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Please answer the following questions. Provide in-depth comprehension of the readings, provided examples/explanations and documented responses. Each answer should be at least a paragraph each.1. Many ethical and moral decisions can occur in palliative care. The APN’s knowledge, teaching & counseling can prevent conflict & distress. Many states which have legalized physician-assisted suicide may soon extend this privilege to ANPs. However, this practice is currently against the ANA Code of Ethics. What are the implications for your practice? What might you do if, a patient asked you today in NY State to assist in his/her death?2. Your patient, an 87 year old with cancer is moaning in pain. On a scale of 1-10, he states his pain is 12. He is on a morphine drip. His breathing is shallow and he BP is low. Would you order a bolus of morphine to relieve his pain? How would the principle of “double effect” influence your decision?3. The first step in relieving suffering is assessing a person’s physical & emotional pain. The APN is vital in developing a plan to manage patient’s pain & ensuring patient’s comfort. Provide an example from your nursing practice and outline a plan to manage your patients pain and promote comfort.4. Patient receiving palliative care suffer from many symptoms, other than pain. These symptoms may be due to the disease process, treatments for the disease or from other health problems. Provide examples of suffering other than pain. How would you manage these symptoms?5. Holistic nursing includes the use of complementary therapies. The APN assesses, evaluates & recommends complementary therapies consistent with the patient’s choices. Provide two examples that you might recommend.

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