Participation 1


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Participation 1
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Sustaining effective instructional delivery in a global educational environment could be affected by many different barriers. Many times, some of those things can include the fear of failure, how much others influence us, and learning goals being unclear. When learning goals are unclear this can create mass confusion. Setting specific training goals is always a good idea to keep your learners motivated and help them understand why learning is important. Inspiring learners using multiple creative approaches is always a great idea. When there is a clear understanding of what is needed the learners will be more invested (Sierpina VS. et, al. 2002). The fear of failure many times can consume us. We often need failure to be able to learn from our mistakes. Open learning cultures are important to the organization’s structure. This encourages employees who are afraid of failing while assuring them that making mistakes is ok (Sierpina VS. et, al. 2002). We never really know how much others can influence us. When students or staff are under pressure or influence this can create mistakes. When placing pressure to meet objectives without determining whether they are realistic for your students or staff, chaos can occur. Ensuring everyone is comfortable with the objectives that have been set for them, creates a balance (Sierpina VS. et, al. 2002).


Sierpina VS, Schneeweiss R, Frenkel MA, Bulik R, Maypole J. Barriers, strategies, and lessons learned from complementary and alternative medicine curricular initiatives. Acad Med. 2007;82:946 -950.http://journals. 10000/Barriers,_Strategies,_and_Lessons_ Learned_from.7.aspx.