Plan of Care Grading Rubric
Distribution of Points
Points Earned
Assessment Findings (data):
(Including pertinent negative findings)
●Clustered in order of priority
●Related to nursing diagnosis
●Documented source
25 points
Nursing Diagnosis:
●Prioritizing (using the NANDA format)
●Based on the data collected
●One actual and one family focused selected
8 points
Expected Outcome:
(Attainable through nursing interventions)
●Two short-term outcomes per nursing diagnosis (16 points)
●Must be measurable with a realistic timeframe (4 points)
20 points
Interventions & rationale:
●Three nursing specific interventions for each short-term goal (not to include monitoring a patient)
●Congruent with the nursing diagnosis
●Demonstrate theoretical/scientific principles and integrate research
●Documented with supportive literature
40 points
Evaluation (rationale):
(Outcome criteria met, partially met, or not met)
2 points
●Grammar, spelling and terminology must be correct
●Minimal use of standard abbreviations
●References cited in APA format
5 points
Total Score
100 points