Participation 3


reply to peer post below. Personal philosophies of teaching and learning should be adaptable. As people are always changing, we need to be open and flexible to change and encourage our students to do the same. While educational theories and strategies tend to sway as the educational pendulum shifts from one side to another, our teaching philosophies need to adjust to match that. With that being said, the global educational environment should always be attached to our way of teaching and learning. The world is so vast, and we need to encourage our students to see that one opinion should not be what they base their beliefs and values off of. As Bruhn (2017) explained, students need to be prepared as they could be collaborating with others from around the world in the future. We, as educators, need to be innovative and create these opportunities for our students to have these experiences to build these skills. My final paper or dissertation aligns with my personal teaching philosophy of teachers, needing to adapt and be innovative, as technology has become such a large part of our culture and globally part of the educational environment. They say one should never stop learning which one needs to be open to change, education is just that we are the ones that encourage the change and encourage our students to view things differently. As my final paper isn’t necessarily a full dissertation, I do not know the extent of what I will be doing. I do know that this topic is important to me and I am trying to encourage others within my district to also take a step back and really look at what our students need in order to be global learners.Bruhn, E. (2017). Towards A Framework For Virtual Internationalization. International Journal of E-Learning

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