Overview of genetic terms


Overview of Genetics Terms

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Overview of genetic terms
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As an introduction to genetics/genomics, write the definitions of the following terms and answer the questions. Submit a copy of your work in the Assignments folder. Please provide at least one reference at the end of the document to show where you found the information for the material. You do not have to reference each term or answer you provide. You should provide at least one overall reference for the assignment citing where you found the information. For example, reference your text or reliable websites such as Genetics Home Reference http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/

(Note: Genetics Home Reference has merged with MedlinePlus. Genetics Home Reference content now can be found in the “Genetics” section of MedlinePlus.)

Define the following terms and answer the questions:

Allele –

Chromosome –


Sex chromosome

Gene and Genome (Define the terms and explain the difference)



Dominant allele (Autosomal dominant and Sex-linked dominant)

Recessive allele (Autosomal recessive and Sex-linked recessive)

*For dominant and recessive: How many copies does it take of each allele to affect the phenotype?

What is meant by the term “obligate carrier”?




Multifactorial traits (or complex traits)

Single gene disorders (Mendelian Traits)

Wild type allele

Mitosis and Meiosis – (Define haploid and diploid and describe which term results in the different outcomes of cell division)


Punnett square

Genetic determinism

Gene pool




Exon and Exome – Define the terms and explain the difference