PHIL200 Intro To Ethics


please make a 8-10 powerpoint presentation about abortion. Present research on the situation being sure to clearly discuss both sides. Also reinerate theories on my moral compass ( I attached for review). Include a proper references/works cited slide (APA). (Make sure to write in note section). Finally, you will also include my position on the subject which is focused on pro choice, women’s rights, and rape cases etc. please let me know if you have questions. I have attached all documents and instructions needed.

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Moral Compass
PHIL200 Intro to Ethics
My Moral Compass
A moral compass assists in determining what is right and wrong.A moral compass assists
in determining what is right and wrong. A person with this ability is able to make moral
decisions without being influenced by emotions or self-interest (Markkula Center for Applied
Ethics, 2021).. It enhances the general well-being of people and communities by promoting an
atmosphere of honesty, decency, and moral behavior.
To make ethical decisions, I will strive to uphold duty-based norms and consider the
overall moral goodness of an activity. This is consistent with deontological and moral goodness
theories, which strongly focus on putting the needs and welfare of society first and using a dutybased framework to make moral decisions. According to the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
(2021), the theory of common good emphasizes the idea that the correct behavior is the one that
benefits society as a whole rather than the individual. I believe that by incorporating the theory
of the common good, I will achieve freedom, independence, and self-control while working with
other players to achieve the interests of the community at large.
On the other hand, Immanuel Kant’s deontology theory contends that people must act in
accordance with obligation (deon) to act morally uprightly. In essence, the theory suggests that a
person should maintain a specific ethical code without considering the consequences of their
actions (Heinzelmann, 2018). That is, the moral laws guide an individual behavior. For instance,
if stealing is morally wrong, people must refrain from stealing, even if the actions hurt others.
I am more inclined towards balancing my rights and the collective interests of the community,
prioritizing choices for the community’s prosperity, advocating for social justice and equity, and
supporting environmental sustainability. Besides, I will engage more in civic duty, encouraging
diversity, guaranteeing moral business conduct, accepting social responsibility, cultivating
knowledge and consciousness, and placing a high value on teamwork and cooperation. By
focusing on the common good, I believe I will help create a just and peaceful society where
everyone’s well-being is considered and cherished.
Deontology offers detailed, universal moral guidelines and standards that support ethical
decision-making. Typically, it strongly emphasizes moral obligations, good intentions, and the
defense of individual rights (Heinzelmann, 2018). I will focus on upholding personal integrity
amidst ethical challenges with a resounding and consistency-focused approach. This approach
offers a systematic approach to decision-making, which provides a morally sound basis for
professional standards of ethics.
Ethical issue
Discrimination is a global threat affecting a sizeable percentage of people. In United
States, for instance, 57% of black Americans reported discrimination in remuneration and
promotions while 31% of women are discriminated in applying for employment (Roeder, 2018).
Many people view discrimination as an ethical problem. It entails unfair treatment of people
based on age, race, gender, religion and ethnicity which infringes the basic principles of justice,
equality, and human rights.
Identify the ethical issues
Discrimination violates the core values of justice, fairness, and equality. Ethical
frameworks strongly emphasize the value of treating every person fairly and with dignity, as well
as encouraging equitable access to opportunities and resources. Discrimination subverts these
ideals by treating people unfairly based on gender, color, or religion (Hebl et al., 2020).
Additionally, fostering divisions and hostilities among various groups undermines social
Research shows that one in every five people experience discrimination in their lifetime.
Women are more prone to discrimination than men, while people living disabilities are
discriminated more than other groups (Roeder, 2018). The federal law prohibits employment
discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, or religion. Discrimination is prohibited
in terms of hiring, firing, promotions, pay, and other aspects of work. The legislation targets
neutral policies that unfairly impact minorities as well as deliberate discrimination.
Evaluate alternative actions
The theory of the common good underscores the significance of societal harmony and
shared values, endorsing laws that promote inclusivity and social equity. In contrast, deontology
prescribes universal moral principles and guidelines that prohibit discriminatory behavior, giving
prominence to intentions, individual rights, and moral integrity (Heinzelmann, 2018). When
these moral frameworks are integrated, they provide a robust basis for confronting and
eradicating discrimination across diverse social contexts.
Choose an option:
Various methods can be employed to eliminate discrimination. These include fair hiring
practices, policies promoting diversity and inclusion, educational campaigns, efforts to address
biases, establishment of reporting systems, promotion of inclusive leadership, and regular audits
(Hebl et al., 2020). However, I find making sure all anti-discrimination rules and regulations are
followed to the letter which aligns to deontology theory to be more effective in eliminating
Reflect on the outcome:
Ensuring legal compliance is pivotal in eliminating discrimination, providing a structure
that defines explicit expectations and repercussions for discriminatory conduct. Enforceable laws
and regulations act as a deterrent, holding individuals and organizations responsible for
discriminatory actions. Legal measures empower victims to pursue justice and remedies in the
face of discrimination. Through the promotion of equal treatment and protection mandated by the
law, adherence to legal standards cultivates a culture characterized by respect and inclusivity.
Hebl, M., Cheng, S. K., & Ng, L. C. (2020). Modern discrimination in organizations. Annual
Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 7, 257-282.
Heinzelmann, N. (2018). Deontology defended. Synthese, 195(12), 5197-5216.
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. (2021, November 8). A Framework for Ethical Decision
Making. Santa Clara University.
Roeder, A. (2018, May 29). Discrimination in America. Harvard Public Health Magazine.

Discrimination in America

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