejudice you may have.
Skin color
Ageism – beliefs about certain age groups
Classism – people in a certain income level, whether rich or poor
Sexism – men or women
Sexual orientation
Those of other religions (be specific)
Physical disabilities (Down Syndrome, hearing impaired, etc)
Mental handicaps
Type up a paper with three parts.
1. For the first part, discuss some of the prejudices you feel you have against
other groups of people that you need to work on. Be specific. You will
not be judged, but please be honest.
2. Identify which stage of Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural
Sensitivity you feel best describes you.
3. Do you feel that you should move to further stages? What do you feel you
can do to continue that process?

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