phase1 project


Select one registered nurse that you know who is creating nursing history today to be the subject of this course project.This RN must have at least 10 years of RN licensure.The nurse could be a family member, friend, colleague, acquaintance, manager, former instructor, or other nurse who is creating, delivering, or influencing the practice of nursing in your area. Do not select a former or current patient.Remember that all nurses are making nursing history today in their own ways, not just the nurses writing books or leading large health systems in innovative change.Clearly explain to the selected nurse that statements made in the Phase 2 Conversation for this project will be recorded (audio, video, and/or written) and submitted to the instructor for scoring purposes. The interview is not intended for public access. The conversation will be about the Selected Nurse’s:memories of nursing and nursing education;contributions to nursing related to leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice; andpersons or events that have influenced the nurse’s professional practice.Select a date, time, and location to conduct the Conversation with the selected nurse to be scheduled between Saturday of Week 2 or during Week 3.NOTE: Do NOT conduct Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse until you receive feedback (in course Grades area for Phase 1 Selected Nurse Information) from your instructor about approval of the nurse you have selected.View the Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information

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Student Name:
Directions: Answer the following areas and questions below using details to address
criteria/content. Review your rubric to ensure you answer each area.
1. Name, Credentials, Email, and Phone Number of Selected Nurse (25 points)
Email Address:
Phone Number:
2. Years Selected Nurse Has Been an RN and practice areas (15 points)
How many years has your selected nurse been an RN?
What areas of practice has this nurse worked?
3. How long have you known this RN and how did you meet? Include details for
each answer. (25 points)
How long have you known your selected RN?
How did you meet?
Revised 7.2021_ST
4. Why did you select this RN? How do you think this RN is making history?
Include details for each answer. (40 points)
Why did you select this RN?
How do you think your selected RN is making history?
5. Date, time, and location of scheduled conversation (30 points)
Note: Date must be scheduled between Saturday of Week 2 or during Week 3.
Date of scheduled conversation:
Time of scheduled conversation:
Location of scheduled conversation:
6. Submission method planned for Week 3 Phase 2: Conversation with the
Selected Nurse (15 points)
How do you plan to submit your Week 3 Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected
Nurse? Select One: Audio recording, Audio video recording, OR typed on Week 3
Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template
Revised 7.2021_ST

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