pick a political theorist and write


The theorist profile is your opportunity to examine one of the contemporary political philosophers that we will not be covering in class. Since we only have a limited time, it would be impossible to cover all of the political theorists of the past one hundred and fifty years. Therefore, I have decided to ask you to choose a contemporary political theorist and to write a 7 paper on that particular theorist and the significance of his/her work. The paper should be written in Chicago Style, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman. It will require a bibliography and a cover page (neither of which will count toward the total number of pages). Your paper should have approximately seven or eight sources. I will help those of you who need help in deciding an appropriate political philosopher. For every day the paper is late, a letter grade is deducted. Keep this in mind.

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pick a political theorist and write
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