pay structure


use the job evaluation points of 200, 600, 650, and 890 for the Accounting Clerk, Manager in Financial Accounting, Manager in Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting, and Department Head in Financial Accounting jobs, respectively.

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pay structure
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Answer Sheet Format for Assignment #4
(Pay Structure Design) – MGMT 4303
1. Your name
Your answer:
2. Do you confirm that your writing in this submission is original and has not violated any policies
under section ‘4. Instructor Policies’ (i.e., plagiarism, teamwork/cheating, “just” paraphrasing, and the
use of AI-generated content) in our syllabus? (Your submission will not be graded if you do not answer
“yes” to this question.)
Your answer:
3. Step 6: What is the market pay line? Your answer should be a single equation in the format of
Pay = a*JE Points + b
with a and b being actual numbers. (20 points)
Your answer:
4. Step 7: What is your organization’s pay line? Again, your answer should be a single equation in the
format of
Pay = a*JE Points + b
with a and b being actual numbers. Also, justify your decision. (10 points)
Your answer:
5. Step 8: What is the standard pay amount for each job? Fill in the below table. (20 points)
Accounting Clerk
Manager in
Financial Accounting
Manager in Corporate Social
Responsibility Accounting
Department Head in
Financial Accounting
Standard Pay Amount
How the amount was calculated
Answer Sheet Format for Assignment #4
(Pay Structure Design) – MGMT 4303
6. Step 9: What is the pay range for each job? Fill in the below table and justify your choice. (10
Accounting Clerk
Manager in
Financial Accounting
Manager in Corporate Social
Responsibility Accounting
Department Head in
Financial Accounting
Pay Range
How the range was calculated
Justification of the ranges that you have chosen:
7. Bonus Step: Do you agree or disagree with Julia’s claim? Why or why not? Your answer must be
based on the pay structure that you have created in this assignment. (5 points)
Your answer:
JE points
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Accounting Clerk job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Manager in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
JE point for the Department Head in Financial Accounting job
* Cells with JE points (A2 to A59) need to be replaced with corresp
For example, if your job evaluation results were 305 JE points for t
and 980 JE points for the Department Head in Financial Accountin
and A40 to A59 with 980.
need to be replaced with corresponding JE points that you have come up with in Assignment 2 (Job Evaluation).
on results were 305 JE points for the Accounting Clerk job, 555 JE points for the Manager in Financial Accounting job,
ment Head in Financial Accounting job, cells from A2 to A19 should be replaced with 305, A20 to A39 with 555,
ccounting job,
Assignment 4 – Overall Instruction
Assignment 4: Pay Structure Design (60 points)
Due: by 11:59 pm, Sunday, March 10th, 2024
* No assignments will be accepted late without written documentation of an unavoidable or
unforeseeable event.
Why this assignment?
This assignment is intended to achieve the goal of our Module 7 learning objective, “Construct a jobbased pay structure using the point system.” This assignment supports Course Objectives 1 and 2.
In this assignment, you will be designing a job-based pay structure using the point system. To do this,
you’ll first need to watch the video Designing a pay structure in Module 7. This video will be the only
example given out for this assignment. All the information you need to do this assignment is in this video.
And all the information that you need to plot the data and conduct a simple linear regression analysis is
in the video Simple linear regression refresher in Module 6. You have also done Assignment 3: Simple
Linear Regression Refresher for this.
To do this assignment, you’ll need to use the job evaluation results from Assignment 2: Job Evaluation.
Based on the job evaluation points that you have decided on for the four jobs (Accounting Clerk,
Manager in Financial Accounting, Manager in Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting, and
Department Head in Financial Accounting), complete the following five steps. Do NOT change the job
evaluation points. Use ONLY the job evaluation points that you have come up with in Assignment #2. If
you change the job evaluation points on your own, the assignment will be sent back for a re-do with
the job evaluation points you originally came up with. Since this process is being continued based on
the results in Assignment 2, I’ll denote the first step here as Step 6. The last step in Assignment 2 was
Step 5.
If you did not have the job evaluation points decided in Assignment 2, please check the instructor’s
comment for your Assignment 2. There, the instructor has assigned the job evaluation points that you
should be using for this assignment. Again, do NOT change the job evaluation points. If you are using
job evaluation points that are different from what the instructor has assigned, the assignment will be
sent back for a re-do with the job evaluation points that the instructor has originally assigned. If you
do not see the job evaluation points in the comment for Assignment 2, contact the instructor.
Step 6 (Steps A, B, and C in the video). Construct a market pay line. Three jobs, Accounting
Clerk, Manager in Financial Accounting, and Department Head in Financial Accounting, are
benchmark jobs. Pay survey data for these three jobs is shown in Appendix 1. Use the Excel
software to compute the simple linear regression equation. If you have forgotten how to do this,
re-visit the video Simple linear regression refresher in Module 6 or Assignment 3 (Simple linear
regression refresher). Please see the attached Excel file for how the data should be arranged to
run the simple linear regression equation. For this question, all you need to do is to compute
the simple linear regression equation for the market pay line. You do not need to visually draw
the line. (20 points)
Assignment 4 – Overall Instruction
Step 7 (Step D in the video). Construct your organization’s pay line considering your external
competitiveness. (For example, you can decide to pay 10% above the market pay level and
construct your pay line accordingly.) Again, all you need to do is to compute (or calculate) the
simple linear regression equation for your organization’s pay line. You do not need to visually
draw the line. Justify your decision in constructing your organization’s pay line. (10 points)
Step 8 (Step E in the video). Based on your organization’s pay line, calculate the standard pay
amounts for the four jobs (don’t forget the Manager in Corporate Social Responsibility
Accounting job) in this finance job family. Show the calculation process. (20 points)
Step 9 (Step F in the video). Construct a pay range for each of these jobs. Justify your decision.
(10 points)
Bonus Step. Julia’s job is the Manager in Financial Accounting. Julia’s yearly salary amount is X.
Sam’s job is the Manager in Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting. Sam’s yearly salary
amount is Y (X < Y). Julia has filed a discrimination lawsuit against your organization. Julia claims that she is paid less than Sam, although she does better work than Sam. Julia claims that this is evidence of gender discrimination within the organization. Based on your organization’s pay structure (based on the pay structure that you have created through Steps 6 to 9), do you agree or disagree with Julia’s claim? Why or why not? You also can neither agree nor disagree with Julia’s claim and say that further investigation is needed. But, in this case, you’ll have to clearly explain why, based on the pay structure that you have created (and NOT based on your thoughts or what was discussed in the video in Module 7), a further investigation is needed. (5 bonus points) Important Notes 1. In writing your answers, NEVER copy and paste any part of the textbook or any other sources. Write the answers in your own words. If more than seven consecutive words are identical to a writing from another source (including the textbook, your past works, and any other sources), it will be considered plagiarism, and you will receive a failing grade of “F” in this course. You will also be referred to Students Affairs. 2. In submitting your answers, please use the answer sheet format (word file) that is provided with this instruction file. If the provided format is not utilized, the assignment will be sent back. You’ll also need to answer “yes” to the question confirming the originality of your submission for your assignment to be graded. 3. See Appendix 2 for the grading rubric. 2 Assignment 4 – Appendix 1 Appendix 1. Pay Survey Data Average Yearly Salary Amount (in USD) Organization Manager in Financial Accounting Accounting Clerk Department Head in Financial Accounting A 53,200 89,000 128,360 B 59,240 89,230 135,000 C N/A 79,270 153,200 D 62,000 92,300 162,000 E 43,000 73,500 99,000 F 48,700 82,000 119,000 G 52,800 90,000 143,000 H 51,100 N/A 130,800 I 60,100 100,200 183,000 J 42,300 87,200 157,800 K N/A 78,900 137,200 L 47,200 83,300 134,200 M 61,800 93,000 125,200 N 43,500 68,900 94,300 O 65,400 95,800 N/A P 64,200 93,200 169,000 Q 57,600 87,300 144,300 R N/A 88,600 138,000 S 48,800 79,600 110,000 T 67,000 110,200 178,000 U 52,400 98,000 156,000 * N/A: Data not available. 3 Assignment 4 – Appendix 2 Appendix 2. Grading Rubric Question Step 6 (20 points) Step 7 (10 points) Step 8 (20 points) Step 9 (10 points) Bonus Step* (5 bonus points) Grading Standard Point(s) The market pay line is constructed with no errors. The market pay line is constructed, BUT some errors can be found in the process. The market pay line is NOT constructed. The organization’s pay line is constructed without errors, AND the decision is well justified. EITHER the organization’s pay line is constructed with some errors, OR the decision is not well justified. The organization’s pay line is NOT constructed. The standard pay amounts for the four jobs are calculated without errors, AND the calculation processes are outlined. EITHER the standard pay amounts for the four jobs were calculated with some errors, OR the calculation processes were not outlined. The standard pay amounts for the four jobs are NOT calculated. Pay ranges are constructed without errors, AND the decisions are well justified. EITHER pay ranges are constructed with some errors, OR the decisions are not well justified. Pay ranges are NOT constructed. An argument is made, AND it is well justified based on the pay structure that has been created. An argument is made, BUT it is not well justified based on the pay structure that has been created. Or no argument has been made. 20 10 0 10 5 0 20 10 0 10 5 0 5 0 * For the bonus step, no partial points will be given if the argument is not well justified based on the pay structure that has been created. 4 Purchase answer to see full attachment