Pathogen Report


Pathogen Report

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Pathogen Report
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Your pathogen paper is due here by 11:59 PM on Monday, Nov. 13 (but feel free to upload it as early as you’d like!). Make sure you consult the “Pathogen Paper Instructions and Rubric” when preparing your term paper. This paper should be completed individually and will be run through the Blackboard SafeAssign software to ensure that it is unique (NOT matching another paper from this current class or from previous semesters).

Useful Links

Here are some useful places to get started in your pathogen research:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.) =>
World Health Organization (W.H.O.) =>
National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) =>
National Center for Biotechnology Information (N.C.B.I.) =>
Google Scholar (advanced search) =>

Attached below is the Pathogen Report Guidelines & Rubric.

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Report Due Date: Friday, November 17th, 2023
Pathogen Report Guidelines
BIO-210, Microbiology, Fall 2023
For this assignment, you will research and write a paper on a pathogen causing a current global public
health threat. For the topic of your paper, you may choose any microbially-caused disease. Some
examples include:
• The SARS-CoV-2 virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic
• Human influenza A and B viruses causing the seasonal flu
• Bacterial meningitis (several different organisms can cause this – pick one of them!)
• Whooping cough
• Histoplasmosis
This term paper should reflect scholarly research on the topic and should include the following topics as
separate sections, with section headings:
a) Title: The full name of the microorganism and the disease it causes should be included.
b) History: When was the virus first discovered, where, and by whom (or what body of people)?
When/how did scientists discover that it caused a disease in humans? Include any other interesting history
about it here.
c) Microorganism: Viral characteristics (viral structure, genetics, virulence factors,
reproduction/lifecycle, how the virus survives etc.). Include a picture of the virus to refer to (making sure
to reference where you got the image).
d) Disease: how it is transmitted (epidemiology), symptoms, how the disease progresses, disease
complications, etc.
e) Treatment/Prevention: What are the current treatments? Vaccines? How can we prevent it?
f) New research/developments: Highlight 2 interesting recent new findings about this disease:
Resistance? New variants? Experimental treatments? Anything unique or particularly
g) References: Where did you get your information? (NOT Wikipedia!) Your textbook and the links we
included on Blackboard are great places to start. You should have at least six references (you can choose
the format you prefer, but please be consistent).
Your final paper should be between 6-10 pages in length (not including references), double-spaced,
twelve point font, with one-inch margins. This assignment is individual and should be your own, original
Please include the Honor Code at the beginning of your paper. This report is worth 10% of your final
grade and will be graded according to the rubric below.
Grading Rubric:
Worth: Earned:
Title (with full organism and disease names)
History of Organism
Microorganism Characteristics (w/image)
Disease Characteristics
New research/Developments (at least two)
References (at least six, with in-text citations)
Length, Format, Grammar, Scientific Vocabulary

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