Personality Disorders: Normal or Abnormal?


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Personality Disorders: Normal or Abnormal?
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Below are several scenarios in which you are to determine if the behavior identified is normal or abnormal. Read through each of them and respond to each scenario by answering the questions.

Below are several scenarios in which you are to determine if the behavior identified is normal or abnormal. Read through each of them and respond to each scenario by answering the questions.
A woman who is careful to lock her car and house immediately after entering them because she fears intruders.
Would you consider this behavior paranoid? Why or why not?
When would it become paranoid?
A car salesman who lies to people to manipulate them into buying a car and feels no guilt about making an unethical sale.
Would you consider this behavior antisocial? Why or why not?
A woman who does not socialize with other people. She communicates with people at her job, but she has no social contact with others outside of work.
Would you consider this behavior schizoid? Why or why not?
A man who becomes upset when his partner rearranges his shirt drawer, when dinner is not ready on schedule, or has any other life circumstance which interferes with his rigidly planned work schedule.
Would you consider this behavior obsessive-compulsive? Why or why not?
Important Details

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research.

Your initial response should be at least 200-300 words in length and include APA-style referenceLinks to an external site. to the book or other material.