Philosophy Question


Your term paper should:

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Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.
Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products.
Express your personal opinion regarding the topic’s importance and the validity of the pro and con arguments. Within the personal opinion/conclusion, frame your position with an ethical theory from the six workable theories covered in this course.

Your submission must include:

A title page
The body of the paper, which includes 4–6 content pages, not including title or reference pages
At least three references from textbooks, websites, and articles that provide adequate justification and support your claim
Subheadings (technical aspects, public policy, and personal opinion/conclusion)
Appropriate in-text citations throughout the paper
A reference list with only the sources used in the body of the paper (All sources should be less than five years old unless recent research is not available, and at least one reference must be a peer-reviewed article from a professional journal. Do not use Wikipedia or an encyclopedia as they are not considered reliable academic sources and will not be accepted.)
APA style formatting throughout your paper, using only one of these fonts: 11-point Calibri,11-point Arial,12-point Times New Roman, or 11-point Georgia.
The rough draft outline is attached. It is called week 4 outline. Please the the paper based on the outline.
The outline for this paper is also attached

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Week 4 Term Paper Outline
Your Name Here
Your Instructor’s Name Here
The Date Here
Week 2 Term Paper: Outline
The End of Life
a. In medicine, the end of life is the period before a person dies. Patients who have
terminal diseases might choose to shorten their lives through euthanasia to help
them avoid suffering the pain caused by incurable illnesses.
a. Euthanasia is whereby medical personnel use drugs to end the lives of patients
with long-term illnesses in a dignified way, and it’s done up to the patient’s
i. Patients with long-term illnesses face numerous challenges, such as
immobility, pain caused by the diseases, and emotional suffering. To
shorten this suffering, the patients choose to be euthanized, which allows
them to have a dignified death.
ii. The families of the patients can also request euthanasia on behalf of the
patient, especially if the patient is in a coma.
iii. When the patients have minimal chances of recovering, the healthcare
professionals might suggest euthanasia to the patient’s family members
and get their opinion.
Religious Views on Euthanasia
a. Euthanasia has been receiving disapproval from religious groups such as
Christians, as they believe that life is as sacred as it is God-given.
b. Various states have varying laws about euthanasia, as California has always been
against it, while Oregon allows patients to have euthanasia, which enables them to
have a dignified transition.
i. Christians believe that God, who is the giver of life, should be the one to
take it away.
ii. The lawmakers from the states that support it believe that when a patient
has minimal chances of recovery, euthanasia can be administered to them
as this helps relieve them from pain and the emotional turmoil caused by
the disease (Cruz Esquivel & Irrazábal, 2021).
iii. The religious groups believe that the patients should be offered adequate
care that relieves them of the pain and avoids ending their lives through
Pro Arguments on Euthanasia
a. Despite the religious beliefs that life is sacred, some of the arguments promote
assisted suicide for patients who have incurable terminal diseases.
b. Some terminal diseases like cancer cause patients excruciating pain, and they
usually have minimal chances of recovering from this disease. In such cases,
euthanasia can be administered to allow them to get a dignified transition.
i. Some diseases, such as dementia, cause the patient to have memory loss,
which leads them to suffer humiliation. With dementia, the patients might
forget to carry out tasks such as going to the toilet. In such cases, the
medical care professionals and the patient’s family might agree to offer the
patient a dignified transition to protect them from continued humiliation
from this disease.
ii. According to the utilitarian theory, a patient is allowed to choose whether
they can be euthanized, especially if their life has become unbearable
(McKinnon & Orellana-Barrios, 2019)
iii. The theory also claims that death is a personal matter as it does not harm
other people. Thus, when a person has a terminal illness and they wish to
be relieved from it, they should be allowed to get euthanized (McKinnon
& Orellana-Barrios, 2019).
Con Arguments Against Euthanasia
a. Ethically, it is believed that it is wrong for people to facilitate the taking away of
their lives despite the circumstances.
b. Morally, advocating for taking away another person’s life shows the lack of seeing
their dignity in life. Despite the pain one goes through, it is believed that the pain
the people go through can be minimized through proper health care to reduce the
pain. Therefore, opting for euthanasia should not be considered as an option as
this takes away the dignity of the patient.
i. Life is sacred, and it should not be taken away despite the circumstances.
Instead, medical professionals can make the patient’s life more bearable by
establishing measures to reduce the pain, especially when they have
incurable medical conditions (Andrius Narbekovas & Kazimieras Meilius,
ii. Healthcare professionals, too, should avoid euthanasia since they should
promote the health of their patients rather than advocating for aiding them
with assisted suicide (Andrius Narbekovas & Kazimieras Meilius, 2019).
iii. The families of sick patients should also desist from making these lifeending decisions on behalf of the patients since life is sacred, and
advocating for euthanasia makes them not see the importance of the life of
their loved one.
Opinion and Conclusion about Euthanasia
a. Even though life is sacred, on some occasions, patients can be euthanized to help
them overcome the pain and humiliation that they go through when they have
traumatic and incurable terminal illnesses.
b. According to personal Christian beliefs, life is sacred, and only God can give and
take it away. However, in some instances, it becomes necessary to make these
hard choices, especially on behalf of loved ones. Family members go through
emotional turmoil when one of their loved ones has an incurable disease. And, in
most cases of these terminal diseases, the patients have minimal chances of
recovery. In such cases, the family members should be allowed to weigh the pros
and cons of advocating for euthanasia for their loved ones. After conducting the
research, it shows that in some instances, euthanasia should be undertaken to
provide the patients with a dignified transition.
Andrius Narbekovas, & Kazimieras Meilius. (2019). Why is the ethics of euthanasia
wrong? PubMed.
Cruz Esquivel, J., & Irrazábal, G. (2021). End-of-life decision-making and religious
beliefs. Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética, 21(1), 7798.
McKinnon, B., & Orellana-Barrios, M. (2019). Ethics in physician-assisted dying and
euthanasia. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles, 7(30), 3642.
Week 8 Term Paper Final Draft
Your Name Here
West Coast University
PHIL 434: Medical Ethics and Issues
Your Instructor’s Name Here
The Date Here
Week 4 Term Paper Final Draft
Write your introduction. Tell us what the paper is about. Provide a solid paragraph.
According to APA 7 rules, you do not need a subtitle for the introduction as it’s obvious your
first paragraph is an introduction.
Technical Aspects
This section should cover the technical aspects of your topic. For example, the technical
aspects of abortion would cover what an abortion is and how an abortion is done. Be sure to
include in text citations and sources. This section should be technical and should rely heavily on
Public Policy
This section is more historical in nature. Describes current and proposed changes in
public policy/law. This section also relies heavily on research because it deals with specific laws
and public policy surrounding your topic.
Include a summary of the arguments in favor of and opposed to specific interventions,
techniques, or products and a discussion of underlying ethical principles (you must use one of the
6 accepted ethical theories in this part – Kantian Ethics, Care Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Act
Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism [not just plain utilitarianism – that is wrong] or Social
Contract [one of the 3 versions – Hobbes, Rousseau or Rawls]. Discuss the public policy with
two additional argumentative paragraphs- one discussing the in favor of and one paragraph
discussing the opposing argument.
Pro Arguments
This section includes a summary of the arguments in favor of specific interventions,
techniques, or products involved in our topic and a discussion of underlying ethical principles.
Use the textbook and class material to provide the connection to underlying ethical principles.
Tying these arguments into the ethical perspectives covered in Week 1 of the course is very
Con Arguments
This section includes a summary of the arguments in favor of specific interventions,
techniques, or products involved in our topic and a discussion of underlying ethical principles.
Use the textbook and class material to provide the connection to underlying ethical principles.
Tying these arguments into the ethical perspectives covered in Week 1 of the course is very
This section is where you express your personal opinion regarding the importance of the
topic and the strength of the pro and con arguments. This is where your own thoughts reign
supreme. Where do you stand after conducting research on the topic? Did your opinions change
over the course of the research? While you don’t necessarily need to refer to research here,
supporting your opinion with credible sources (proving you have made an informed opinion) is
best. Remember that your final paper must be 4-6 pages long.
Pence, G. (2021). Medical ethics: Accounts of ground-breaking cases (9th ed.). McGraw Hill
I have provided the proper formatting for the textbook. List at least three solid sources for
your paper. All sources should have been published with the past five years. At least one
reference must be a peer-reviewed article from a professional journal. All sources must be
credible and academic (I am available if you want to ask about any source). Put the references in
APA 7 format.
If you use more than one video from the class, then you must distinguish between in your
paper. Put the sources in alphabetical order (as I have here) and use n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc. in
citations. If you only use one video, only use n.d. (not n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc.).
If Dr. Tosh is not teaching your class, the citations and references for the videos would
use your instructor’s name and not Dr. Tosh’s name.
APA 7 is different from APA 6. Here is a website covering some key differences: With regard to references,
these are the most common mistakes I see:

You made errors in capitalization of titles in your references. In APA, standard
capitalization rules are followed everywhere but in titles of articles in references. In
those, only capitalize the first word of the title, the first word after a colon in the title, and
proper nouns. You also made errors in italicization. Italicize the title of the article (unless
it is followed by journal information — then italicize journal title and volume).

City/state of publisher not listed in references in APA 7.

Replace “Retrieved…from” with website title in APA 7. Website title follows article title.
Do not have both website title and “Retrieved…from.”

When you reference an article from a website and have no author, the reference follows
this order: Article title in italics. (date). Website Title. Website URL. Use the article title
(not the website title) in your citations.
Be sure to delete all this and other informational material included here from the template before
you turn it in. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.

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