Performance Management


choose any Saudi Arabian company or international company that perform in Saudi Arabia in which you are familiar (it does not need to be one that you have worked for). Research the specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system, and then address the following questions. This is the professor instruction PLEASE MAKE SURE THERE IS NO PLAGIARISM or COPYING PLEASE DO NOT CHAT GPT OR SIMILAR APPS Students must use APA style guidelines. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook, along with scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. GUIDELINES FILE ATTACHED.POWER POINT SLIDES ATTACHED. THANK YOU

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Performance Management
A central factor that can determine the effectiveness of a performance management system,
of course, is whether an employee’s performance is raised, thereby raising the overall
performance (and profitability) of the organization. This is accomplished by ensuring that the
performance of an employee is directly tied to the organization’s overall strategic
In this critical thinking assignment, choose any Saudi Arabian company or international
company that perform in Saudi Arabia in which you are familiar (it does not need to be one
that you have worked for). Research the specific goals or objectives of the organization over
the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system, and
then address the following questions:

Give a brief review of the organization you have chosen.
State the 2-3 most important goals/objectives for the organization over the next five
As mentioned above, the key to an effective performance management system is to
directly tie organizational goals with an employee’s specific goals. If that employee
accomplishes those goals, then the organization has an opportunity (collectively) to
reach its overall goals/objectives. Given that statement, you must choose any
position you are familiar with in that organization. They develop 3 goals that the
person in that position must accomplish over the next years in order to be successful
in their position and, as a result, that would allow the organization to be successful.
Below is an example:
EXAMPLE: The goal of the Riyad Bank is to increase its profit margins by 5 percent
over the next two years. Therefore, one of the performance goals for the Chief
Financial Officer is to develop a strategy that, when implemented, will reduce
expenses a minimum of 2 percent in each of the subsequent 3 years.
If addressed correctly, students will learn, via the performance management system,
to create performance standards that directly tie employee performance to
organizational performance.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 5 to 6 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference
pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Use APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the
assignment calls for more.
Title of Your Paper
Your name
Department name, Institution name
Course number: Course name
Instructor’s name
Due date
Title of Your Paper
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec risus pretium,
condimentum leo imperdiet, iaculis lacus (Author, 2020). Curabitur volutpat sagittis facilisis.
Aliquam eget magna pharetra, venenatis metus vel, volutpat nunc. In feugiat ligula quis tellus
consectetur malesuada vel et risus. Etiam tempor nisl eu metus facilisis, eget venenatis elit
varius. Maecenas nec justo lobortis nulla convallis dapibus commodo ac velit. Vestibulum
fringilla eleifend ante, ut cursus eros condimentum a. In urna odio, tempus sit amet erat
ullamcorper, iaculis condimentum lectus (Author et al., 2020). Phasellus efficitur mi ligula,
ac pretium nulla maximus et. Duis imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo
ex eget vestibulum. Vivamus finibus in turpis nec congue. Curabitur quis tellus non diam
sodales ultrices eu in magna (Author & Author, 2020).
Mauris facilisis libero eget nibh pulvinar, sed pulvinar est sollicitudin. Nam vel ex
ornare elit blandit iaculis. Sed venenatis magna ut congue fermentum. Pellentesque suscipit
vitae erat in varius. Suspendisse porta aliquet arcu et ornare. Quisque quis tellus dolor. Morbi
mi turpis, dictum sed purus tempor, aliquam consequat ex (Author & Author, 2020).
Vestibulum tincidunt et tortor id accumsan. Cras nec arcu eros. Duis consequat nisl eros.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc ac sapien nisi. Duis imperdiet ultricies lectus, ac ullamcorper
massa vulputate vel. Duis erat massa, finibus condimentum pulvinar id, elementum eu augue.
Mauris lobortis ligula eu sollicitudin eleifend. Integer diam purus, feugiat sed turpis eget,
finibus euismod velit (Author, 2020).
Heading Level 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec risus pretium,
condimentum leo imperdiet, iaculis lacus. Curabitur volutpat sagittis facilisis.
Heading Level 2
Aliquam eget magna pharetra, venenatis metus vel, volutpat nunc. In feugiat ligula
quis tellus consectetur malesuada vel et risus.
Heading Level 3
Etiam tempor nisl eu metus facilisis, eget venenatis elit varius. Maecenas nec justo
lobortis nulla convallis dapibus commodo ac velit.
Heading Level 4. Vestibulum fringilla eleifend ante, ut cursus eros condimentum. In
urna odio, tempus sit amet erat ullamcorper, iaculis condimentum lectus.
Heading Level 5. Phasellus efficitur mi ligula, ac pretium nulla maximus et. Duis
imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo ex eget vestibulum.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of the book. Publisher.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of Journal,
Volume(Issue), Pages.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of the work. Website.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of the article. Newspaper.
Last name, Initial(s). [Channel]. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of the video [Video].
Website. https://URL
Organization. (Year of publication). Word. In Dictionary. Publisher. https://URL
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Part II: System Implementation

Chapter 4: Defining Performance and Choosing a
Measurement Approach
Chapter 5: Measuring Results and Behaviors
Chapter 6: Performance Analytics
Chapter 7: Rolling Out the Performance
Management System
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Chapter 4
Defining Performance
Choosing a Measurement Approach
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Defining Performance

Determinants of Performance

Performance Dimensions

Approaches to Measuring Performance
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Defining Performance(1 of 3)
Performance is:

Behaviors and actions
• What employees do
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Defining Performance(2 of 3)
Performance is:

Results and Products
• The outcome of employee behaviors
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Defining Performance(3 of 3)
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Behaviors Labeled as Performance




Many different kinds of behaviors

Advance or hinder organizational goals
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Behaviors Are NOT Always…
• Observable
• Measurable
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Results or Products May Be Used…

To infer behavior
As proxy for behavioral measure
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Determinants of Performance(1 of 2)

Performance =
Abilities and other traits

Knowledge and skills

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Determinants of Performance(2 of 2)
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Abilities and Other Traits

Cognitive Abilities
Stable Motivational Dispositions
Physical Characteristics and Abilities
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Knowledge and Skills

Job-Related Knowledge
Skills, Attitudes and Malleable Motivational States
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Declarative Knowledge

Information about
• Facts
• Labels
• Principles
• Goals
Understanding of task requirements
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Procedural Knowledge

• What to do
• How to do it
• Cognitive
• Physical
• Perceptual
• Motor
• Interpersonal
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• Expenditure of effort (”state” motivation)
• Level of effort (“state” motivation)
• Persistence of effort (stable trait)
Deliberate practice leads to excellence
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Abilities and Other Traits, and
Knowledge and Skills

Knowledge and skills are more malleable than
abilities and other traits.
Individual differences that are less malleable are
called “traits”
Individual differences that are more malleable are
called “states”
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Deliberate Practice
Approach performance with goal of getting
better and better
Focus on performance
• What is happening?
• Why?
Seek feedback from expert sources
Build mental models of job, situation, and
Repeat first four steps on an ongoing basis
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HR policies and procedures
Managerial and peer leadership

Organizational and national culture

Time and timing of performance

Resources given to employees

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Implications for Addressing Performance

Managers need information to accurately identify
source(s) of performance problems
Performance management systems must…
• Measure performance
• Provide information on source(s) of problems
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Performance Dimensions:
Types of Multidimensional Behaviors

Task performance

Contextual performance
• Pro social behaviors
• Organizational citizenship

Counterproductive performance

Adaptive Performance
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Task Performance
Activities that

Transform raw materials

Help with the transformation process
• Replenishing
• Distributing
• Supporting
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Contextual Performance
Behaviors that

Contribute to the organization’s effectiveness

Provide a good environment in which task
performance can occur
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Company Spotlight(1 of 3)

Goldman Sachs increased accountability in the
company’s performance appraisals
Put a new metric-based system to test
• Linking performance standards, measurement,
and rewards
• Addressing Goldman Sachs’ gender gap
• Put more employee compensation under
employee’s control
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Differences Between
Task and Contextual Performance
Task Performance
Contextual Performance
• Varies across
• Fairly similar
across jobs
• Likely to be
• Not likely to
be role
• Influenced by
• Influenced by
• Abilities
• Personality
• Skills
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Why Include Task and Contextual
Performance Dimensions in PM System?
Global competition
Customer service
Employee perceptions of PM
Supervisor views
Cultural differences
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Voice Behavior

Behavior that emphasizes expression of
constructive challenge with the goal to improve
rather than merely criticize

Challenges the status quo in a positive way

Makes innovative suggestions for change

Recommends modifications to standard
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Counterproductive Performance

Behaviors and results that are voluntary

and violate organizational norms

Threaten well-being of the organization, its
members, or both
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Examples of counterproductive

Exaggerating hours worked

Gossiping about coworkers and one’s supervisor

Cyber loafing

Intentionally working slowly and carelessly

Staying out of sight to avoid work
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Adaptive Performance

Related to an individual’s adaptability to

Be it in the organization and it’s goals,

in the requirements of the job,

or the overall work context
Becoming increasingly important due to rapid
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Examples of adaptive performance

Handling emergencies

Solving problems creatively

Dealing with uncertain and unpredictable work

Demonstrating interpersonal adaptability

Demonstrating cultural adaptability
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Competency Architecture(1 of 3)

Four types of competencies

Core competencies

Job Family Competencies

Technical or Professional Competencies

Leadership Competencies
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Competency Architecture(2 of 3)

Benefit of implementing a competency



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Competency Architecture(3 of 3)

A competency-based job profile can help

The organization by giving employees a clear
learning path
Leaders and HR professionals by providing solid
foundation for an organization’s development
Job seekers by giving them a high-level
overview of the prospective job.
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Approaches to Measuring Performance
Behavior Approach

Emphasizes how employees do the job
Results Approach

Emphasizes what employees produce
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Behavior Approach
Appropriate if…

Link between behaviors and results is not obvious

Outcomes occur in the distant future

Poor results are due to causes beyond the
performer’s control
Not appropriate if…

Above conditions are not present
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Company Spotlight(2 of 3)

Dollar General uses a behavioral approach to
measure performance
Identified behaviors that serve as indicators of
underlying competencies
Behaviors are reviewed and utilized to encourage
certain outcomes and provide
feedback and rewards to staff members
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Results Approach
• Less time
• Lower cost
• Data appear objective
Most appropriate when:
• Workers skilled in necessary behaviors
• Behaviors and results obviously related
• Consistent improvement in results over time
• Many ways to do the job right
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Company Spotlight (3 of 3)

Basecamp divides its employees workload into sixweek work cycles containing 1-2 “big batch
projects” and 4-8 “small batch projects”
Uses a results-approach to performance planning
Company focuses exclusively on getting the
project done within 6 weeks and does not measure
efficiency or compare actual to estimated costs
Team decides how to get the project done
Copyright © 2023 Chicago Business Press
Quick Review

Defining Performance

Determinants of Performance

Performance Dimensions

Approaches to Measuring Performance
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America.
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