physiological psychology/neuroscience


For this assignment you are required to select a news article highlighting a recent scientific finding in Physiological Psychology/Neuroscience from the list provided. Your objective is to describe the articles outline and approach to presenting the topic including the main focus and importance of the findings. You need to then read the matching scientific article associated with the news article. Generally, the scientific article should have been referenced in the news story. After carefully reading the scientific article you will write about the details of the scientific article and compare the actual findings from the article to those reviewed in the news source. You will then need to highlight any shortcomings or inaccuracies in the news article, comparing the “facts” in the news article to the “facts” in the original source. This assignment is designed to develop your analytical skills and reinforce the importance of using primary as opposed to secondary sources in science writing I have attached a detailed instruction below.

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Writing Assignment:
For this assignment you are required to select a news article highlighting a recent
scientific finding in Physiological Psychology/Neuroscience from the list provided. Your
objective is to describe the articles outline and approach to presenting the topic
including the main focus and importance of the findings. You need to then read the
matching scientific article associated with the news article. Generally, the scientific
article should have been referenced in the news story. After carefully reading the
scientific article you will write about the details of the scientific article and compare the
actual findings from the article to those reviewed in the news source. You will then need
to highlight any shortcomings or inaccuracies in the news article, comparing the “facts”
in the news article to the “facts” in the original source. This assignment is designed to
develop your analytical skills and reinforce the importance of using primary as opposed
to secondary sources in science writing. You are required to use APA citation and
formatting style. Use the APA style guide for guidance. You will be required to cite at
least the two sources (one news source and one primary source research article). Your
paper should be 4-5 pages, double-spaced.
Key Elements in Your Paper:
1) Open your paper with a paragraph outlining the main focus/objective of the article
and a thesis statement about the goal of your paper (What do you want the reader to
take away from your writing?).
2) Define major concepts so that your reader can understand the context of the
research you are describing.
3) Your paper should include a summary of the news article and relevant scientific
findings. If the author of the news article offers her/his own interpretation or opinion on
the significance of the findings, you should include that view as well.
4) After reading the original primary source research article summarize the findings and
relate them to those described in the news article. Was the news article accurate in
interpreting the results? How much depth in describing the methods and results did the
news article provide (be specific and use examples)? Were there any misinterpretations
of the research by the news author? If there were errors/overgeneralizations or very
accurate interpretations explain those areas where the paper and news articles
diverged from or complemented each other.
5) Finally, make some concluding statements and suggestions about the news article’s
approach. How might the news article author improve the accuracy and/or depth of their
science writing? Offer suggestions on how the news article could be improved and/or
more general recommendations for how news articles could more generally improve the
accuracy of their reporting.
News Article:
King’s College London. (2016). Unhealthy diet during pregnancy could be linked to ADHD.

ScienceDaily. Retrieved from
● Scientific Study:
Rijlaarsdam, J., Cecil, C.A.M., Walton, E., Mesirow, M.S.C., Relton, C.L., Gaunt, T.R.,
McArdle, W. & Barker, E.D. (2016). Prenatal unhealthy diet, insulin-like growth factor 2
gene (IGF2) methylation, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in youth
with early-onset conduct problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.12589
News Article:
University of California – Santa Cruz. (2016). Early exposure to too much manganese causes

attention deficits in rats: Findings in lab study support concerns about adverse effects on
children of exposure to too much manganese early in development. ScienceDaily. Retrieved
Scientific Study:
Smith, D.R., Strawderman, M., Strupp, B.J. & Beaudin, S.A. (2016). Early postnatal manganese

exposure causes lasting impairment of selective and focused attention and arousal regulation
in adult rats. Environmental Health Perspectives. DOI: 10.1289/EHP258
● News Article:
French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). (2020, May 15). The dreaming brain
tunes out the outside world. ScienceDaily.
Scientific Study:
Koroma, M., Lacaux, C., Andrillon, T., Legendre, G., Leger, D. & Kouider, S. (2020). Sleepers

selectively suppress informative inputs during rapid eye movements. Current Biology.
News Article:
George Washington University (2020, May 13). New map reveals distrust in health expertise is

winning hearts and minds online. ScienceDaily.
Scientific Study:
Johnson, N.F., Velasquez, N., Restrepo, N.J., Leahy, R., Gabriel, N., El Oud, S., Zheng, M….et.

al. (2020). The online competition between pro- and anti-vaccination views. Nature.
News Article:
Kings College London (2022, Mar 22). 100g of cranberries a day improves

cardiovascular health. News Wise.
Retrieved from
Scientific Study:
Heiss, C., Istas, G., Feliciano, R.P., Weber, T. Wang, B., Favari, C., Mena, P., Del Rio, D. &

Rodriguez-Mateos (2022). Daily consumption of cranberry improves endothelial function in
healthy adults: A double blind randomized controlled trial. Food and Function. Retrieved
News Article:
Brooks M. (2022, Aug 23). Noninvasive brain stimulation may boost memory for at least four

weeks. Medscape Psychiatry.
Retrieved from
Scientific Study:
Grover, S., Wen, W., Viswanathan, V., Gill, C.T. & Reinhart, R.M.G. (2022). Long lasting,

dissociable improvements in working and long-term memory in older adults with repetitive
neuromodulation. Nature Neuroscience, 25. 1237-1246. Retrieved

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