Explain why it is important to learn about pedagogy in teaching.
Explain if effective practices mentioned in the resources surprise you. Do you agree with the guidance given?
Explain what presentation strategies have worked for you (or not worked for you). Consider both your current program of study and/or broader experience, as an adult learner.
Explain what makes for a good presentation.
Kilburn, M., Radu, M. B., & Henckell, M. (2019). Conceptual and theoretical frameworks for CRT pedagogyIn L. Kyei-Blankson, J. Blankson, & E. Ntuli (Eds.), Care and culturally responsive pedagogy in online settings (pp. 1–21). IGI Global.Care and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Online Settings, by Kyei-Blankson, L.; Blankson, J.; Ntuli, E. Copyright 2019 by IGI Global. Reprinted by permission of IGI Global via the Copyright Clearance Center. Licensed in 2021.
Mynbayeva, A., Sadvakassova, Z., & Akshalova, B. (2017). Pedagogy of the twenty-first century: Innovative teaching methods, In New pedagogical challenges in the 21st century – contributions of research in education.
Santos, J., Figueiredo, A. S., & Vieira, M. (2019).Innovative pedagogical practices in higher education: An integrative literature review, Nurse Education Today, 72, 12–17.
Criteria Ratings Pts
Explain why it is important to learn about pedagogy in teaching.
view longer description
4 to >3.6 pts
Fully explains why it is important to learn about pedagogy in teaching.
3.6 to >3.2 pts
Very Good
Thoroughly explains why it is important to learn about pedagogy in teaching.
3.2 to >2.8 pts
Meets Expectations
Adequately explains why it is important to learn about pedagogy in teaching.
2.8 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Missing, unoriginal, or does not adequately explain why it is important to learn about pedagogy in teaching.
/ 4 pts
Explain if effective practices mentioned in the resources surprise you. Do you agree with the guidance given?
view longer description
4 to >3.6 pts
Fully explains if effective practices mentioned in the resources are surprising and fully explains whether you agree with the guidance given.
3.6 to >3.2 pts
Very Good
Thoroughly explains if effective practices mentioned in the resources are surprising and thoroughly explains whether you agree with the guidance given.
3.2 to >2.8 pts
Meets Expectations
Adequately explains if effective practices mentioned in the resources are surprising and adequately explains whether you agree with the guidance given.
2.8 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Missing, unoriginal, or does not adequately explain if effective practices mentioned in the resources are surprising or does not adequately explain whether you agree with the guidance given.
/ 4 pts
Explain what presentation strategies have worked for you (or not worked for you). Consider both your current program of study and/or broader experience, as an adult learner. Explain what makes for a good presentation.
view longer description
4 to >3.6 pts
Fully explains what presentation strategies have or have not worked, fully considers current program of study and/or broader experiences as an adult learner, and fully explains what makes for a good presentation.
3.6 to >3.2 pts
Very Good
Thoroughly explains what presentation strategies have or have not worked, thoroughly considers current program of study and/or broader experiences as an adult learner, and thoroughly explains what makes for a good presentation.
3.2 to >2.8 pts
Meets Expectations
Adequately explains what presentation strategies have or have not worked, adequately considers current program of study and/or broader experiences as an adult learner, and adequately explains what makes for a good presentation.
2.8 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Missing, unoriginal, or does not adequately explain what presentation strategies have or have not worked, does not consider both your current plan of study or broader experiences as an adult learner, or does not explain what makes a good presentation.
/ 4 pts
Written Communication
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4 to >3.6 pts
Discussion communication is fully developed and demonstrates complete understanding of doctoral writing and APA expectations as well as the rules of proper grammar, mechanics, tone, and vocabulary. It includes no spelling errors, contains cohesive paragraphs with a clear central idea, and identifies proper sources to support the post.
3.6 to >3.2 pts
Very Good
Discussion communication is generally thorough and grammatically and mechanically correct with proper tone and vocabulary and minor or no spelling errors. Post demonstrates proper doctoral and APA writing and contains mostly cohesive paragraphs with a generally clear central idea and identifies proper sources to support the post.
3.2 to >2.8 pts
Meets Expectations
Discussion communication adequately meets expectations for doctoral and APA writing with infrequent and minor errors in grammar, mechanics, tone, and vocabulary. Contains minor to moderate spelling errors. Post contains some cohesive paragraphs with an adequately clear central idea and identifies adequate sources to support the post.
2.8 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Discussion communication does not meet basic expectations for doctoral or APA writing or in grammar, mechanics, tone, or vocabulary, includes several spelling errors, has noncohesive paragraphs with an unclear central idea, or does not identify proper sources to support the post.
/ 4 pts
Peer engagement
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4 to >3.6 pts
Fully engaged discussion, posting responses to peer feedback that are strongly contributing to a meaningful, responsive, substantive, supported, and insightful dialogue that addresses the given prompts.
3.6 to >3.2 pts
Very Good
Generally thorough engagement, posting responses to peer-feedback that are meaningful, responsive, and supported dialogue with minimal concerns that address the given prompts.
3.2 to >2.8 pts
Meets Expectations
Adequately meets expectations for discussion, posting responses to peer-feedback but with infrequent and minor issues that address the given prompts.
2.8 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Does not meet expectations for participation in the discussion, posting no responses to peer-feedback, and not addressing the given prompts.
/ 4 pts