Pediatric Disorder Teaching Presentation


Using evidence-based literature, scholarly websites, textbooks, and other resources create a teaching resource (age/developmentally-appropriate) for a child and the diagnosis. Teaching strategies must be developmentally appropriate for the cognitive level of the child. Use your creativity in developing your tool. Be prepared to present your teaching tool as if you were teaching the patient. You may want to ask another student to play the role of your child. Examples: A board game for a school-aged child to illustrate the essential aspects of the information to be taught. Design a developmentally appropriate book A video presentation Your teaching presentation should describe the pathophysiology of the disorder at the appropriate developmental level, treatments/procedures including medications, safety precautions needed, long-term implications if necessary, and modalities to keep the child at optimal functioning/health. The teaching tool should be age/developmentally-appropriate and consider principles of growth and development; including categories gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, language, and psychosocial development. Students may choose from the following disorders (or get approval from faculty for a different disorder). Faculty will assign the age of the child (toddler, preschool, school-age, or adolescence): Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease

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