Pediatric growth and development presentation


Objectives:Supplement the student’s knowledge concerning the growth and development of children Supplement the student’s knowledge concerning the physical requirements of children in specific age groups Allow the student to research and articulate the behaviors and norms of children in a specific age group Research motor and psychological skills commonly used by the specific age group thus allowing the student to choose toys and create games that would enable the pediatric client to demonstrate the utilization of these skills Apply knowledge to relate teaching according to common children’s theorist stages and phases Provide the student an opportunity to practice teaching skills to peers, using a mixed-media approach Directions: Each student will sign up for a specific age group thus becoming a member of a team Each member of the team will be expected to participate in the project to earn full points (see grading rubric) Each team member will receive the same grade, unless absent If a student is absent on the day of the presentation, they will receive a zero Refer to: Pediatric Project Rubric for grading reference Presentations should be from 10-15 minutes in length Make it memorable so your peers will learn and recall your information. Each team will be responsible for bringing at least 6-8 age-related items (toys, games, snacks, etc.) to class on the designated date Each team will present to the class utilizing lectures, handouts, posters, or demonstrations (ask: Will my peers learn from this?) Psychosocial development: (discuss language, socialization, & stages according to children theorists) Plan two simple activities (games, crafts—please be creative) compatible for the age group Show at least four age-specific toys (must support why these are appropriate for age) Physical development: Discuss average growth and development of specific age group (ht, wt. VS’s. etc) including major developmental tasks (fine and gross motor skills) for the age group (note what would constitute a delay) Provide a nutritional snack appropriate for the age group (hands-on item) Discuss appropriate nutritional requirements (including safety), sleep patterns, and immunizations for age group Note important safety considerations and injury prevention teaching pivotal to that age group Discuss any unique considerations for hospitalization at that age based on knowledge of growth and development

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