Please complete this at Masters level


Project includes multiple parts designing the preschool environment based on using the using theEarly Childhood Environment Rating Scale.Please fill out the scale attached with the rating and answer the questions and include the drawings and answer everything completely. I have attached all parts and an example to follow for how I want the final assignment put together to be given to me in the example.

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SPED 543
Detailed Instructions:
Project 1 – Designing Preschool Environment
Overall: Project 1 is worth a total of 40 pts (out of 200 pts for class). It is an exercise in
considering features of a quality preschool environment.
PART 1 (30 points total): Evaluate the classroom environment and identify areas for
improvement using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Revised (ECERSR) (Harms, Clifford & Cryer, 2007). Develop a plan to make desired modification in
classroom arrangement, scheduling, materials and interactions in a way that reflect a
Universal Design for Learning framework. The environment and materials should reflect
the individual needs of children with multiple disabilities, sensory impairments and those
children who are ethnographically and linguistically diverse.
1. Administer the scale and attach a copy of the completed scoring sheet. (6 pts)
2. Describe participants and the setting in which you conducted observations. (2
pt) Include:
a. Number and ages of children with/without disabilities
b. Number of children who are ethnically and/or linguistically non-majority
c. Number of adults in classroom
d. Size of classroom
e. Number and roles of persons you interviewed
3. Calculate and report the mean for each subscale. (2 pt)
4. Describe the strengths of the program for each subscale: (4 pt)
a. Space and Furnishing
b. Personal Care Routines
c. Language-Reasoning
d. Activities
e. Interaction
f. Program Structure
g. Parents
5. Describe the areas that need improvement regarding: (4 pt)
a. Space and Furnishing
b. Personal Care Routines
c. Language-Reasoning
d. Activities
e. Interaction
f. Program Structure
g. Parents
6. Select on area (subscale) that requires immediate improvement. Write your
suggestions about how to improve this area and your rationale (WHY?). Your
suggestions should be sufficient and specific enough so that a third person could
easily implement the suggestions without additional guidelines from you. (6 pts)
7. Draw classroom plans: (6 pts)
a. Draw the classroom plan of the existing setting.
SPED 543
b. Then draw a classroom plan reflecting the revisions based on the ECERSR, and classroom readings, lectures and discussions. Make sure that
your revised classroom design includes multiple activity centers, indoor
and outdoor activity areas, and appropriate bathroom and kitchen
facilities. Be sure to build in features that will optimize opportunities with
sensory disabilities (hearing/vision) and other low incidence disabilities to
be safe and included in all activities.
c. Attach copies of both plans. You may present plans in whatever way you
choose. For example, hand draw on graph paper or use computer plan
drawing program.
d. Write 1-2 paragraphs describing the changes you made to the existing
plan and your rationale (WHY?). Refer to sources from text or class
PART 2: (10 points total) Develop a class schedule:
1. Develop a schedule for a three-hour block of time in the classroom, with a focus
on intensive pre-literacy practices. (6 pts)
2. Make a planning matrix on which you plot 5 children’s IEP objectives across
routines/activities described in your schedule. Include how the child will practice
the skill. (4 pts)
SPED 543

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