Personal Collage


Introduction Activity
Required Attendance

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Personal Collage
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Completion of this introduction discussion is required in order to verify your attendance in this course.

Learning Outcomes
Introduce yourself to your peers and instructor.
Identify three business sectors of interest. Use Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to identify possible areas.
Look for common ground between students.
First create a collage of pictures that represents yourself. Create one power point slide to do this. You can choose anything, hopefully things that are important to you … your interests, where you live now or in the past, favorite foods, pets, favorite sports teams, favorite websites, your major, etc. similar to the one I developed in my own introduction.
Within the collage insert a text box and write at least three (3) business sectors that you have interest in: say automotive, construction, or retail for example. If you are interested in technology, be specific as to the application you are interested in: such as energy technology, gaming technology, technology and agriculture etc. Upload your ppt slide as Part 1 due by Sunday January 28.
Monday January 29 in class we will team up in small groups of 3. You will use 1 minute to explain your collage to your classmates and they in turn will do the same. Afterwards you all will look for similarities between the collages within your small group. Try to find as many similarities as possible. You will have to be present in class with your collage (on your phone or laptop) to get full credit for this assignment.
See Power Point attachment for Assignment details and website references
Collage Intro Detail Spring 2024.pptx