
Research Paper and Case Study Analysis – Coaching Competencies and ModelsThis assessment aligns with the competency for this module: Students will develop the key elements of coaching competencies and analyze various research-based coaching models for practical application in an educational setting. Specifically, this assessment has two core ways in which knowledge mastery will be demonstrated: Students will interpret key elements of research-based coaching competencies to evaluate their application in the educational setting. Students will analyze three different assessment models for coaches to determine the best fit for an educational institution to implement. You will show your understanding of the literature and effective coaching competency strategies by developing a paper that demonstrates your ability to research coaching competency and model applications in an educational setting. In addition, you will conduct a case study analysis that evaluates different coaching assessment models and provides a recommendation for the implementation of one of the assessment models. For the first deliverable, you will take your annotated bibliography on applications of coaching competencies and models in an educational context and turn that into a research paper to communicate your understanding of the importance of coaching competencies and models. Then, for your second deliverable, you will take your formative assessment case study analysis and incorporate any edits from feedback that you received from your instructor. As you are writing both papers, make sure you apply an academic tone and APA 7th edition formatting. Items for submission:Research PaperCase Study Analysis

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Research Paper and Case Study Analysis – Coaching
Competencies and Models
This assessment aligns with the competency for this module: Students will develop the
key elements of coaching competencies and analyze various research-based coaching
models for practical application in an educational setting. Specifically, this assessment
has two core ways in which knowledge mastery will be demonstrated:
1. Students will interpret key elements of research-based coaching
competencies to evaluate their application in the educational
2. Students will analyze three different assessment models for
coaches to determine the best fit for an educational institution to
You will show your understanding of the literature and effective coaching competency
strategies by developing a paper that demonstrates your ability to research coaching
competency and model applications in an educational setting. In addition, you will
conduct a case study analysis that evaluates different coaching assessment models and
provides a recommendation for the implementation of one of the assessment models.
For the first deliverable, you will take your annotated bibliography on applications of
coaching competencies and models in an educational context and turn that into a
research paper to communicate your understanding of the importance of coaching
competencies and models. Then, for your second deliverable, you will take your
formative assessment case study analysis and incorporate any edits from feedback that
you received from your instructor. As you are writing both papers, make sure you apply
an academic tone and APA 7th edition formatting.
Items for submission:
1. Research Paper
2. Case Study Analysis
2. References
3. Digirolamo, J. A., & Tkach, J. T. (2019). An exploration of managers and leaders using
coaching skills. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 71(3), 195.
4. Kao, S. F., Tsai, C. Y., & Schinke, R. (2021). Investigation of the interaction between
coach transformational leadership and coaching competency change over time.
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(1), 44-53.
5. Richter, S., Van Zyl, L. E., Roll, L. C., & Stander, M. W. (2021). Positive psychological
coaching tools and techniques: A systematic review and classification. Frontiers in
psychiatry, 12, 667200.
6. Sawatsky, A. P., Huffman, B. M., & Hafferty, F. W. (2020). Coaching versus competency
to facilitate professional identity formation. Academic Medicine, 95(10), 1511-1514.
7. Singh, H. K., Kennedy, G. A., & Stupans, I. (2022). Competencies and training of health
professionals engaged in health coaching: A systematic review. Chronic illness, 18(1), 5885.
8. Van Oosten, E. B., McBride-Walker, S. M., & Taylor, S. N. (2019). Investing in what
matters: The impact of emotional and social competency development and executive
coaching on leader outcomes. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research,
71(4), 249.
9. Van Zyl, L. E., Roll, L. C., Stander, M. W., & Richter, S. (2020). Positive psychological
coaching definitions and models: a systematic literature review. Frontiers in Psychology,
10. Zimmer, W. K., & Matthews, S. D. (2022). A virtual coaching model of professional
development to increase teachers’ digital learning competencies. Teaching and Teacher
Education, 109, 103544.
Competency 1 – Summative
Research Paper and Case Study Analysis – Coaching Competencies and Models
This assessment aligns with the competency for this module: Students will develop the key elements of coaching competencies and
analyze various research-based coaching models for practical application in an educational setting. Specifically, this assessment has
two core ways in which knowledge mastery will be demonstrated:
1. Students will interpret key elements of research-based coaching competencies to evaluate their application in the
educational setting.
2. Students will analyze three different assessment models for coaches to determine the best fit for an educational institution
to implement.
You will show your understanding of the literature and effective coaching competency strategies by developing a paper that
demonstrates your ability to research coaching competency and model applications in an educational setting. In addition, you will
conduct a case study analysis that evaluates different coaching assessment models and provides a recommendation for the
implementation of one of the assessment models.
For the first deliverable, you will take your annotated bibliography on applications of coaching competencies and models in an
educational context and turn that into a research paper to communicate your understanding of the importance of coaching
competencies and models. Then, for your second deliverable, you will take your formative assessment case study analysis and
incorporate any edits from feedback that you received from your instructor. As you are writing both papers, make sure you apply an
academic tone and APA 7th edition formatting.
Items for submission:
1. Research Paper
2. Case Study Analysis
Additional Details
Deliverable 1: Research Paper
You will write a Research Paper in APA 7th edition format that builds off the annotated bibliography that you developed in the
formative assessment leading to this Project. Use these formative assessment sources and insights as a foundation for this research
paper regarding the application of coaching competencies and models in an education context. The paper should be 5-7 pages, not
including the Title and References page, and should use the six sources from the previous Annotated Bibliography and use at least 8
resources within the five-year time frame.
Your Research Paper will include:
1. Introduction of your thesis statement
a. (include comments about both coaching competencies and models)
2. Provide a review of coaching competencies and models
a. (use your researched sources to support your thoughts)
b. (examine at least 3 coaching competencies and 3 models)
3. Explain how these coaching competencies and models have alignment with the education field
4. Summarize thoughts in a Conclusion
5. Use APA 7th edition format
6. Use at least 8 resources within a five-year time frame
Deliverable 2: Case Study Analysis
In this summative assessment, you will develop a Case Study Analysis with the components noted below, and sources within a 5-year
time frame with at least five outside sources, peer-reviewed. This Case Study Analysis must use APA 7th edition formatting and must use a
minimum of five resources.
Your Case Study Analysis will include:
1. Introduction
a. (briefly summarize the case and note your position as the Career Coach)
2. Findings / Challenges
a. (identify 2-5 areas related to the coachee’s expectations and goals, where coaching could be applied)
3. Critical Analysis – Answer the following questions:
a. What other questions would you ask the student?
b. How would you help manage the student’s expectations?
c. How would you address the student’s fears about international work?
d. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching process?
4. Recommendations/Conclusion
a. Which of the assessment models by Smale (1993) could help to best guide this coaching process, as it is set within an
educational environment? Why?
5. Use APA 7th edition formatting
6. Use a minimum of five resources in APA 7th edition format within a 5-year time frame with at least five outside sources, peerreviewed.
Research Paper:
The thesis is well defined The research paper
The thesis is present with The thesis is present but
Introduction of Thesis with detailed research
highlights three coaching a little research and some not supported with
with Research
and information.
competencies and three information.
coaching models.
Connections are made
between coaching
competencies / models
and an educational
Research Paper:
The research paper
The thesis is present with The research paper
The research paper
Critical Analysis
effectively highlights
research and thorough
highlights two coaching highlights one coaching
three or more coaching
competencies and/or two competency and/or one
competencies and three
coaching models. Some coaching model. Vague
or more coaching models.
connections are made
connections are made
Strong connections are
between coaching
between coaching
made between coaching
competencies / models
competencies / models
competencies / models
and an educational
and an educational
and an educational
Research Paper:
A summary is written
A summary is written
A summary is written
A summary is written,
Summarize Paper
and well organized with with good, organized
with good information,
but is hard to
details to support the
information, but could
but has little detail
understand and/or
use more detail.
and/or is vague.
Case Study:
The case study context
The case study context
The case study context
The case study context
Introduction /
is well defined. Coaching is defined. Coaching
is somewhat defined.
is vaguely defined.
needs, based on the
needs, based on the
Coaching needs, based
Coaching needs, based
case study, are very
case study, are
on the case study, are
on the case study, are
effectively explained.
effectively explained.
somewhat explained.
not well explained.
Case Study: Critical
Very thoroughly
Thoroughly examined
Examined the case and
Somewhat examined
examined the case and
the case and provided
provided vague answers the case and provided
provided very
thoughtful answers to
to the noted coaching
some answers to the
thoughtful answers to
the noted coaching
noted coaching
the noted coaching
The thesis is not well
developed or missing.
The research paper does
not highlight any
coaching competencies
or models. No
connections are made
between coaching
competencies / models
and an educational
No summary to the
research paper.
The case study context
is not defined. Coaching
needs, based on the
case study, are not
Did not examine the
case or provide answers
to the noted coaching
Case Study:
Very effective
conclusion and
recommendation of an
assessment model in an
educational context.
Only minimal spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present (1-2 errors).
The overall sentence
structure is well
developed throughout,
and paragraphs are fully
developed with
consistent style and
clear communication.
Effective conclusion and
recommendation of an
assessment model in an
educational context.
The use of sources was
consistent throughout
the document in all
areas to support claims
and/or statements in
the artifact(s).
APA Formatting
Citations, references,
and formatting follow
APA style guide, with
only one or two minor
Writing Mechanics
Somewhat effective
conclusion and
recommendation of an
assessment model in an
educational context.
Minimal spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present, and/or
sentence structure lacks
elements of professional
writing, and/or
paragraphs are not
consistently developed.
(5-7 errors)
Vague conclusion and
recommendation of an
assessment model in an
educational context.
No conclusion and/or
recommendation of an
assessment model in an
educational context.
Multiple spelling
grammar and/or
punctuation errors
present and/or sentence
structure does not meet
professional writing
standards, and/or
paragraphs are
minimally developed.
(More than 7-9 errors)
Significant spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present, and/or
sentence structure does
not meet professional
writing standards,
and/or paragraphs are
poorly developed. (10 or
more errors)
In most areas, sources
were consistently used
throughout the
submission to support
claims and/or
statements in the
Sources were
occasionally used to
support some claims
and/or statements in
the artifact(s), but
statements were not
consistently supported
with sources
Minimal usage of
sources presents in the
artifact(s), and/or the
overall communication
lacked appropriate
research support.
Sources were not used
to support major
statements and/or
claims, where needed in
the artifact(s).
Citations, references,
and formatting follow
APA style guide, with
more than 2 errors, but
they are minor.
APA style is
demonstrated with
some consistency, but
the majority of the
citation, references,
and/or formatting is not
Formatting, citations,
and/or references, are
attempted, but do not
follow APA style
guidelines consistently.
Formatting, citations,
and references are not
included, or do not
follow appropriate APA
style guide.
Minor spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present, and/or
sentence structure lacks
minor elements of
professional writing,
and/or paragraphs are
consistently developed.
(3-4 errors)

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