Physics question need it ASAP


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An object is in equilibrium when it is at rest (v= 0 m/s) and when it moves steadily (speed is constant).
Scalar quantity has only direction.
Lenz’s law states that the magnitude of the e.m.f is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux.
The weight is the quantity of matter.
In a free fall, when air resistance is negligible, the objects fell with a constant acceleration (g-9.8 m/s’).
Momentum is the change of velocity.
Impulse is a change of momentum.
The Boyle’s law states that the pressure and the volume of a gas in an enclosed space are proportional.
The third law of Thermodynamics states that Heat travels from hot body to cold body.
Diode is used to convert increase or decrease the voltage.
Electric motor is used to Convert kinetic energy to potential energy.
Mass is a vector quatity.
The second Law of Newton is called the law of Inertia.
Doppler effect is the change in wave frequency caused by a moving wave source.
The law of acceleration states that every object persists in its states of rest or uniform motion in straight line unless it
is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.
When an elevator accelerates downward, your weight reading on a scale is less.
Torque depends on mass and lever army.
Rotional speed is the number of rotation or revolutions per unit of time.
A submerged object sink when its density is greater than the buoyant force but it floats when its density is less than
the buoyant force.
Coulomb’s law states that the force of attraction/repulsion between two charger is proportional to the distance
between the two charges.
Pressure in liquid depends on density and depth.
Energy should be removed to change from solid to liquid to gas phase and we add energy to change from gas to
liquid to solid phase.
Capacitor is used to store electrical energy.
Electrical resistance is proportional to the wire length.
The First law of Newton is the law of acceleration
Torque is the tendency of a force to cause rotation
The smaller the masses of two bodies, the greater the force of attraction between them
Terminal speed occurs when the air resistance is less than the gravity
The impulse is the change of velocity
An object is in dynamic equilibrium it is at rest (v=0 m/s)?
The mass depends on the gravity?
Entropy is the measure of the amount of disorder in a system
If the resistance increases, the current increases
Radiation is the process of moving energy from one object to another by physically touching
the sound speed depends on the temprature and the medium
Velocity is a vector quatity
Resonance is a phenomenon in which the frequency of forced vibrations on an object matches the object’s natural
Step-up transformer is used to increase the current
the third law of thermodynamic state that it is possible to reach absolute zero
ca++ has 2 less electrons than the atomic number
An object is in static equilibrium when it is just at rest (v=0 m/s)
We remove energy to change from solid to gas phase
Temperature is the avarage potential energy of atoms
Amplitude is the distance between tow crests
The third law of thermodynamic states that it is impossible to reach zero celsius
If resistance increases, the current decreases .
The Boyle’s law states that the pressure and the volume of a gas in an enclosed space are proportional
Energy should be removed to change from solid to liquid to gas phase and we add energy to change from gas to
liquid to solid phase
Electrical resistance is proportional to the wire length
Coulombs law states that the force of attraction /repulsion between tow changes is proportional to the distance
between the changes
A submerged object sink when it’s density is greater than the buoyant force but it floats when its density is less than
the buoyant force
Diode is used to increase or decrease the voltage
Mass is a vector quantity
Doppler effect is the change in wave frequency caused by a moving of wave source
the acceleration is the change of velocity only
The temperature depends on the volume and the speed of atoms
When an elevator accelerate downward, your wight reading on a scale is less
The amplitude of wave id the distance between two crests or two troughs
The ability of a fluid to exert upward force on objects placed in the fluid is known as Archimede’s law
An object is in equilibrium when it is at rest (v=0 m/s) and when it moves steadily
(speed is constant)
The ability of a fluid to exert upward force of an object placed in the fluid is known as : Archimede’s law
The first law of Newton is: None of the above
2A freely fall object has a speed of 2 m/s at one instant , what will it be its speed 2 s later
A 30cm – long spring extends to 35 cm when a 1-kg load is suspended from it , what would be its length if a 3-kg load
were suspended from it? Use hook’s law
A freely fall object has a speed of 3 m/s at one instant? What will it be its speed 1 s later?
Two ball with different masses move with different velocities. The first ball (m1= 3 Kg) moves at 5 m/s to the right and
the second ball (m2= 2 Kg) moves with a speed of 2 m/s. After the collision, the first ball moves to the right at 2 m/s. Use
the law of conservation of momentum to find the velocity of the second ball after the collision? determiner if the collision
is elastic or inelastic
A 5 cm-long spring extends to 10 cm when a 1- kg load is suspended from it. What would be its length if a 3-kg load were
suspended from it?
Two blocks with different masses move with different velocities. The first block (m1= 2 Kg) moves to the left at 4 m/s and
the second block (m2= 3 Kg) moves to the right with a speed of 5 m/s. When they collide, they stick and move together.
Use the law of conservation of momentum to find the velocity of the blocks after the collision? and determine if the
collision is elastic or inelastic
A) calculate before and after collision
B) determine the type of collision
A60 kg person walks from the ground to the roof of a 80 m tall building
How much increase in gravitational potential energy is there? (Take g = 10N/kg).
7- A wave is measured to have a period of 0.01 s. If its wavelength is 14 cm, determine (2 marks):
a) The frequency?
b) How fast it is moving (speed)?
Two blocks with different masses move with different velocities. The first block (m¡= 2 Kg) moves to the left at’4 m/s
and the second block (my= 3 Kg) moves to the right with a speed of 5 m/s. When they collide, they stick and move
together. What is the type of collision? Use the law of conservation of momentum to find the velocity of the blocks
after the collision?
A 1800 kg car moving eastward with a velocity of 10m/s collides with a utility pole and is brought to rest when a force of
36000 N is exerted on the car. Find the time
Suppose a 750-kg roller coaster car that is moving with a speed of 15 m/s. If the roller coaster car is moving with triple
the speed, then what would be its new kinetic energy? (KE=1/2*m*v?).
A red car of 1200kg stopped at a traffic light is struck from the rear by a blue car with a mass of 1000kg. two cars become
etangled. The blue car was moving at a velocity of 20 m/s to the south before the collision.
a) What is the type of the collision ? elastic or inelastic?
b) What Is the velocity of the etangled mass after the collision ?
Suppose a 750 kg roller coaster car the is moving with a speed of 15 m/s.
a) Determine the kinetic energy of the roller coaster car?
b) If the roller coaster car is moving wit triple the speed, then
what would be its new kinetic energy?

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